Rupert and Renfrew Station Area Plan

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An illustration of a city neighbourhood showing residents outdoors, a bus and an elevated train in the background.

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With your help, we’re reimagining the area around the Rupert and Renfrew SkyTrain stations as we plan for future growth and look for opportunities to:

  • advance reconciliation
  • add more housing choices
  • enhance Still Creek
  • support job growth
  • make it easier to walk, cycle, or roll through the area.

February 2025 – Updates to the Draft Plan and Next Steps

The opportunity to provide feedback on the Updated Draft Plan Plan has now concluded. For reference, please see the engagement boards, which were shared over the February engagement period.

Our staff would like to thank everyone who has been part of the Rupert and Renfrew planning process to date. Your feedback will be used to refine the Final Plan before it is presented to City Council for debate and decision. The Council date is anticipated to take place this Summer 2025.

Please continue to visit the project's website for updates, as well as sign-up to for our email notification list. If you have any questions or thoughts about the planning process, you are welcome to email the project team at:

繁體中文 | 简体中文 | Tiếng Việt | Tagalog

With your help, we’re reimagining the area around the Rupert and Renfrew SkyTrain stations as we plan for future growth and look for opportunities to:

  • advance reconciliation
  • add more housing choices
  • enhance Still Creek
  • support job growth
  • make it easier to walk, cycle, or roll through the area.

February 2025 – Updates to the Draft Plan and Next Steps

The opportunity to provide feedback on the Updated Draft Plan Plan has now concluded. For reference, please see the engagement boards, which were shared over the February engagement period.

Our staff would like to thank everyone who has been part of the Rupert and Renfrew planning process to date. Your feedback will be used to refine the Final Plan before it is presented to City Council for debate and decision. The Council date is anticipated to take place this Summer 2025.

Please continue to visit the project's website for updates, as well as sign-up to for our email notification list. If you have any questions or thoughts about the planning process, you are welcome to email the project team at:

  • May 2022 - Get involved in the Rupert and Renfrew Station Area Plan

    Share May 2022 - Get involved in the Rupert and Renfrew Station Area Plan on Facebook Share May 2022 - Get involved in the Rupert and Renfrew Station Area Plan on Twitter Share May 2022 - Get involved in the Rupert and Renfrew Station Area Plan on Linkedin Email May 2022 - Get involved in the Rupert and Renfrew Station Area Plan link

    The survey and mapping tool are now closed.

    We are just getting started and would like to learn more about you and your experiences in your neighbourhood. We have a few ways to get involved:

    • Use our online mapping tool to identify important places and areas that need improvement
    • Attend an online mapping workshop on May 19 or 28. Register here.
    • Fill out an online survey
    • Attend an in-person open house on:
      • Wednesday, May 18 at the Renfrew Community Centre from 4:30-7:30 pm
      • Tuesday, May 24 at the Thunderbird Community Centre from 5:00-8:00 pm

    The survey and online mapping tool were available until June 24.

    In late May and early June, we will be setting up additional meetings to provide focused opportunities for input from equity-denied communities. If you identify as a member of an equity-denied community or organization and wish to be involved in the area plan please contact us.

    Print copies of the mapping and survey questions are available on request. You can email us to request a printed copy.

  • Still Creek Update

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    supporting image

    Calling all nature lovers! Did you know that Still Creek is one of Vancouver’s few remaining open creeks? This creek does double duty in the watershed collecting rainfall from your neighborhood, managing flood risk, and providing habitat to birds, amphibians, fish, and other wildlife.

    Since 2002, The Still Creek Rehabilitation and Enhancement Study has been guiding projects within the Still Creek watershed. This 2002 study has become out-of-date and we are working on updating it. The new study will identify opportunities in the area using the best available science and management practices. Some study outcomes we are expecting include an updated creek daylighting plan and a list of projects in the Still Creek watershed that will help enhance and protect the creek.

    Once we have completed the study, we will provide an opportunity for community input. Stay tuned for more information. In the meantime, if you would like to get involved in a community group taking care of the Creek check out Still Moon Arts Society.

  • Neighbourhood Mapping Instructions

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    The following instructions are a guide to help you map the things you love or things you feel need improvement or are missing in your neighbourhood. Steps 1 through 5 help participants sign into Shape Your City, open and navigate the map. If you feel very familiar with the Shape Your City website and the mapping tool, you may wish to proceed to step 6 of the instructions to guide you through the addition of pins.

    We recommend that you use Google Chrome or Mozzilla Firefox to do the mapping. These browsers better support the mapping tool. We also recommend that you use a laptop or desktop for greater visibility and functionality if available.

    Steps to Successful Mapping:

    1. Sign in or Register to Shape Your City
      To participate in the Rupert Renfrew Neighbourhood Mapping activity you will need to Sign in to the Shape Your City website or Register if you have not done so already.

      Click on the Sign in / Register button on the upper right corner of the page next to the search bar. You can find detailed instructions on how to register.

    2. Accessing the Map

      Scroll down the Rupert Renfrew Station Area Plan Shape Your City website and click on the Map tab next to the Updates dialog box. Here you will find a description of the activity and a preview of the map.

      Click on the Go to Map button at the end of the description box to launch the map. The map will open in a new window on your screen.

    3. Navigating the Map

      The map will show the Rupert and Renfrew study area in blue as well as streets, parks, Still Creek and some additional destinations. If you are familiar with Google maps you may know how to navigate your way around already.

      To move around the map all you need to do is bring your cursor over the map image. Once the cursor icon shows a hand you may click down on your mouse. While maintaining the click down simply move your cursor left/right or up/down and the map will move along in the same direction.

      To zoom in and out of the map you have the following options:

      • At the bottom right corner of the screen you can click the + sign to zoom in and the sign to zoom out; or
      • You can use the wheel on your mouse by rolling it forward to zoom in or backwards to zoom out.
      • If you are using a tablet or a smart phone, you can zoom in an out by pressing down on the screen with two fingers and moving them apart or together.

      • To find a location on the map you can click on the magnifying glass icon at the upper right corner of the map image. Once you click on the icon a search bar will open. You can find a location in two ways:

        • Type in an address; or
        • Type in the name of the location you which to find.

      • A list of locations will show on the screen based on your search. Click on the one you are looking for and the map will zoom in directly over it. Hint: ensure your selection is in Vancouver, some locations may have results in other cities.

    4. Accessing the Information Panel

      The information panel is located on the left side of the screen. This will show up when you open the map. It provides instructions for the activity as well as descriptions of the things you will be asked to map in the neighbourhood.

      • To access or hide the information panel simply click on the icon to the left of the screen.
      • To scroll and reveal more content in the information panel simply click on the up and down arrows or use the slide bar.

    5. Accessing the Pin Panel

      The pin panel is located on the left side of the screen below the information panel. This panel contains all of the pins you will be using to identify things in the neighbourhood.

      To access or hide the pin panel simply click on the + icon to the left of the screen.
      To scroll and reveal more pins simply click on the up and down arrows or use the slide bar.

    6. Adding Pins

      Each pin has been coloured and labeled differently to help you. If you are unclear on what things to identify for a particular pin remember that the information panel in the map also contains short descriptions or examples to guide you. Refer to step 4 of this instructions to access the information panel.

    Pin Descriptions
    Neighbourhood heart What do you feel is the ‘heart’ of your neighbourhood?
    Groceries Where do you typically get your groceries from?
    Restaurants, cafes, other food services Where are your favorite places to eat out, order take out, or get a drink?
    Other shops/stores What other stores and businesses do you visit on a regular basis?
    Parks, plazas, open spaces Are there outdoor spaces that you visit regularly?
    Arts and cultural spaces Are there significant arts and culture places that you visit regularly? These could be businesses, outdoor spaces, or other places
    Community services Are there important social or family services you depend on? such as childcare, community centres, wellnes centres, neighbourhood houses or other non-profit services?
    Walk / rolling / cycling Are there issues or opportunities you want us to know about while walking, rolling or cycling?
    Transit Are there issues or opportunities you want us to know about while accessing / taking transit?
    Driving / parking Are there issues or opportunities you want us to know about while driving or accessing parking?
    Unique / special What makes the neighbourhood special or unique?
    What's missing? Is there anything missing form the neighbourhood?
    Something you would love to have, but can’t access?

    For each pin you may identify places or experiences you enjoy in your neighbourhood, as well as things that are missing or could be improved. You can add as many pins as you want for each pin colour. For example, you may decide that your neighbourhood has two hearts and not just one!

    The Rupert and Renfrew study area (shown in blue) is the focus of the planning process. However, if you visit locations outside of the study area boundary more regularly feel free to identify them.

    To add a pin do the following:

    1. Zoom into the location you wish to identify on the map or find the location through the magnifying glass icon (Step 3).
    2. Access the pin panel and select the appropriate coloured pin.
    3. Click on the pin and while maintaining the click down drag and drop the pin over the location you wish to identify. Release the mouse.
    4. After the pin has been placed on the map a comment box will open to the left of the screen. Please type the name of the place or provide a description of the experience you have chosen for this pin. Tell us what you love about it or what is missing or needs improvement.
    5. To finalize your pin press submit. Only pins that have been submitted will be visible to us, so please ensure to do this step for each pin.

    7. Editing a Pin

    Once a pin has been submitted it can only be deleted from the map by a staff member. However, you can edit the location or the description of the pin if you realize you’ve made a mistake.

    1. Click on the pin you wish to edit and an information box will open with your user name and the description you provided for the pin.
    2. Click on the icon to the right of your user name and a menu will open.
    3. Select the Edit option from the menu and a message will come up asking you to edit the pin.
    4. You can relocate the pin and/or change the description.
    5. Press submit when finished to save your changes.

    8. Finalizing Your Map

    Good news, you are done! If you pressed submit after each time you placed a pin, they have alredy been saved.

    9. Have More Questions?

    If you have more questions please contact us at We will be offering facilitated online mapping workshops as well as in person mapping opportunities through open houses. Please refer to the Shape Your City website for updates on those events.

  • How to Register to Shape Your City

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    To participate in our online events, you will need to register on Shape your City.

    Steps to Registering to Shape Your City:

    1. Filling in the Registration Form

      Click on the Register button on the upper right corner of the page next to the search bar to access the registration form.
      Registration requires you to create a username, email, and password, and to provide some basic information about yourself: your age and postal code.

      For your username, we recommend choosing an anonymous username as this is how others will see you when you post on the site. This is also how you will be addressed in any future communications from us.

      When you have filled in the form, please click the Register button at the bottom of the form to submit.

    2. Checking the Confirmation E-mail and Verification Code

      After you fill out the registration form and click Register, a confirmation email will be sent to you with a 4-digit verification code. The Shape Your City website will ask you to introduce the verification code.

      You should receive the confirmation email in a few minutes. If you cannot find the email, please check your spam/junk folder.

      To complete registration, you will need to open your email to get the verification code and input it in the Shape Your City registration page.

      When you are done registering, you can go back to the mapping instructions.
  • We will be at the Funraiser at Falaise on Friday, May 13

    Share We will be at the Funraiser at Falaise on Friday, May 13 on Facebook Share We will be at the Funraiser at Falaise on Friday, May 13 on Twitter Share We will be at the Funraiser at Falaise on Friday, May 13 on Linkedin Email We will be at the Funraiser at Falaise on Friday, May 13 link
    supporting image

    "Have fun with a purpose! Still Moon Arts Society is connecting art, community and environment in unique and novel ways. You can expect an eco-arts, country-chic and lantern-illuminated event with mountain views! Learn more about FunRaiser at Falaise and secure your spot on the event page visit"

    Still Moon Arts Society is hosting an event on Friday, May 13. The hosts are kindly allowing us to set up a small table and booth at their event to provide participants with an opportunity for input on the Rupert and Renfrew Station Area Plan. We hope to see you there.

  • City Council approves interim policies to manage land speculation

    Share City Council approves interim policies to manage land speculation on Facebook Share City Council approves interim policies to manage land speculation on Twitter Share City Council approves interim policies to manage land speculation on Linkedin Email City Council approves interim policies to manage land speculation link

    City Council has approved policies that will help to limit speculation and redevelopment while the Rupert and Renfrew Station Area Plan is underway.

    You can read more about the policies in the report to Council.

  • 2022 年 5 月-參與 Rupert 和 Renfrew 天車站區域規劃 (Traditional Chinese)

    Share 2022 年 5 月-參與 Rupert 和 Renfrew 天車站區域規劃 (Traditional Chinese) on Facebook Share 2022 年 5 月-參與 Rupert 和 Renfrew 天車站區域規劃 (Traditional Chinese) on Twitter Share 2022 年 5 月-參與 Rupert 和 Renfrew 天車站區域規劃 (Traditional Chinese) on Linkedin Email 2022 年 5 月-參與 Rupert 和 Renfrew 天車站區域規劃 (Traditional Chinese) link

    我們正制訂計劃,以指導 Rupert 和 Renfrew 天車站附近的發展和轉變。




  • 2022 年 5 月——参与 Rupert和 Renfrew 天车站区域计划 (Simplified Chinese)

    Share 2022 年 5 月——参与 Rupert和 Renfrew 天车站区域计划 (Simplified Chinese) on Facebook Share 2022 年 5 月——参与 Rupert和 Renfrew 天车站区域计划 (Simplified Chinese) on Twitter Share 2022 年 5 月——参与 Rupert和 Renfrew 天车站区域计划 (Simplified Chinese) on Linkedin Email 2022 年 5 月——参与 Rupert和 Renfrew 天车站区域计划 (Simplified Chinese) link

    我们正在制定一项计划,以指导 Rupert 和 Renfrew 天车站附近区域的发展和转变。


  • Tháng 5 năm 2022 - Tham gia vào Quy hoạch Khu vực Ga Rupert và Renfrew (Vietnamese)

    Share Tháng 5 năm 2022 - Tham gia vào Quy hoạch Khu vực Ga Rupert và Renfrew (Vietnamese) on Facebook Share Tháng 5 năm 2022 - Tham gia vào Quy hoạch Khu vực Ga Rupert và Renfrew (Vietnamese) on Twitter Share Tháng 5 năm 2022 - Tham gia vào Quy hoạch Khu vực Ga Rupert và Renfrew (Vietnamese) on Linkedin Email Tháng 5 năm 2022 - Tham gia vào Quy hoạch Khu vực Ga Rupert và Renfrew (Vietnamese) link

    Chúng tôi đang lập một kế hoạch để hướng dẫn sự phát triển và thay đổi xung quanh các Ga Skytrain Rupert và Renfrew.

    Chúng tôi muốn tìm hiểu thêm về quý vị và trải nghiệm của quý vị trong khu phố của quý vị.

  • Mayo 2022 - Makisangkot sa Plano para sa mga Kapitbahayan ng Istasyong Rupert at Renfrew (Tagalog)

    Share Mayo 2022 - Makisangkot sa Plano para sa mga Kapitbahayan ng Istasyong Rupert at Renfrew (Tagalog) on Facebook Share Mayo 2022 - Makisangkot sa Plano para sa mga Kapitbahayan ng Istasyong Rupert at Renfrew (Tagalog) on Twitter Share Mayo 2022 - Makisangkot sa Plano para sa mga Kapitbahayan ng Istasyong Rupert at Renfrew (Tagalog) on Linkedin Email Mayo 2022 - Makisangkot sa Plano para sa mga Kapitbahayan ng Istasyong Rupert at Renfrew (Tagalog) link

    Lumilikha kami ng plano para gabayan ang paglago at pagbabago sa paligid ngistasyon ng SkyTrain ng Rupert at Renfrew.

    Nais naming matuto pa tungkol sa iyo at sa mga karanasan mo sa inyong kapitbahayan.

Page last updated: 11 Mar 2025, 11:28 AM