What is an area plan?

    Area plans are policy documents that shape growth and change and cover a number of topics like housing, transportation, and community facilities. For example, area plans define policies and regulations allowing changes to the size and type of buildings, the design of streets, or the recommendation to add more services like childcare or new community services. These plans usually apply to neighbourhoods over a period of approximately 30 years.

    The Rupert Renfrew area plan builds on the Vancouver Plan, a long-term strategy and vision to guide growth and change across the entire city, which was adopted by Council in June 2022. It also provides a framework for more detailed area plans (like this one) that will address specific opportunities and challenges 


    How will the area plan align with the Vancouver Plan?

    The Vancouver Plan is a long-term strategy and vision to guide growth and change across the city and identifies ways to create a more liveable, affordable and sustainable city. The Rupert and Renfrew area planning process is needed because certain policies are more effectively implemented as part of an area-specific planning process. This allows staff to look at a neighbourhood in greater detail in order to determine the opportunities to improve land use, zoning, and public amenities.

     The Rupert and Renfrew Station Area Plan will align with the Vancouver Plan, building on the general advice for rapid transit areas and providing more detailed actions to address opportunities and challenges in this area.

    How do I stay up to date with the project?

    To stay up to date on current opportunities, sign up for our mailing list at rupertrenfrewplan@vancouver.ca.

    What does the engagement process look like?

    There will be multiple opportunities to provide feedback throughout the planning process. Events will include in-person open houses, pop-up events, online info sessions, and workshops with equity-seeking groups. These events will be held during different phases of the project. Notification about these events and the opportunity to complete surveys will be available through email, postcards, posters, social media posts, as well as through the project’s Shape Your City webpage.

    What is happening with the Skeena Terrace rezoning?

    An enhanced rezoning process for Skeena Terrace (2108 and 2408 Cassiar Street) is currently underway. The project will include approximately 1,900 units of social housing units, a childcare facility, commercial retail space, and public open spaces. Please see the project’s Shape Your City webpage for details and how to submit feedback. The Skeen Terrace policy Statement was approved in 2022 and is available here.

    What are the flood issues related to Still Creek?

    During exceptionally heavy rainfall, Still Creek could flood surrounding roads and buildings. This occurs regularly in some areas near Still Creek in Burnaby, though Vancouver has not experienced Still Creek flooding in recent years.

     Climate change is expected to intensify flood hazard and risk due to increasing rainfall. In addition, new beings constructed near Still Creek can impact flood risk It is critical to consider flood management as part of the area planning process to manage flood risk and adapt to climate change.

     The City recently updated requirements for any new buildings that will be constructed in areas near Still Creek that we consider to be prone to flooding.