Jericho Lands planning program
About the Jericho Lands planning program
The Jericho Lands are within the unceded traditional territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. A policy statement to guide future development of the 90-acre site was approved by Council in January 2024.
The Policy Statement establishes planning principles and policies that will guide future rezonings and redevelopment of the site over the next 25-30 years. The ʔəy̓alməxʷ/Iy̓álmexw/Jericho Lands plan includes a mix of land uses that will create a high-density, mixed-use community on rapid transit with a variety of residential, commercial, light industrial, cultural and institutional uses. This will provide approximately 13,000 new homes for around 24,000 residents and employment spaces for around 3,000 new jobs in a variety of building forms and heights ranging from 4 to 49 storeys.
The program was developed at the request of the landowners, a joint venture partnership between the MST Partnership and Canada Lands Company (CLC). Read the Council approved Jericho Lands Policy Statement (January 2024).
About the Jericho Lands planning program
The Jericho Lands are within the unceded traditional territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. A policy statement to guide future development of the 90-acre site was approved by Council in January 2024.
The Policy Statement establishes planning principles and policies that will guide future rezonings and redevelopment of the site over the next 25-30 years. The ʔəy̓alməxʷ/Iy̓álmexw/Jericho Lands plan includes a mix of land uses that will create a high-density, mixed-use community on rapid transit with a variety of residential, commercial, light industrial, cultural and institutional uses. This will provide approximately 13,000 new homes for around 24,000 residents and employment spaces for around 3,000 new jobs in a variety of building forms and heights ranging from 4 to 49 storeys.
The program was developed at the request of the landowners, a joint venture partnership between the MST Partnership and Canada Lands Company (CLC). Read the Council approved Jericho Lands Policy Statement (January 2024).
Jericho Lands Planning Program Report to Council
Share Jericho Lands Planning Program Report to Council on Facebook Share Jericho Lands Planning Program Report to Council on Twitter Share Jericho Lands Planning Program Report to Council on Linkedin Email Jericho Lands Planning Program Report to Council linkOn June 23, 2021, Council endorsed the draft Guiding Principles and Emerging Site Planning Ideas at the Standing Committee on Policy and Strategic Priorities. While Council endorsed the draft Guiding Principles, they will remain in draft form until the Jericho Lands Policy Statement is completed. This allows for further refinement as new information is learned and feedback received.
The purpose of seeking Council endorsement of the Emerging Site Planning Ideas was to confirm these early ideas. The Emerging Ideas establish the foundations for site planning as we move into Phase 3 of the planning process, which is site concept(s) development.
Emerging Site Planning Ideas and Discussion Guides
Share Emerging Site Planning Ideas and Discussion Guides on Facebook Share Emerging Site Planning Ideas and Discussion Guides on Twitter Share Emerging Site Planning Ideas and Discussion Guides on Linkedin Email Emerging Site Planning Ideas and Discussion Guides linkWe have developed a series of Emerging Site Planning Ideas for the Jericho Lands. These ideas are based on the community feedback we received during Phase 1 and early stages of Phase 2 of the planning process, stakeholder priorities, City objectives and policies, and the landowners’ aspirations. The Emerging Site Planning Ideas are intended to provide input into the development of a preliminary site concept for the lands.
Learn more about the Emerging Site Planning Ideas
You can learn more about the Emerging Site Planning Ideas by reading the Discussion Guides. There are five guides in total (including a primer document). Each one is focused on a specific topic area and identifies a series of Emerging Ideas that are associated with that topic.
Read the Discussion Guides Primer.
Read the Natural Systems and Open Space Discussion Guide.
Read the Connections and Mobility Discussion Guide.
Read the Inclusive Neighbourhood Discussion Guide.
Read the Sustainability and Resilience Discussion Guide.
Between March 29, 2021 and April 25, 2021, we asked for your feedback on the Emerging Site Planning Ideas through four separate surveys. Each survey focused on the Emerging Site Planning Ideas relating to one of the topic areas. Thank you to everyone that provided their input. Staff will review and analyse the responses and use the feedback to refine the Emerging Ideas and develop a preliminary site concept.
Virtual Design Workshops
Share Virtual Design Workshops on Facebook Share Virtual Design Workshops on Twitter Share Virtual Design Workshops on Linkedin Email Virtual Design Workshops linkIn mid-April, we co-hosted a series of eight themed virtual Design Workshops with the joint venture partnership of the MST Partnership and CLC. The workshops were an opportunity to discuss and refine the Emerging Site Planning Ideas. These workshops focused on the four Discussion Guide topic areas, which include:
- Natural Systems and Open Space
- Connections and Mobility
- Inclusive Neighbourhood
- Sustainability and Resilience
The workshops consisted of a presentation, followed by small facilitated group discussions, and a brief report out session. They were an opportunity for participants to learn about the Emerging Site Planning Ideas, discuss with other attendees, and share thoughts and ideas with City staff and the landowners’ design team.
We also co-hosted Kick-Off and Wrap-Up events bookending the eight workshops. These events were used to introduce the workshops and the process, as well as provide an opportunity for a high-level report out of the week’s findings.
Both the workshops and the events were recorded. You can watch videos of each of the workshop presentations and report out sessions, as well as the entire Kick-Off and Wrap-Up events, in our video section.
Site Analysis Panels
Share Site Analysis Panels on Facebook Share Site Analysis Panels on Twitter Share Site Analysis Panels on Linkedin Email Site Analysis Panels linkThe landowners’ design team has been working with staff over the past few months to build an understanding of the Jericho Lands and its surroundings. A summary of this understanding is presented in the Site Analysis panels (previously referred to as ‘topic explorations’). This analysis provides a high-level overview of the Jericho Lands site as it is today, and will serve as a foundation for more detailed policy development and design work that is to come. The Site Analysis panels also highlight what we’ve heard from the community so far, as well as relevant City policies.
Read the site analysis panels.
Between Wednesday, February 17, 2021 and Saturday, March 12, 2021 we hosted a survey to allow you to share your thoughts on the Site Analysis panels. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. Your comments will proved further insight as we expand our understanding of the site and work to develop a series of Emerging Site Planning Ideas and a preliminary site concept in the coming months.
Tell us what you think about the draft Guiding Principles
Share Tell us what you think about the draft Guiding Principles on Facebook Share Tell us what you think about the draft Guiding Principles on Twitter Share Tell us what you think about the draft Guiding Principles on Linkedin Email Tell us what you think about the draft Guiding Principles linkThe survey on the draft Guiding Principles closed on September 25, 2020. Staff will now review and analyse the responses received and will report out on the findings this Fall.
Thank you to everyone that shared your thoughts. Your feedback will be used to finalise the Guiding Principles. Once complete, they will be included in the Jericho Lands Policy Statement where they will help shape the future development of the site.
Topic explorations
Share Topic explorations on Facebook Share Topic explorations on Twitter Share Topic explorations on Linkedin Email Topic explorations linkIn the coming months, we will be working with the landowners’ design team to develop and share a series of topic explorations. The topic explorations are a summary of the design teams understanding of the Jericho Lands. They will provide an important input into public engagement activities provisionally scheduled for the fall 2020 and the development of an early site concept. To initiate this process we are sharing a set of information boards that introduce the design team and their process over the coming months.
Further information on the topic explorations will be shared on the Shape Your City platform in the coming months. Opportunities will be provided for you to give your feedback on the materials as they are shared.
Community newsletter (Summer 2020)
Share Community newsletter (Summer 2020) on Facebook Share Community newsletter (Summer 2020) on Twitter Share Community newsletter (Summer 2020) on Linkedin Email Community newsletter (Summer 2020) linkIn light of recent physical distancing measures and the city wide suspension of in-person public engagement events, we are looking at alternative ways to keep you engaged with the process and informed of project updates.
We recently shared a community newsletter that includes background project information, a high-level summary of what we have heard to date, a copy of the draft guiding principles, an introduction to the landowners’ design team and cultural liaisons, and project next steps.
Phase 1 public engagement summary
Share Phase 1 public engagement summary on Facebook Share Phase 1 public engagement summary on Twitter Share Phase 1 public engagement summary on Linkedin Email Phase 1 public engagement summary linkPhase 1 of the Jericho Lands planning program was an information gathering phase. It was an opportunity for us to listen to your ideas, concerns and aspirations, while learning about key issues and opportunities for the future Jericho Lands.
Our team has summarized the feedback we received during this time. The Phase 1 public engagement summary includes information on the process to date and a detailed summary of what we have heard so far.
Inspire Jericho Talks: Urban Resilience
Share Inspire Jericho Talks: Urban Resilience on Facebook Share Inspire Jericho Talks: Urban Resilience on Twitter Share Inspire Jericho Talks: Urban Resilience on Linkedin Email Inspire Jericho Talks: Urban Resilience linkOn November 12, 2019, we co-hosted an Inspire Jericho Talk on the topic of Urban Resilience at the Granville Island Stage. Keynote speaker Magnus Schön brought examples of urban developments and approaches that combine landscape and architecture in support of a resilient, inclusive, and sustainable future.
Jericho Lands working group
Share Jericho Lands working group on Facebook Share Jericho Lands working group on Twitter Share Jericho Lands working group on Linkedin Email Jericho Lands working group linkIn the fall 2019, a 24-member working group was established as part of the Jericho Lands planning process. The working group members represent a range of local community and broader city-wide perspectives. The purpose of the working group is to provide input to City staff during the creation of the Jericho Lands Policy Statement.
Read the Working Group terms of reference.
Roles of the group
The duties and responsibilities of the Jericho Lands Working Group include:
- Reflect the City’s goals as a City of Reconciliation and support reconciliation as part of the Jericho Lands planning process
- Apply existing City policies in formulating recommendations for the Jericho Lands Policy Statement
- Advise on the public engagement process
- Encourage the ongoing education and contribution of community interests and perspectives to the planning and design of land use, transportation, public realm, and community amenities
- Provide feedback to City staff at key points in the planning process, including during the creation and evaluation of land use concepts and the draft Jericho Lands Policy Statement
Membership in the working group is on a voluntary basis. Working group member activities are assumed to include meetings, reading/learning/review of information and materials, and representation at planning process events.
Membership list
Larry Benge and Murray Hendren
Vice Chair
Lies Botman
Clarissa Antone
Liam Brownrigg
Michelle Catlin
Katie de Carle
Yee Chan
Susan Fisher
Don Forsyth
Robert Fung
Frank Heinzelmann
Devon Hussack
Steve Irwin
Keta Kosman
Anne O’Sullivan
Melanie Roskell
Susan Rowley
Randy Sharp
MacKenzie Walker
Sheryl Webster
Carly Wenner
Project timeline
Background phase
Jericho Lands planning program has finished this stageSeptember 2018 - February 2019
Phase 1: Information gathering
Jericho Lands planning program has finished this stageMarch 2019 - May 2020
Phase 2: Draft guiding principles and site concept development
Jericho Lands planning program has finished this stageJune 2020 - October 2021
Phase 3: Draft concept and emerging policies
Jericho Lands planning program has finished this stageNovember 2021 - February 2023
Phase 3.5: Plan and process update
Jericho Lands planning program has finished this stageMarch - May 2023
Phase 4: Revised site plan concept
Jericho Lands planning program has finished this stageSummer 2023
Policy statement and report to council
Jericho Lands planning program has finished this stageJanuary 2024
Implementation: Official Development Plan (ODP)
Jericho Lands planning program is currently at this stagePublic Hearing: April 15, 2025
Draft Policy Statement
Phase 4
Phase 3.5
Phase 3
Jericho Lands Phase 3 Engagement Summary PDF 3.8MB
Jericho Lands Community Newsletter - October 2021 (PDF, 5MB)
Phase 3 Kick-Off event presentation slides (PDF, 26.2MB)
Section 1: Introduction to the process - City of Vancouver (PDF, 6.1MB)
Section 2: Introduction to the landowners - MST & CLC Joint Venture Partnership (PDF, 5MB)
Section 3: Background and planning process - City of Vancouver (PDF, 12MB)
Section 4: MST engagement and cultural inspiration - MST & CLC Joint Venture Partnership (PDF, 13.3MB)
Section 5: Conceptual site plan options - MST & CLC Joint Venture Partnership (PDF, 30.1MB)
Section 6: Additional information & next steps - City of Vancouver (PDF, 2.3MB)
Phase 2
Phase 2 Public Engagement Summary (August 2021) PDF, 11.4MB
Jericho Lands Draft Guiding Principles (June 2021) PDF, 160KB
Jericho Lands Emerging Site Planning Ideas (June 2021) PDF, 12.2MB
Site Analysis Panels (February 2021) PDF, 9.3MB
Discussion Guide Primer (March 2021) PDF, 1,098KB
Discussion Guide: Natural Systems and Open Space (March 2021) PDF, 2MB
Discussion Guide: Connections and Mobility (March 2021) PDF, 1,824KB
Discussion Guide: Inclusive Neighbourhood (March 2021) PDF, 2.2MB
Discussion Guide: Sustainability and Resilience (March 2021) PDF, 1,985KB
Phase 1
Background Phase
Launch and Open House - City Information Display Boards (March 2019) PDF, 11MB
Launch and Open House - Joint Venture Partnership Information Display Boards (March 2019) PDF, 2.4MB
Terms of Reference - Jericho Lands Working Group (May 2019) PDF, 453MB
Summer Information Pop-Up Booths - City Information Display Boards (June-July 2019) PDF, 2.7MB
Council Reports and Minutes
Jericho Lands Planning Program - Report to Council (June 23, 2021) PDF, 4.4MB
Council Minutes (June 23 and 24 2021) PDF, 552KB
Council Minutes (January 30, 2019) PDF, 104KB
Council minutes (July 24, 2019) PDF, 133KB
Rapid Transit from Arbutus to UBC - Report to Council (January 2019) PDF, 361KB
Jericho Lands Policy Planning Program - Report to Council (July 2018) PDF, 829KB
Related Policy Documents
Frequently asked questions
- What is a policy statement?
- Where are the Jericho Lands?
- How big are the Jericho Lands?
- Who owns the Jericho Lands?
- Who is the MST Partnership?
- Who is the MST Development Corporation?
- Who is the Canada Lands Company?
- How long will the Jericho Lands planning program take?
- How do I say the indigenous place names for ʔəy̓alməxʷ/Iy̓álmexw/Jericho Lands?
Related projects
Click here to play video Phase 3 kick-off event: conceptual site plan options presentation (October 18, 2021)
Click here to play video Virtual design workshops: wrap-up event (April 19, 2021)
Click here to play video Virtual design workshops: inclusive neighbourhood #2 - presentations and report out (April 15, 2021)
Click here to play video Virtual design workshops: sustainability and resilience #2 - presentations and report out (April 15, 2021)
Jericho Lands working group
The Jericho Lands working group was established to provide input to City staff during the creation of the Jericho Lands Policy Statement
Find out more about the Jericho Lands working group