Jericho Lands planning program
About the Jericho Lands planning program
The Jericho Lands are within the unceded traditional territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. A policy statement to guide future development of the 90-acre site was approved by Council in January 2024.
The Policy Statement establishes planning principles and policies that will guide future rezonings and redevelopment of the site over the next 25-30 years. The ʔəy̓alməxʷ/Iy̓álmexw/Jericho Lands plan includes a mix of land uses that will create a high-density, mixed-use community on rapid transit with a variety of residential, commercial, light industrial, cultural and institutional uses. This will provide approximately 13,000 new homes for around 24,000 residents and employment spaces for around 3,000 new jobs in a variety of building forms and heights ranging from 4 to 49 storeys.
The program was developed at the request of the landowners, a joint venture partnership between the MST Partnership and Canada Lands Company (CLC). Read the Council approved Jericho Lands Policy Statement (January 2024).
About the Jericho Lands planning program
The Jericho Lands are within the unceded traditional territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations. A policy statement to guide future development of the 90-acre site was approved by Council in January 2024.
The Policy Statement establishes planning principles and policies that will guide future rezonings and redevelopment of the site over the next 25-30 years. The ʔəy̓alməxʷ/Iy̓álmexw/Jericho Lands plan includes a mix of land uses that will create a high-density, mixed-use community on rapid transit with a variety of residential, commercial, light industrial, cultural and institutional uses. This will provide approximately 13,000 new homes for around 24,000 residents and employment spaces for around 3,000 new jobs in a variety of building forms and heights ranging from 4 to 49 storeys.
The program was developed at the request of the landowners, a joint venture partnership between the MST Partnership and Canada Lands Company (CLC). Read the Council approved Jericho Lands Policy Statement (January 2024).
Phase 4 Revised Site Plan Concept
Share Phase 4 Revised Site Plan Concept on Facebook Share Phase 4 Revised Site Plan Concept on Twitter Share Phase 4 Revised Site Plan Concept on Linkedin Email Phase 4 Revised Site Plan Concept linkEngagement materials now live!
The fourth phase of public engagement for the ʔəy̓alməxw/Iy̓álmexw/Jericho Lands planning program is now live! This phase focuses on the landowners’ revised site plan concept, including details on land use and housing, density and building heights, parks and open space, transportation, and public amenities. We would like to know what you think.
The revised site plan concept is an illustration of how ʔəy̓alməxw/Iy̓álmexw/ the Jericho Lands could look in the future. The concept was created by the landowners’ design team based on direction from Host Nation leadership, and seeks to build on what was heard during Phase 3, incorporate feedback from engagement with Host Nation communities, layer in objectives from the draft Guiding Principles and Emerging Ideas, and reflect recently approved City and regional policies and ongoing technical work.
Community and stakeholder feedback, combined with other inputs, will be used to inform the preferred site plan concept and the draft Policy Statement.
Ways to get involved
- Learn more: Review the City’s and landowner’s information boards
- Take the survey: Provide feedback through the online survey, open until July 16, 2023
Attend an open house:
- Open House #1: Saturday, June 17, 2023 (11:00AM to 3:00PM) at Jericho Hill Gymnasium & Pool | 4180 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver
- Open House #2: Thursday, June 22, 2023 (4:00PM to 7:00PM) at Jericho Hill Gymnasium & Pool | 4180 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver
- Open House #3: Saturday, June 24, 2023 (11:00AM to 3:00PM) at Main Floor Promenade, Central Library | 350 West Georgia Street, Vancouver
- Ask a Question: Use the "Ask a question" tab on the project web page
- Send an email:
Phase 4 Revised Site Concept Engagement Announcement
Share Phase 4 Revised Site Concept Engagement Announcement on Facebook Share Phase 4 Revised Site Concept Engagement Announcement on Twitter Share Phase 4 Revised Site Concept Engagement Announcement on Linkedin Email Phase 4 Revised Site Concept Engagement Announcement linkStarting Friday, June 16, we will be launching the fourth phase of public engagement for the Jericho Lands Planning Program. This phase will focus on the landowners’ revised site concept including details on land use and housing, density and building heights, parks and open space, transportation, and public amenities. Information materials and a survey will be available on this website.
We will also be hosting three open house events in collaboration with MST Partnership and Canada Lands Company. Below are the details:
Open House #1
Saturday, June 17, 2023 (11:00am - 3:00pm)
Jericho Hill Gymnasium & Pool | 4180 W 4th Avenue, Vancouver
Open House #2
Thursday, June 22, 2023 (4:00pm - 7:00pm)
Jericho Hill Gymnasium & Pool | 4180 W 4th Avenue, Vancouver
Open House #3
Saturday, June 24, 2023 (11:00am - 3:00pm)
Main Floor Promenade, Central Library | 350 W Georgia Street, Vancouver
Inspire Jericho Talk: Creating Great Neighbourhoods: Celebrating MST Culture at ʔəy̓ alməxw/Iy̓ álmexw/Jericho Lands Live Stream Event
Share Inspire Jericho Talk: Creating Great Neighbourhoods: Celebrating MST Culture at ʔəy̓ alməxw/Iy̓ álmexw/Jericho Lands Live Stream Event on Facebook Share Inspire Jericho Talk: Creating Great Neighbourhoods: Celebrating MST Culture at ʔəy̓ alməxw/Iy̓ álmexw/Jericho Lands Live Stream Event on Twitter Share Inspire Jericho Talk: Creating Great Neighbourhoods: Celebrating MST Culture at ʔəy̓ alməxw/Iy̓ álmexw/Jericho Lands Live Stream Event on Linkedin Email Inspire Jericho Talk: Creating Great Neighbourhoods: Celebrating MST Culture at ʔəy̓ alməxw/Iy̓ álmexw/Jericho Lands Live Stream Event linkTune in for the live stream of the Inspire Jericho Talk on Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 7 pm to hear MST cultural liaisons discuss how Indigenous culture, traditions and design can help shape the future of the site. Please visit the City's Youtube page to watch the live stream of the event.
Announcing Phase 3.5 - Project and process update
Share Announcing Phase 3.5 - Project and process update on Facebook Share Announcing Phase 3.5 - Project and process update on Twitter Share Announcing Phase 3.5 - Project and process update on Linkedin Email Announcing Phase 3.5 - Project and process update linkPhase 3.5 Plan and Process
Between March 6 and March 26, we are adding a new phase in the planning process (Phase 3.5). The intention of this phase is to provide you with a project and process update, as well as share the outcomes of the landowners’ recent engagement with Host Nations Community Members.
Online Information Boards
We will be sharing a set of online information boards here and on the ʔəy̓alməxw/Iy̓álmexw/Jericho Lands project web page. These boards were developed by the City and the landowners, and will include an update on the planning process, an overview of the MST Planning and Design Framework, including the MST Cultural Site Planning Elements, Phase 3 engagement highlights, next steps and more.
View the information boards
Inspire Jericho Talk: Celebrating MST Culture at ʔəy̓alməxw/Iy̓álmexw/Jericho Lands
On April 13, we will be co-hosting the fifth installment of the Inspire Jericho Talk speaker series. Come and hear from Cultural Liaisons from the xʷməθkʷəy᾽əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations as they share how stories, ideas, wisdom and aspirations from their communities has led to the development of cultural site planning elements that will guide the future of ʔəy̓alməxw/Iy̓álmexw/Jericho Land.
When: Thursday, April 13, 2023 (7-9 pm)
Where: UBC Robson Square (800 Robson Street)
Registration: Registration opens March 6. Tickets are complimentary; however, seating is limited and advance registration is required.
Register to attend the Inspire Jericho speaker series.
Talk to a Team Member - Extended hours
Share Talk to a Team Member - Extended hours on Facebook Share Talk to a Team Member - Extended hours on Twitter Share Talk to a Team Member - Extended hours on Linkedin Email Talk to a Team Member - Extended hours linkBetween October, 19 and November 10, 2021, City staff hosted remote office hours in the neighbourhood. Due to the high level of interest, these office hours were extended from November 18 to December 9, 2021.
Throughout this time we were available by-appointment to discuss the Jericho Lands conceptual site plan options, the planning program, and answer any other project related questions. These in-person, by phone, or virtual appointments were intended to provide an opportunity for one-on-one, or small group conversations, in a COVID safe environment.
Thank you to everyone that came out and shared their thoughts with the Jericho Lands planning team. -
CLOSED - Conceptual Site Plan Options Survey
Share CLOSED - Conceptual Site Plan Options Survey on Facebook Share CLOSED - Conceptual Site Plan Options Survey on Twitter Share CLOSED - Conceptual Site Plan Options Survey on Linkedin Email CLOSED - Conceptual Site Plan Options Survey linkFrom October 19 to November 21, the Conceptual Site Plan Options survey was open. Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback.
Your feedback, combined with other inputs, will be used to create a preferred concept. This preferred site concept will form part of the Jericho Lands policy statement and will inform future development of the site. Future opportunities will be provided for you to share your thoughts on the preferred concept.
Phase 3 kick-off event: conceptual site plan options presentation
Share Phase 3 kick-off event: conceptual site plan options presentation on Facebook Share Phase 3 kick-off event: conceptual site plan options presentation on Twitter Share Phase 3 kick-off event: conceptual site plan options presentation on Linkedin Email Phase 3 kick-off event: conceptual site plan options presentation linkOn Monday, October 18, we co-hosted the Phase 3 Kick-Off event with the joint venture partnership of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) partnership and Canada Lands Company. The online event was an opportunity to learn about the conceptual site plan options and ask the team questions about them. Thank you to the over 200 people who attended the event and joined the conversation.
If you were unable to attend, a video of the presentations and the Q&A period, as well as the presentation slides are now available on our website.
Watch the Phase 3 Kick-Off event: Conceptual Site Plan Presentation.
View the Phase 3 Kick-Off event presentation slides
Following the Phase 3 Kick-Off event, we are looking for your feedback on the conceptual site plan options. Please take a moment to either watch the presentation or read the Phase 3 engagement materials (here), then let us know what you think by filling out the conceptual site plan options survey online (here).
What are the Conceptual Site Plan Options?
The conceptual site plan options are illustrations of how ʔəy ̓alməxʷ / Iy ̓álmexw / the Jericho Lands could look in the future. They were created by the landowners’ design team, who worked to develop an understanding of ʔəy ̓alməxʷ / Iy ̓álmexw / the Jericho Lands through technical review, engagement with the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nation members and stakeholders, review of the Phase 1 and Phase 2 engagement feedback, and analysis of City policies and guidelines. Using this information they have worked collaboratively with City staff to develop two site options.
Feedback received during Phase 3 of the planning process, combined with other inputs, will be used to select a preferred concept or to identify key ideas to create a single preferred concept. This preferred site concept will form part of the Jericho Lands Policy Statement and will inform future development of the site.
Community newsletter (Fall 2021)
Share Community newsletter (Fall 2021) on Facebook Share Community newsletter (Fall 2021) on Twitter Share Community newsletter (Fall 2021) on Linkedin Email Community newsletter (Fall 2021) linkThe Jericho Lands planning team is excited to share our second community newsletter with you.
Our latest community newsletter includes a high-level summary of the Phase 1 and Phase 2 public engagement activities, an overview of the Site Planning Emerging Ideas, the two conceptual site plan options, an invitation to participate in our upcoming engagement events, and project next steps.
This community newsletter has been mailed to approximately 12,000 community members in the West Point Grey and Kitsilano neighbourhoods, as well as shared with members of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Nations
Closed: Take a Self-Guided Tour of ʔəy̓alməxʷ / Iy̓álmexw / Jericho Lands Emerging Site Planning Ideas
Share Closed: Take a Self-Guided Tour of ʔəy̓alməxʷ / Iy̓álmexw / Jericho Lands Emerging Site Planning Ideas on Facebook Share Closed: Take a Self-Guided Tour of ʔəy̓alməxʷ / Iy̓álmexw / Jericho Lands Emerging Site Planning Ideas on Twitter Share Closed: Take a Self-Guided Tour of ʔəy̓alməxʷ / Iy̓álmexw / Jericho Lands Emerging Site Planning Ideas on Linkedin Email Closed: Take a Self-Guided Tour of ʔəy̓alməxʷ / Iy̓álmexw / Jericho Lands Emerging Site Planning Ideas linkIn Summer of 2021, the City of Vancouver project team, in collaboration with the landowners, invited the public to take a self-guided tour of ʔəy̓alməxʷ / Iy̓álmexw / the Jericho Lands to learn more about the Emerging Site Planning Ideas that were endorsed by Council on June 23, 2021.
Through the lens of the Emerging Site Planning Ideas, the Self-Guided Tour was intended to help you envision the future of ʔəy̓alməxʷ / Iy̓álmexw / the Jericho Lands. All were welcomed to walk/bike/roll some, or all, of the Self-Guided Tour route at ones own pace.
The Emerging Site Planning Ideas were presented on information boards at 8 separate locations across the site. Each information board highlighted 3 distinct Emerging Ideas, for a total of 24 Emerging Ideas across the 8 locations.
See where the information boards were located.
Phase 2 Engagement Summary
Share Phase 2 Engagement Summary on Facebook Share Phase 2 Engagement Summary on Twitter Share Phase 2 Engagement Summary on Linkedin Email Phase 2 Engagement Summary linkPhase 2 of the Jericho Lands planning program focused on sharing the Site Analysis, Emerging Site Planning Ideas, updating the draft Guiding Principles, and gathering the community’s feedback as we prepare to move into concept plan development.
Public engagement for Phase 2 took place from Summer 2020 through to Spring 2021. Our team has summarized the feedback we received during this time. This summary includes information on the process to date, a detailed summary of what we have heard so far, and the most up-to-date draft Guiding Principles and Site Planning Emerging Ideas.
Read the Phase 2 public engagement summary.
***Please Note***
A previous copy of the Phase 2 engagement summary was shared which included multiple copies of the same MIRO Boards from the Virtual Design Workshop. The document has since been updated to include the correct boards in the MIRO Boards appendix (updated August 19, 2021).
Project timeline
Background phase
Jericho Lands planning program has finished this stageSeptember 2018 - February 2019
Phase 1: Information gathering
Jericho Lands planning program has finished this stageMarch 2019 - May 2020
Phase 2: Draft guiding principles and site concept development
Jericho Lands planning program has finished this stageJune 2020 - October 2021
Phase 3: Draft concept and emerging policies
Jericho Lands planning program has finished this stageNovember 2021 - February 2023
Phase 3.5: Plan and process update
Jericho Lands planning program has finished this stageMarch - May 2023
Phase 4: Revised site plan concept
Jericho Lands planning program has finished this stageSummer 2023
Policy statement and report to council
Jericho Lands planning program has finished this stageJanuary 2024
Implementation: Official Development Plan (ODP)
Jericho Lands planning program is currently at this stagePublic Hearing: April 15, 2025
Draft Policy Statement
Phase 4
Phase 3.5
Phase 3
Jericho Lands Phase 3 Engagement Summary PDF 3.8MB
Jericho Lands Community Newsletter - October 2021 (PDF, 5MB)
Phase 3 Kick-Off event presentation slides (PDF, 26.2MB)
Section 1: Introduction to the process - City of Vancouver (PDF, 6.1MB)
Section 2: Introduction to the landowners - MST & CLC Joint Venture Partnership (PDF, 5MB)
Section 3: Background and planning process - City of Vancouver (PDF, 12MB)
Section 4: MST engagement and cultural inspiration - MST & CLC Joint Venture Partnership (PDF, 13.3MB)
Section 5: Conceptual site plan options - MST & CLC Joint Venture Partnership (PDF, 30.1MB)
Section 6: Additional information & next steps - City of Vancouver (PDF, 2.3MB)
Phase 2
Phase 2 Public Engagement Summary (August 2021) PDF, 11.4MB
Jericho Lands Draft Guiding Principles (June 2021) PDF, 160KB
Jericho Lands Emerging Site Planning Ideas (June 2021) PDF, 12.2MB
Site Analysis Panels (February 2021) PDF, 9.3MB
Discussion Guide Primer (March 2021) PDF, 1,098KB
Discussion Guide: Natural Systems and Open Space (March 2021) PDF, 2MB
Discussion Guide: Connections and Mobility (March 2021) PDF, 1,824KB
Discussion Guide: Inclusive Neighbourhood (March 2021) PDF, 2.2MB
Discussion Guide: Sustainability and Resilience (March 2021) PDF, 1,985KB
Phase 1
Background Phase
Launch and Open House - City Information Display Boards (March 2019) PDF, 11MB
Launch and Open House - Joint Venture Partnership Information Display Boards (March 2019) PDF, 2.4MB
Terms of Reference - Jericho Lands Working Group (May 2019) PDF, 453MB
Summer Information Pop-Up Booths - City Information Display Boards (June-July 2019) PDF, 2.7MB
Council Reports and Minutes
Jericho Lands Planning Program - Report to Council (June 23, 2021) PDF, 4.4MB
Council Minutes (June 23 and 24 2021) PDF, 552KB
Council Minutes (January 30, 2019) PDF, 104KB
Council minutes (July 24, 2019) PDF, 133KB
Rapid Transit from Arbutus to UBC - Report to Council (January 2019) PDF, 361KB
Jericho Lands Policy Planning Program - Report to Council (July 2018) PDF, 829KB
Related Policy Documents
Frequently asked questions
- What is a policy statement?
- Where are the Jericho Lands?
- How big are the Jericho Lands?
- Who owns the Jericho Lands?
- Who is the MST Partnership?
- Who is the MST Development Corporation?
- Who is the Canada Lands Company?
- How long will the Jericho Lands planning program take?
- How do I say the indigenous place names for ʔəy̓alməxʷ/Iy̓álmexw/Jericho Lands?
Related projects
Click here to play video Phase 3 kick-off event: conceptual site plan options presentation (October 18, 2021)
Click here to play video Virtual design workshops: wrap-up event (April 19, 2021)
Click here to play video Virtual design workshops: inclusive neighbourhood #2 - presentations and report out (April 15, 2021)
Click here to play video Virtual design workshops: sustainability and resilience #2 - presentations and report out (April 15, 2021)
Jericho Lands working group
The Jericho Lands working group was established to provide input to City staff during the creation of the Jericho Lands Policy Statement
Find out more about the Jericho Lands working group