Jericho Lands working group
In the fall 2019, a 24-member working group was established as part of the Jericho Lands planning process. The working group members represent a range of local community and broader city-wide perspectives. The purpose of the working group is to provide input to City staff during the creation of the Jericho Lands Policy Statement.
Read the Working Group terms of reference.
Roles of the group
The duties and responsibilities of the Jericho Lands Working Group include:
- Reflect the City’s goals as a City of Reconciliation and support reconciliation as part of the Jericho Lands planning process
- Apply existing City policies in formulating recommendations for the Jericho Lands Policy Statement
- Advise on the public engagement process
- Encourage the ongoing education and contribution of community interests and perspectives to the planning and design of land use, transportation, public realm, and community amenities
- Provide feedback to City staff at key points in the planning process, including during the creation and evaluation of land use concepts and the draft Jericho Lands Policy Statement
Membership in the working group is on a voluntary basis. Working group member activities are assumed to include meetings, reading/learning/review of information and materials, and representation at planning process events.
Membership list
Larry Benge and Murray Hendren
Vice Chair
Lies Botman
Clarissa Antone
Liam Brownrigg
Michelle Catlin
Katie de Carle
Yee Chan
Susan Fisher
Don Forsyth
Robert Fung
Frank Heinzelmann
Devon Hussack
Steve Irwin
Keta Kosman
Anne O’Sullivan
Melanie Roskell
Susan Rowley
Randy Sharp
MacKenzie Walker
Sheryl Webster
Carly Wenner