Broadway Plan
The Broadway Plan is an area plan for the area within Vine Street to Clark Drive and 1st Avenue to 16th Avenue. The 30-year plan focuses on opportunities to integrate new housing, jobs, and amenities around the new Broadway Subway.
Read the Council approved (June 2022) Broadway Plan.
Council Approved
On December 12, Council approved updates to the Broadway Plan. Council also adopted the Broadway Public Realm and Streetscape Plan, and the Civic District Plan, marking an important step in adding essential housing, job space and amenities that will meet the needs of today's residents and future generations.
Learn more about the updates: PDF file (72 KB)
The Broadway Plan is an area plan for the area within Vine Street to Clark Drive and 1st Avenue to 16th Avenue. The 30-year plan focuses on opportunities to integrate new housing, jobs, and amenities around the new Broadway Subway.
Read the Council approved (June 2022) Broadway Plan.
Council Approved
On December 12, Council approved updates to the Broadway Plan. Council also adopted the Broadway Public Realm and Streetscape Plan, and the Civic District Plan, marking an important step in adding essential housing, job space and amenities that will meet the needs of today's residents and future generations.
Learn more about the updates: PDF file (72 KB)
Zoning changes proposed in some areas of the Broadway Plan
Share Zoning changes proposed in some areas of the Broadway Plan on Facebook Share Zoning changes proposed in some areas of the Broadway Plan on Twitter Share Zoning changes proposed in some areas of the Broadway Plan on Linkedin Email Zoning changes proposed in some areas of the Broadway Plan linkWe are proposing to rezone some areas within the Broadway Plan to new low-rise and tower district schedules.
These proposed zoning changes will implement Council-approved policy and help streamline the delivery of housing through standardized regulations and a simplified development process.
Learn more about the proposed zoning changes and submit your questions during the virtual question and answer period from March 4 to 18.
Council Approval
Share Council Approval on Facebook Share Council Approval on Twitter Share Council Approval on Linkedin Email Council Approval linkOn December 12, Council approved updates to the Broadway Plan (read the Council Report). Council also adopted the Broadway Public Realm and Streetscape Plan, and the Civic District Plan, marking an important step in adding essential housing, job space and amenities that will meet the needs of today's residents and future generations.
The Broadway Plan is built for adaptability, allowing adjustments to align with emerging opportunities and challenges. Since its original approval in 2022, updates have been driven by new provincial Transit-Oriented Area (TOA) legislation, insights from early implementation, industry input, and feedback from public consultations.
These updates make sure the Broadway Plan continues to evolve to meet the city's needs.
Learn more about the updates: PDF file (72 KB) -
Broadway Plan Implementation Update- Council Date
Share Broadway Plan Implementation Update- Council Date on Facebook Share Broadway Plan Implementation Update- Council Date on Twitter Share Broadway Plan Implementation Update- Council Date on Linkedin Email Broadway Plan Implementation Update- Council Date linkSince the Broadway Plan was approved in 2022, work has been underway to add new housing, job space and amenities that integrate with the Broadway Subway and meet our city’s needs. Between June and July 2024, we engaged with the community on three implementation projects: Broadway Plan Review, Broadway Public Realm Plan and City Hall Campus.
We are writing to let you know that we are bringing a report to Council for consideration on December 11, 2024, which provides a general update on Plan implementation and recommendations related to these three projects. The Council meeting agenda, along with the Broadway Plan review and implementation report, will be posted on the City’s website closer to the meeting date. -
Engagement Summaries
Share Engagement Summaries on Facebook Share Engagement Summaries on Twitter Share Engagement Summaries on Linkedin Email Engagement Summaries linkIn June 2024, the City launched public engagement on the Broadway Plan Review, Broadway Public Realm Plan and City Hall Campus. We’ve gathered feedback on these three projects through our Shape Your City project page, survey and a number of public events. Read the public engagement summaries (linked below) to learn about what we heard.
- Broadway Plan Review engagement summary (PDF, 3.5 MB)
- Broadway Public Realm Plan and Streetscape engagement summary (PDF, 38 MB)
- City Hall Campus engagement summary (PDF, 15 MB)
Next Steps:
Over the coming months, the City will be finalizing work on these three projects. A report will be going to Council with recommendations for Council consideration in November 2024.
Visit our website for more information on opportunities to get involved and share your feedback. We will be sending out updates on these next steps in the future. Alternatively, you can visit for more information and updates. -
百老匯計劃檢討 (Traditional Chinese)
Share 百老匯計劃檢討 (Traditional Chinese) on Facebook Share 百老匯計劃檢討 (Traditional Chinese) on Twitter Share 百老匯計劃檢討 (Traditional Chinese) on Linkedin Email 百老匯計劃檢討 (Traditional Chinese) link自從百老匯計劃獲批以來,市政府便一直努力增建新的房屋、工作空間和設施,以配合百老匯地鐵站及滿足本市的需要。
- 市政廳園區(稱為公民區)就著溫哥華市政廳周圍的市政府用地分享相關長遠規劃資訊。
- 公共領域和街景規劃第二階段的重點是在未來 30 年改善區內街道和公共空間。
- 百老匯計劃檢討的重點是檢討計劃內的一些土地使用和建築形態政策,包括更新相關內容以符合省府對公共運輸導向型發展區 (TOA) 訂立的立法要求。
- 網上問卷調查 (七月十四日截止)
- 致電 3-11 以參與問卷調查
- 六月十五日:溫哥華市政廳 Helena Gutteridge 廣場(453 West 12th Avenue)(雨天則移至韋業祖會議室)上午 11:00 至下午 2:00
- 六月十七日:Heritage Hall(3102 Main Street)下午 4:30 至 7:30
- 六月二十日:溫哥華市政廳韋業祖會議室(453 West 12th Avenue)下午 5:00 至 8:00
- 六月二十六日:Kitsilano Neighborhood House(2305 West 7th Avenue)下午 4:30 至 7:30
提出問題: 在項目網頁上點按「提出問題」選項
百老汇计划审核 (Simplified Chinese)
Share 百老汇计划审核 (Simplified Chinese) on Facebook Share 百老汇计划审核 (Simplified Chinese) on Twitter Share 百老汇计划审核 (Simplified Chinese) on Linkedin Email 百老汇计划审核 (Simplified Chinese) link自从百老汇计划获批以来,市政府便一直努力增建新的房屋、工作空间和设施,以配合百老汇地铁站及满足本市的需要。
- 市政厅园区(称为公民区)重点针对温哥华市政厅周围的市政府用地分享相关长远规划信息。
- 公共领域和街景规划第二阶段的重点是在未来 30 年改善区内街道和公共空间。
- 百老汇计划审核的重点是审核计划内的一些土地使用和建筑形态政策,包括更新相关内容以符合省政府对公共运输导向型发展区 (TOA) 订立的立法要求。
- 网上问卷调查 (七月十四日截止)
- 致电 3-11 以参与问卷调查
- 六月十五日:温哥华市政厅 Helena Gutteridge 广场(453 West 12th Avenue)(雨天则移至韦业祖会议室)上午 11:00 至下午 2:00
- 六月十七日:Heritage Hall(3102 Main Street)下午 4:30 至 7:30
- 六月二十日:温哥华市政厅韦业祖会议室(453 West 12th Avenue)下午 5:00 至 8:00
- 六月二十六日:Kitsilano Neighborhood House(2305 West 7th Avenue)下午 4:30 至 7:30
提出问题: 在项目网页上点击“提出问题”选项
Broadway Plan Implementation Update
Share Broadway Plan Implementation Update on Facebook Share Broadway Plan Implementation Update on Twitter Share Broadway Plan Implementation Update on Linkedin Email Broadway Plan Implementation Update linkSince the Broadway Plan was approved, work has been underway to add new housing, job space and amenities that integrate with the Broadway Subway and meet our city’s needs.
Starting Thursday June 13, you will have the opportunity to learn and share your feedback on three projects related to Broadway Plan implementation.
How to get involved:
Learn more:
Broadway Plan review:Focuses on reviewing some of the Plan's land use and built form policies. This includes updates to reflect new Provincially legislated requirements for Transit-Oriented Areas (TOAs).
- Review the information boards (PDF, 6.6MB) or read the summary sheet (PDF, 1.5MB)
City Hall campus: Focuses on creating a long range plan for the future of the lands surrounding City Hall.
- Review the information boards (PDF, 36.4MB) or review the summary sheet (PDF, 1.8 MB)
Broadway public realm and streetscape plan (phase 2):Focuses on improvements to the streets and public spaces in the area over the next 30 years.
- Review the information boards (PDF, 7.7MB) or read the summary sheet (PDF, 1.2MB)
- Take the online survey - with a chance to win a mini Vancouver City Hall! (closes July 14)
- Call 311 to take the survey on the phone
Attend one of our open houses:
Open House #1:
- Date: Saturday June 15
- Time: 11:00am to 2:00pm
- Location: Vancouver City Hall (453 West 12th Avenue) in Helena Gutteridge Plaza (if raining, moves to Joe Wai Meeting Room)
Open House #2:
- Date: Monday June 17
- Time: 4:30 to 7:30pm
- Location: Heritage Hall (3102 Main Street)
Open House #3 (focus on City Hall Campus):
- Date: Thursday June 20
- Time: 4:30 to 7:30pm
- Location: Vancouver City Hall (453 West 12th Avenue) in the Joe Wai Meeting Room
Open House #4:
- Date: Wednesday June 26
- Time: 4:30 to 7:30pm
- Location: Kitsilano Neighbourhood House (2305 West 7th Avenue)
Broadway Plan review:Focuses on reviewing some of the Plan's land use and built form policies. This includes updates to reflect new Provincially legislated requirements for Transit-Oriented Areas (TOAs).
Proposed Zoning Amendments
Share Proposed Zoning Amendments on Facebook Share Proposed Zoning Amendments on Twitter Share Proposed Zoning Amendments on Linkedin Email Proposed Zoning Amendments linkAs part of implementation of the Broadway Plan, the City is proposing some zoning amendments in specific areas. Some of the key proposed zoning amendments include:
- Amendments to modernize industrial zoning across the Plan area and to enable more employment space to be built in the Mount Pleasant Industrial Area (I-1 zone) and the Burrard Slopes Mixed Employment Area (IC-1 and IC-2 zones).
- Amendments to commercial zones (C-2, C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1) to enable 6-storey mixed-use developments that provide secured rental housing.
Full details on the entire proposal can be found in the referral report to Council (May 9, 2023).
On May 9th, 2023 City Council referred these zoning changes to a public hearing. A public hearing is scheduled for June 15, 2023.
How to get involved
You can submit your comments on this report on our website at Your comments and name will be published in the meeting record.
You can also sign up to speak at the public hearing on our website at Registration starts approximately 11 days before the meeting.
For more information regarding Council meetings and to sign up for agenda updates, you can also visit the website here.
Broadway Plan Implementation Report
Share Broadway Plan Implementation Report on Facebook Share Broadway Plan Implementation Report on Twitter Share Broadway Plan Implementation Report on Linkedin Email Broadway Plan Implementation Report linkFollowing Council’s adoption of the Broadway Plan in June last year, implementation of the Plan is underway. There is still a lot of work to do to meet the objectives of the Plan over the next 30 years.
As part of Broadway Plan implementation, City staff are bringing a report to Council on March 29 that will provide a general update on implementation progress to date, as well as several policy recommendations to address Council directions. Some of the key items that will be in the report include:
- A report back on a “pace of change” approach to manage redevelopment impacts on existing renters
- Amendments to the View Protection Guidelines (1989) to enable more job space and housing near rapid transit by clarifying the guidelines for protected public views to City Hall
- Minor amendments to the False Creek Flats Plan (2017) to align with the Broadway Plan
- A Fixed Development Contribution Framework to provide more clarity on public benefit contributions from new developments
- An update on proposals for zoning amendments in industrial areas and commercial shopping areas to help streamline new development
- Report back on active transportation lanes along Broadway
The Council meeting agenda, along with the Broadway Plan implementation report, is posted on the City’s website.
Enhanced Broadway Plan area protections
Share Enhanced Broadway Plan area protections on Facebook Share Enhanced Broadway Plan area protections on Twitter Share Enhanced Broadway Plan area protections on Linkedin Email Enhanced Broadway Plan area protections linkOn June 22, 2022, Council approved the Broadway Plan, which introduced enhanced tenant protections for renters in the Broadway Plan area, in addition to the existing City-wide Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy (TRPP).
For questions about Broadway Plan area tenant protections:
• Email
• Phone 3-1-1
Learn more about enhanced Broadway Plan area protections
Project timeline
Council approves Broadway planning terms of reference
Broadway Plan has finished this stageJune 2018
Develop guiding principles
Broadway Plan has finished this stageMar. - Sept. 2019
Create the plan’s emerging directions
Broadway Plan has finished this stageSept. 2019 - Mar. 2020
Refine the plan directions
Broadway Plan has finished this stageNov. - Dec. 2021
Draft plan presented to Council
Broadway Plan has finished this stageEarly 2022
Final plan approved by Council
Broadway Plan has finished this stageJune 2022
Broadway Plan is currently at this stageSept. 2022 onwards
Related projects
Broadway Plan review (2024)
Broadway Plan review information boards (PDF, 6.6MB)
Broadway Plan review summary sheet (PDF, 1.5MB)
Broadway Plan review summary sheet - Simplified Chinese (PDF, 1.2MB) (1.12 MB) (pdf)
Broadway Plan review summary sheet - Traditional Chinese (PDF, 1.2MB) (1.12 MB) (pdf)
Broadway Plan Review engagement summary (PDF, 3.5 MB)
Civic District Engagement Summary
Broadway Public Realm and Streetscape Plan Engagement Summary
Broadway Plan (Council Approved including amendments)
Final Broadway Plan for Council's Consideration
Broadway Plan
Phase 4- Draft Plan Engagement Summary
Broadway Plan Highlight Document - English
Broadway Plan Highlights Document - Spanish
Broadway Plan Highlight Document - Tagalog
Broadway Plan Highlight Document - Arabic
Broadway Plan Highlight Document - Simplified Chinese
Appendix J - Broadway Public and Stakeholder Engagement Summary Phase 1 to 4.pdf (2.43 MB) (pdf)
Draft Plan
Phase 4 - Draft Plan Boards - Web.pdf (30.4 MB) (pdf)
Housing Draft Chapter
Jobs and Economy Draft Chapter
Transportation Draft Chapter
Public Realm Framework Draft Chapter
Heritage Draft Chapter
Arts and Culture Draft Chapter
Community Well-Being Draft Chapter
One Water Draft Chapter
Sustainability Draft Chapter
Refined Directions
Emerging Directions
Phase 2 (Part 1) Engagement Summary Report.pdf (34.4 MB) (pdf)
Phase 2 (Part 2) Engagement Summary Report.pdf (2.1KB) (2.09 MB) (pdf)
Emerging Directions Boards (Complete Set)
Emerging Directions Highlights Booklet (English)
Emerging Directions Highlights Booklet (Arabic)
Emerging Directions Highlights Booklet (Spanish)
Emerging Directions Highlights Booklet (Simplified Chinese)
Emerging Directions SYC Q and A.pdf (990 KB) (pdf)
Guiding Principles
Policies Proposed to be Rescinded
Kitsilano Neighbourhood Plan (1977)
Fairview Slopes Policy Plan (1977)
Central Area Plan: Goals and Land Use Policy C-3A - Central Broadway (1991)
Arbutus Neighbourhood Policy Plan (1992)
Burrard Slopes I-C Districts Interim Rezoning Policies and Guidelines (2007)
Broadway-Arbutus Policies (2004)
Mount Pleasant Community Plan (2010)
Mount Pleasant Community Plan Implementation Plan (2013)