Broadway Plan

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Elevated view looking west along Broadway.

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The Broadway Plan is an area plan for the area within Vine Street to Clark Drive and 1st Avenue to 16th Avenue. It was approved by Vancouver City Council on June 22, 2022 and has been in effect as of September 1, 2022. The 30-year plan focuses on opportunities to integrate new housing, jobs, and amenities around the new Broadway Subway.

Read the Council approved (June 2022) Broadway Plan.

Public Engagement is Now Closed

Between June 13 and July 14, we asked for your feedback on three projects related to Broadway Plan implementation. Public engagement on these projects is now closed. Read the public engagement summaries (linked below) to learn about what we heard:

Broadway Plan amendments will be presented to Council for consideration in November (2024).

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The Broadway Plan is an area plan for the area within Vine Street to Clark Drive and 1st Avenue to 16th Avenue. It was approved by Vancouver City Council on June 22, 2022 and has been in effect as of September 1, 2022. The 30-year plan focuses on opportunities to integrate new housing, jobs, and amenities around the new Broadway Subway.

Read the Council approved (June 2022) Broadway Plan.

Public Engagement is Now Closed

Between June 13 and July 14, we asked for your feedback on three projects related to Broadway Plan implementation. Public engagement on these projects is now closed. Read the public engagement summaries (linked below) to learn about what we heard:

Broadway Plan amendments will be presented to Council for consideration in November (2024).

  • Engagement Summaries

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    In June 2024, the City launched public engagement on the Broadway Plan Review, Broadway Public Realm Plan and City Hall Campus. We’ve gathered feedback on these three projects through our Shape Your City project page, survey and a number of public events. Read the public engagement summaries (linked below) to learn about what we heard.

    Next Steps:
    Over the coming months, the City will be finalizing work on these three projects. A report will be going to Council with recommendations for Council consideration in November 2024.

    Visit our website for more information on opportunities to get involved and share your feedback. We will be sending out updates on these next steps in the future. Alternatively, you can visit for more information and updates.

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    • 六月十五日:溫哥華市政廳 Helena Gutteridge 廣場(453 West 12th Avenue)(雨天則移至韋業祖會議室)上午 11:00 至下午 2:00
    • 六月十七日:Heritage Hall(3102 Main Street)下午 4:30 至 7:30
    • 六月二十日:溫哥華市政廳韋業祖會議室(453 West 12th Avenue)下午 5:00 至 8:00
    • 六月二十六日:Kitsilano Neighborhood House(2305 West 7th Avenue)下午 4:30 至 7:30

    提出問題: 在項目網頁上點按「提出問題」選項


  • 百老汇计划审核 (Simplified Chinese)

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    • 六月十五日:温哥华市政厅 Helena Gutteridge 广场(453 West 12th Avenue)(雨天则移至韦业祖会议)上午 11:00 至下午 2:00
    • 六月十七日:Heritage Hall(3102 Main Street)下午 4:30 至 7:30
    • 六月二十日:温哥华市政厅韦业祖会议(453 West 12th Avenue)下午 5:00 至 8:00
    • 六月二十六日:Kitsilano Neighborhood House(2305 West 7th Avenue)下午 4:30 至 7:30

    提出问题: 在项目网页上点击“提出问题”选项


  • Broadway Plan Implementation Update

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    Since the Broadway Plan was approved, work has been underway to add new housing, job space and amenities that integrate with the Broadway Subway and meet our city’s needs.

    Starting Thursday June 13, you will have the opportunity to learn and share your feedback on three projects related to Broadway Plan implementation.

    How to get involved:

    Learn more:


    • Take the online survey - with a chance to win a mini Vancouver City Hall! (closes July 14)
    • Call 311 to take the survey on the phone

    Attend one of our open houses:

    Open House #1:

    • Date: Saturday June 15
    • Time: 11:00am to 2:00pm
    • Location: Vancouver City Hall (453 West 12th Avenue) in Helena Gutteridge Plaza (if raining, moves to Joe Wai Meeting Room)

    Open House #2:

    • Date: Monday June 17
    • Time: 4:30 to 7:30pm
    • Location: Heritage Hall (3102 Main Street)

    Open House #3 (focus on City Hall Campus):

    • Date: Thursday June 20
    • Time: 4:30 to 7:30pm
    • Location: Vancouver City Hall (453 West 12th Avenue) in the Joe Wai Meeting Room

    Open House #4:

    • Date: Wednesday June 26
    • Time: 4:30 to 7:30pm
    • Location: Kitsilano Neighbourhood House (2305 West 7th Avenue)

  • Proposed Zoning Amendments

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    As part of implementation of the Broadway Plan, the City is proposing some zoning amendments in specific areas. Some of the key proposed zoning amendments include:

    • Amendments to modernize industrial zoning across the Plan area and to enable more employment space to be built in the Mount Pleasant Industrial Area (I-1 zone) and the Burrard Slopes Mixed Employment Area (IC-1 and IC-2 zones).
    • Amendments to commercial zones (C-2, C-2B, C-2C, and C-2C1) to enable 6-storey mixed-use developments that provide secured rental housing.

    Full details on the entire proposal can be found in the referral report to Council (May 9, 2023).

    On May 9th, 2023 City Council referred these zoning changes to a public hearing. A public hearing is scheduled for June 15, 2023.

    How to get involved

    You can submit your comments on this report on our website at Your comments and name will be published in the meeting record.

    You can also sign up to speak at the public hearing on our website at Registration starts approximately 11 days before the meeting.

    For more information regarding Council meetings and to sign up for agenda updates, you can also visit the website here.

  • Broadway Plan Implementation Report

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    Following Council’s adoption of the Broadway Plan in June last year, implementation of the Plan is underway. There is still a lot of work to do to meet the objectives of the Plan over the next 30 years.

    As part of Broadway Plan implementation, City staff are bringing a report to Council on March 29 that will provide a general update on implementation progress to date, as well as several policy recommendations to address Council directions. Some of the key items that will be in the report include:

    • A report back on a “pace of change” approach to manage redevelopment impacts on existing renters
    • Amendments to the View Protection Guidelines (1989) to enable more job space and housing near rapid transit by clarifying the guidelines for protected public views to City Hall
    • Minor amendments to the False Creek Flats Plan (2017) to align with the Broadway Plan
    • A Fixed Development Contribution Framework to provide more clarity on public benefit contributions from new developments
    • An update on proposals for zoning amendments in industrial areas and commercial shopping areas to help streamline new development
    • Report back on active transportation lanes along Broadway

    The Council meeting agenda, along with the Broadway Plan implementation report, is posted on the City’s website.

  • Enhanced Broadway Plan area protections

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    On June 22, 2022, Council approved the Broadway Plan, which introduced enhanced tenant protections for renters in the Broadway Plan area, in addition to the existing City-wide Tenant Relocation and Protection Policy (TRPP).

    For questions about Broadway Plan area tenant protections:

    • Email

    • Phone 3-1-1

    Learn more about enhanced Broadway Plan area protections

  • Broadway Plan document reflecting Council's amendments

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    On June 22, Vancouver City Council approved the Broadway Plan. Over the last month, our team has been working on finalizing the plan document to reflect the various amendments passed by City Council. If you would like to view the final plan version, please click here.

  • Final Broadway Plan for Consideration

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    Hi everyone,

    We're in the final phase of developing the Broadway Plan, a 30-year area plan that focuses on integrating housing, jobs and amenities around the future Broadway Subway. This plan has been shaped by thousands of people who live, work, play and learn within the area and across the city and region. The Broadway Plan provides a comprehensive framework to guide growth and positive change in the area to meet the needs of today's residents and future generations.

    Read a summary of the Draft Broadway Plan or download the full Broadway Plan PDF file (83 MB).

    Draft Plan Engagement Summary Document:

    Between March 1 and March 22, 2022, there were over 19 opportunities to engage on the Draft Broadway Plan. We heard from thousands of people through our survey, in-person open houses, email and office hours. Thank you to everyone who shared their views and got involved.

    Read the Phase 4 Draft Plan Engagement summary.

    What's Next:

    The plan will be presented to City Council for consideration on May 18, 2022. If you would like to see the agenda, request to speak, or read the report, please visit the City of Vancouver Council Meetings webpage.

    The plan summary document will also be available for pick up at the following locations starting on Wednesday May 11:

    • Mount Pleasant Library (1 Kingsway)

    • Kitsilano Library (2425 Macdonald)

    • Firehall Library (1475 W 10th)

    • Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House (800 E Broadway)

    • Kitsilano Neighbourhood House (2305 W 7th)

    • City Hall - Centre Information/Security Desk (453 W 12th)

    If you have questions, please email us at

  • Draft Broadway Plan Engagement Is Now Closed

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    Thank you all for participating in the Draft Broadway Plan public consultation!

    Between March 1 and March 22, we had more than 6,300 visitors to our ShapeYourCity website to review materials, take the survey, and learn how to get involved. We received over 3,600 survey responses, over 300 people attended in person open houses and over 1,000 hard copy draft plan booklets were distributed through our local libraries.

    Over the next couple of weeks, we will be summarizing what we heard and sharing the results on our website. The next step in the planning process is to bring the final Draft Plan to Council in May 2022.

    We hope that you continue to stay engaged in our process.

    Thank you once again for your time and input.

Page last updated: 16 Sep 2024, 04:31 PM