City Hall campus

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Rendering of Vancouver City Hall

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The City of Vancouver has created a long-range plan for the future of the lands around City Hall. The plan guides future rezonings and the redevelopment for this area, which is known as the Civic District.

The long-term vision will help the area evolve into a more welcoming, inclusive and service-oriented environment with improved community amenities for everyone.

This is part of the City's work to implement the Broadway Plan. The Broadway Plan guides growth around the Broadway subway over the next 30 years. It was approved by Council in June 2022.

Council Approved:

On December 12, Council adopted policies for Civic District (also known as City Hall Campus) as part of the updates the Broadway Plan.

Learn more about the policies: PDF file (59.2MB)

简体中文 | 繁體中文

The City of Vancouver has created a long-range plan for the future of the lands around City Hall. The plan guides future rezonings and the redevelopment for this area, which is known as the Civic District.

The long-term vision will help the area evolve into a more welcoming, inclusive and service-oriented environment with improved community amenities for everyone.

This is part of the City's work to implement the Broadway Plan. The Broadway Plan guides growth around the Broadway subway over the next 30 years. It was approved by Council in June 2022.

Council Approved:

On December 12, Council adopted policies for Civic District (also known as City Hall Campus) as part of the updates the Broadway Plan.

Learn more about the policies: PDF file (59.2MB)

  • Council Approval

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    On December 12, Council adopted policies for Civic District (also known as City Hall Campus) as part of the updates the Broadway Plan.

    Civic District is an opportunity to reimagine the civic heart of Vancouver. The site represents a significant opportunity to meet the evolving municipal government needs to support Vancouver’s residents and businesses and optimize the use of these public lands at the intersection of the Canada Line and new Broadway Subway

    Learn more about the policies: PDF file (115MB)

  • Engagement Summary

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    In June 2024, the City launched public engagement on the City Hall Campus. We’ve gathered feedback through our Shape Your City project page, survey and a number of public events. Read the public engagement summary (linked below) to learn about what we heard.

    Next Steps:
    Over the coming months, the City will be finalizing work on this project and other Broadway Plan Implementation projects. A report will be going to Council with recommendations for Council consideration in November 2024.

    Please monitor this website more information on opportunities to get involved and share your feedback. We will be sending out updates on these next steps in the future. Alternatively, you can visit for more information and updates.

  • 市政廳園區(稱為公民區)(Traditional Chinese)

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    • 六月十五日:溫哥華市政廳 Helena Gutteridge 廣場(453 West 12th Avenue)(雨天則移至韋業祖會議室)上午 11:00 至下午 2:00
    • 六月十七日:Heritage Hall(3102 Main Street)下午 4:30 至 7:30
    • 六月二十日:溫哥華市政廳韋業祖會議室(453 West 12th Avenue)下午 5:00 至 8:00
    • 六月二十六日:Kitsilano Neighborhood House(2305 West 7th Avenue)下午 4:30 至 7:30




    我們將摘錄您的意見,並在選定用地概念及擬備指導用地未來發展的政策草案時加以參考。有關內容將於 11 月(2024 年)提交予市議會審議。

  • 市政厅园区(称为公民区) (Simplified Chinese)

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    • 六月十五日:温哥华市政厅 Helena Gutteridge 广场(453 West 12th Avenue)(雨天则移至韦业祖会议室)上午 11:00 至下午 2:00
    • 六月十七日:Heritage Hall(3102 Main Street)下午 4:30 至 7:30
    • 六月二十日:温哥华市政厅韦业祖会议室(453 West 12th Avenue)下午 5:00 至 8:00
    • 六月二十六日:Kitsilano Neighborhood House(2305 West 7th Avenue)下午 4:30 至 7:30




    我们将总结您的意见,并在选定用地概念及拟备指导用地未来发展的政策草案时加以参考。有关内容将于 11 月(2024 年)提交至市议会审议。

  • Share your feedback on the future of City Hall campus

    Share Share your feedback on the future of City Hall campus on Facebook Share Share your feedback on the future of City Hall campus on Twitter Share Share your feedback on the future of City Hall campus on Linkedin Email Share your feedback on the future of City Hall campus link

    The City of Vancouver is working on a long-range plan for the future of the lands around City Hall. The plan will guide future rezonings and the redevelopment for the City lands around Vancouver’s City Hall, which is known as the Civic District.

    This land is between Broadway to the north, West 12th Avenue to the south, Cambie Street to the west and Yukon Street to the east. The long term vision will help the area evolve into a more welcoming, inclusive, service-oriented environment with improved community amenities for everyone.

    How to get involved:

    Learn more:


    • Take the online survey - with a chance to win a mini Vancouver City Hall! (closes July 14)
    • Call 311 to take the survey on the phone

    Attend one of our open houses:

    • Saturday June 15: Vancouver City Hall (453 West 12th Avenue) in Helena Gutteridge Plaza (if raining, moves to Joe Wai Meeting Room) from 11am-2 pm
    • Monday June 17: Heritage Hall (3102 Main Street) from 4:30-7:30 pm
    • Thursday June 20 (Focus on City Hall Campus): Vancouver City Hall (453 West 12th Avenue) in the Joe Wai Meeting Room from 4:30-7:30 pm
    • Wednesday June 26: Kitsilano Neighbourhood House (2305 West 7th Avenue) from 4:30-7:30 pm

    Attend one of our pop ups:

    • June 22: South Granville (13th/Granville) from 12-2pm
    • June 26: Broadway City Hall Station from 12-2pm
    • July 6: Plaza near JJ Bean at 14th/Main from 12pm-2pm

    Note: All times are approximate, all events are weather dependent

    Ask a Question:

    Next steps:

    Your feedback will be summarized and used to inform the draft guiding principles and a preferred site concept, along with draft policy guiding future development on the site. This work will be included with the Broadway Plan amendments presented to Council for consideration in November (2024).

Page last updated: 04 Feb 2025, 04:42 PM