Engagement Summaries
In June 2024, the City launched public engagement on the Broadway Plan Review, Broadway Public Realm Plan and City Hall Campus. We’ve gathered feedback on these three projects through our Shape Your City project page, survey and a number of public events. Read the public engagement summaries (linked below) to learn about what we heard.
- Broadway Plan Review engagement summary (PDF, 3.5 MB)
- Broadway Public Realm Plan and Streetscape engagement summary (PDF, 38 MB)
- City Hall Campus engagement summary (PDF, 15 MB)
Next Steps:
Over the coming months, the City will be finalizing work on these three projects. A report will be going to Council with recommendations for Council consideration in November 2024.
Visit our website for more information on opportunities to get involved and share your feedback. We will be sending out updates on these next steps in the future. Alternatively, you can visit shapeyour.city.ca/broadway-plan for more information and updates.