Broadway Plan Implementation Report
Following Council’s adoption of the Broadway Plan in June last year, implementation of the Plan is underway. There is still a lot of work to do to meet the objectives of the Plan over the next 30 years.
As part of Broadway Plan implementation, City staff are bringing a report to Council on March 29 that will provide a general update on implementation progress to date, as well as several policy recommendations to address Council directions. Some of the key items that will be in the report include:
- A report back on a “pace of change” approach to manage redevelopment impacts on existing renters
- Amendments to the View Protection Guidelines (1989) to enable more job space and housing near rapid transit by clarifying the guidelines for protected public views to City Hall
- Minor amendments to the False Creek Flats Plan (2017) to align with the Broadway Plan
- A Fixed Development Contribution Framework to provide more clarity on public benefit contributions from new developments
- An update on proposals for zoning amendments in industrial areas and commercial shopping areas to help streamline new development
- Report back on active transportation lanes along Broadway
The Council meeting agenda, along with the Broadway Plan implementation report, is posted on the City’s website.