Broadway Plan
The Broadway Plan is an area plan for the area within Vine Street to Clark Drive and 1st Avenue to 16th Avenue. The 30-year plan focuses on opportunities to integrate new housing, jobs, and amenities around the new Broadway Subway.
Read the Council approved (June 2022) Broadway Plan.
Council Approved
On December 12, Council approved updates to the Broadway Plan. Council also adopted the Broadway Public Realm and Streetscape Plan, and the Civic District Plan, marking an important step in adding essential housing, job space and amenities that will meet the needs of today's residents and future generations.
Learn more about the updates: PDF file (72 KB)
The Broadway Plan is an area plan for the area within Vine Street to Clark Drive and 1st Avenue to 16th Avenue. The 30-year plan focuses on opportunities to integrate new housing, jobs, and amenities around the new Broadway Subway.
Read the Council approved (June 2022) Broadway Plan.
Council Approved
On December 12, Council approved updates to the Broadway Plan. Council also adopted the Broadway Public Realm and Streetscape Plan, and the Civic District Plan, marking an important step in adding essential housing, job space and amenities that will meet the needs of today's residents and future generations.
Learn more about the updates: PDF file (72 KB)
Emerging Directions Highlights Booklet
Share Emerging Directions Highlights Booklet on Facebook Share Emerging Directions Highlights Booklet on Twitter Share Emerging Directions Highlights Booklet on Linkedin Email Emerging Directions Highlights Booklet linkEmerging Directions summary booklets, and translations
The summary booklet highlights the key concepts and themes of the emerging directions. The summary booklet is now available on our website for digital download in English, simplified Chinese, Spanish and Arabic.
English booklet - Click here to view
Simplified Chinese booklet - Click here to view
Spanish booklet - Click here to view
Arabic booklet - Click here to view
Hard copy booklets can be found at community buildings across the study area. Visit one of the following locations to view a summary booklet:
Mount Pleasant
Mount Pleasant Library - 1 Kingsway
Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House - 800 E Broadway
Fire Hall Library - 1455 W 10th Ave
Kitsilano Library - 2425 Macdonald St
Reminder: How to share your feedback!
Tell us what you think about the emerging directions for Mount Pleasant, Fairview, Kitsilano and the area-wide policies!
• Join our last Broadway Plan Emerging Direction workshop.
• Tell us in the survey by March 31. Take the survey.
• Have a question about the Emerging Directions? Leave us a question on the “Questions” tabs on our Broadway Plan ShapeYourCity website.
We look forward to hearing your input.
Kind regards,
The Broadway Planning Team
Broadway Plan Rental Roundtables + Gen Z Workshop
Share Broadway Plan Rental Roundtables + Gen Z Workshop on Facebook Share Broadway Plan Rental Roundtables + Gen Z Workshop on Twitter Share Broadway Plan Rental Roundtables + Gen Z Workshop on Linkedin Email Broadway Plan Rental Roundtables + Gen Z Workshop linkSince February 16, 2021 the Broadway Team has been listening to your feedback on the Broadway Plan’s early policy directions. Below is a list of upcoming and ongoing opportunities to get involved and learn more about the Broadway Plan.
Renters Roundtable Events
Are you a renter? We want to hear from you! The City will be hosting a series of online Renter Roundtables where you can learn more and share your thoughts about renting in the Broadway area, including the creation of new rental housing, protecting existing secure rental housing, renter protections, and mitigating displacement for existing renters in the area.
You can register to participate in the following neighbourhood roundtables:
Mount Pleasant – March 23, 6:00-7:30PM – Register here for the event
Fairview – March 24, 6:00-7:30PM – Register here for the event
Kitsilano – March 25, 6:00-7:30PM - Register here for the event
Langara College, CityStudio and the City of Vancouver are teaming up to host the Broadway Plan’s Gen Z Workshop. This virtual workshop will provide a dedicated space for young people between the ages of 18 and 30 to share their thoughts on the latest Broadway Plan “Emerging Directions” including housing, transportation, Broadway as a “Great Street”, jobs and economy, and more.
March 22, 2021, 6:00-7:30PM – Register here for this event
Office Hours
During our engagement process our planning team is available every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 12:00 – 2:00 pm and 5:00 – 7:00pm to chat about the Broadway Plan and answer your questions. Visit our Eventbrite page to sign up today.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to if you have any questions.
The Broadway Plan team would like to thank you for all your meaningful participation to date. We look forward to your input and feedback.
Launch: Emerging Directions Virtual Open House
Share Launch: Emerging Directions Virtual Open House on Facebook Share Launch: Emerging Directions Virtual Open House on Twitter Share Launch: Emerging Directions Virtual Open House on Linkedin Email Launch: Emerging Directions Virtual Open House linkWe are excited to announce that Broadway Plan’s Phase 2 Emerging Directions Virtual Open House is now live on our website.
Open house materials detail proposed directions for land uses, housing, jobs, parks, public spaces and connections and amenities. The overall focus will be on how neighbourhoods will grow and manage change through a neighbourhood-based planning approach that recognizes the distinct communities, places, issues, and opportunities in Mount Pleasant, Fairview and Kitsilano.
How you can participate
Get the highlights in the interactive StoryMaps
The Broadway Plan's StoryMaps are an interactive web-based tool that combines maps, pictures, videos, and text to show you the highlights of the Broadway Plan's Emerging Directions.
Read the full details in the online information boards
A set of files in PDF format, similar to the information boards you’d find at our in-person open houses, is also available on our website to provide you the details about the important contextual information and emerging directions for all three neighbourhoods and area-wide policies. View the complete set.
Share your feedback
What do you think about the emerging directions for Mount Pleasant, Fairview, or Kitsilano? What do you think of the area-wide policies?
a. Tell us in the survey by March 31. Take the survey.
b. Have a question? Sign up for our “office hours” to speak to a Broadway Plan team member.
c. Have a question about the Emerging Directions? Leave us a question on the “Questions” tabs
- Sign up for our workshops
We’re holding a series of virtual workshops, which focus on the highlights of the Emerging Directions, covering the neighbourhoods of the Broadway Plan and area-wide policy. To sign up, visit:
a. Mount Pleasant (March 9):
b. Fairview (March 10):
c. Kitsilano (March 11):
d. Broadway General (March 16): feedback will help us refine the emerging directions and move us one-step closer to creating a 30-year plan that will help integrate new housing, jobs, and amenities around the future Broadway Subway.
Stay tuned for additional ways you can get involved!
Get the highlights in the interactive StoryMaps
Emerging Directions Launching February 16
Share Emerging Directions Launching February 16 on Facebook Share Emerging Directions Launching February 16 on Twitter Share Emerging Directions Launching February 16 on Linkedin Email Emerging Directions Launching February 16 linkThe Broadway Planning Team is excited to annoince that the Phase 2-Emerging Directions Virtual Open House will take place on February 16 to march 31 here on ShapeYourCity. the 30-year plan will focus on opportunities to integrate new housing, jobs, and amenities around the new Broadway Subway.
COVID-10 and public health measures continue to change how we gather and engage meaningfully on community building projects. The Broadway Plan's Virtual Open House will allow you to review and engage on the plan safely and on your own time.
Starting February 16, come back to this page to learn about the emerging policy directions, provide feedback, and find out how else you can get involved in planning the Broadway area.
If you have any questions, please leave it under the "Question and Answer" tab or email us at
Emerging Direction Engagement Update - Early 2021
Share Emerging Direction Engagement Update - Early 2021 on Facebook Share Emerging Direction Engagement Update - Early 2021 on Twitter Share Emerging Direction Engagement Update - Early 2021 on Linkedin Email Emerging Direction Engagement Update - Early 2021 linkThe Broadway Planning Team is excited to announce that engagement for Phase 2 - Emerging Directions will begin in February 2021.
During the last couple of months, COVID-19 has continued to change the ways we gather, work, and move across the city and region. It‘s also changed how we can engage on meaningful community building projects like the Broadway Plan.
In-person engagement for this phase was initially on track to launch at the end of 2020. However, due to the ongoing public health measures restricting gatherings, we’ve had to rethink how we engage on this critical phase of the plan.
In February, we’ll be presenting the Broadway Plan Emerging Directions using a “Virtual Open House ” model to connect with you online. We’ll also be identifying safe opportunities for in-person engagement. Over the next couple of months, we’ll be working to ensure that the ways we share information and collect feedback are done in meaningful and inclusive ways.
We look forward to this next phase of engagement and hearing from you. Please continue to follow our website, social media and listserv in the new year for details on the Emerging Directions launch.
September Update: Phase 2 (Part 1) Engagement Report and Update Presentation
Share September Update: Phase 2 (Part 1) Engagement Report and Update Presentation on Facebook Share September Update: Phase 2 (Part 1) Engagement Report and Update Presentation on Twitter Share September Update: Phase 2 (Part 1) Engagement Report and Update Presentation on Linkedin Email September Update: Phase 2 (Part 1) Engagement Report and Update Presentation linkThe Broadway Plan team is happy to announce an update with new information and materials for your review. During the last couple of months we have seen a lot of change due to the COVID-19 pandemic; however, we want to assure you that work is continuing on the Broadway Plan. We would like to take the opportunity to provide an update on what we heard in the last phase of engagement and the next steps for the Broadway planning process.
Phase 2 (Part 1) Engagement Summary Report: From September 2019 to March 2020, the Broadway Plan team heard from about 1,800 people who live, work, play, and visit in the Broadway Plan study area. During this phase of engagement, we focused our efforts on hearing from communities who were underrepresented at in our previous consultations. The report summarizes the engagement events and feedback we received. Click here to read the engagement summary report.
Update Presentation: We have prepared a virtual presentation with an update on the impact of COVID-19 on the Broadway Plan work timeline, what we heard during Phase 2 (Part 1), and next steps. The presentation will also provide high level details on how the Broadway Plan will help guide community recovery from the pandemic. Click here to watch the virtual presentation. Click to read the presentation document.
We want to hear from you: Do you have any questions about what you heard in the update presentation or something you read in our engagement summary? Use the “Ask a question” tab.
Timeline and public engagement changes coming
Share Timeline and public engagement changes coming on Facebook Share Timeline and public engagement changes coming on Twitter Share Timeline and public engagement changes coming on Linkedin Email Timeline and public engagement changes coming linkThe Broadway planning process is continuing to move forward with an adjusted timeline and approach to public engagement that follows public health measures.
With the Broadway Subway construction expected to start later this year, the Broadway Plan continues to be a high priority. Prioritizing housing, jobs, transportation, and public space in the Broadway area is critical to Vancouver’s future. The plan will also play an important role in our pandemic recovery.
With COVID-19 (Coronavirus) still circulating and social distancing measures in place, we can't hold in-person engagement for the foreseeable future. It's critical that we stay committed to reducing the spread of COVID-19. We're exploring other public engagement activities so everyone can provide their input.
Council endorses Broadway Plan guiding principles
Share Council endorses Broadway Plan guiding principles on Facebook Share Council endorses Broadway Plan guiding principles on Twitter Share Council endorses Broadway Plan guiding principles on Linkedin Email Council endorses Broadway Plan guiding principles linkThe proposed guiding principles for the Broadway Plan were endorsed by Council October 22, setting direction for the creation of the Broadway Plan which will incorporate core community values into future planning in the area.
Public input played a key role in developing the principles. Between March and September, staff engaged with community members through:
- 24 public events
- 12 focused engagement events
- 3 surveys
This resulted in more than 10,300 engagement contacts. Community members shared what they value about their neighbourhoods, ideas, interests, and opportunities.
Phase 2 of work on the Broadway Plan will move forward with developing growth scenarios and emerging directions which will be presented to the public in late 2020. Once a preferred set of directions has been selected and tested with the public, a draft plan will be created and presented to Council for consideration in mid 2021.
Phase 1 engagement summary report
Share Phase 1 engagement summary report on Facebook Share Phase 1 engagement summary report on Twitter Share Phase 1 engagement summary report on Linkedin Email Phase 1 engagement summary report linkThe Phase 1 Engagement Summary Report summarizes what we heard from March 7 to September 7, 2019. Phase 1 engagement was a listening phase to gather ideas, interests, and opportunities for the future of the Broadway Plan study area and its distinctive neighbourhoods: False Creek Flats, Mount Pleasant, Fairview, and Kitsilano.
Project timeline
Council approves Broadway planning terms of reference
Broadway Plan has finished this stageJune 2018
Develop guiding principles
Broadway Plan has finished this stageMar. - Sept. 2019
Create the plan’s emerging directions
Broadway Plan has finished this stageSept. 2019 - Mar. 2020
Refine the plan directions
Broadway Plan has finished this stageNov. - Dec. 2021
Draft plan presented to Council
Broadway Plan has finished this stageEarly 2022
Final plan approved by Council
Broadway Plan has finished this stageJune 2022
Broadway Plan is currently at this stageSept. 2022 onwards
Related projects
Broadway Plan review (2024)
Broadway Plan review information boards (PDF, 6.6MB)
Broadway Plan review summary sheet (PDF, 1.5MB)
Broadway Plan review summary sheet - Simplified Chinese (PDF, 1.2MB) (1.12 MB) (pdf)
Broadway Plan review summary sheet - Traditional Chinese (PDF, 1.2MB) (1.12 MB) (pdf)
Broadway Plan Review engagement summary (PDF, 3.5 MB)
Civic District Engagement Summary
Broadway Public Realm and Streetscape Plan Engagement Summary
Broadway Plan (Council Approved including amendments)
Final Broadway Plan for Council's Consideration
Broadway Plan
Phase 4- Draft Plan Engagement Summary
Broadway Plan Highlight Document - English
Broadway Plan Highlights Document - Spanish
Broadway Plan Highlight Document - Tagalog
Broadway Plan Highlight Document - Arabic
Broadway Plan Highlight Document - Simplified Chinese
Appendix J - Broadway Public and Stakeholder Engagement Summary Phase 1 to 4.pdf (2.43 MB) (pdf)
Draft Plan
Phase 4 - Draft Plan Boards - Web.pdf (30.4 MB) (pdf)
Housing Draft Chapter
Jobs and Economy Draft Chapter
Transportation Draft Chapter
Public Realm Framework Draft Chapter
Heritage Draft Chapter
Arts and Culture Draft Chapter
Community Well-Being Draft Chapter
One Water Draft Chapter
Sustainability Draft Chapter
Refined Directions
Emerging Directions
Phase 2 (Part 1) Engagement Summary Report.pdf (34.4 MB) (pdf)
Phase 2 (Part 2) Engagement Summary Report.pdf (2.1KB) (2.09 MB) (pdf)
Emerging Directions Boards (Complete Set)
Emerging Directions Highlights Booklet (English)
Emerging Directions Highlights Booklet (Arabic)
Emerging Directions Highlights Booklet (Spanish)
Emerging Directions Highlights Booklet (Simplified Chinese)
Emerging Directions SYC Q and A.pdf (990 KB) (pdf)
Guiding Principles
Policies Proposed to be Rescinded
Kitsilano Neighbourhood Plan (1977)
Fairview Slopes Policy Plan (1977)
Central Area Plan: Goals and Land Use Policy C-3A - Central Broadway (1991)
Arbutus Neighbourhood Policy Plan (1992)
Burrard Slopes I-C Districts Interim Rezoning Policies and Guidelines (2007)
Broadway-Arbutus Policies (2004)
Mount Pleasant Community Plan (2010)
Mount Pleasant Community Plan Implementation Plan (2013)