Dunsmuir/Melville street upgrades

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An illustration showing a protected bike lane with people riding bikes and micro-mobility, pedestrians, cars and a bus.

繁體中文 | 简体中文 | 한국 | español | فارسی

The City of Vancouver is planning to make it easier and safer to walk, bike and roll along Dunsmuir and Melville Streets. This work will happen between Hornby Street and the Coal Harbour Seawall. It will help connect important routes, including Dunsmuir Street, Hornby Street, Bute Street and the Seaside Greenway.

This project is a key corridor listed in the 2023-2027 Active Mobility Plan. This project aims to boost sustainable travel options and support climate action.

Changes include:

  • A 0.9 km two-way protected bike lane using quick-build materials
  • Intersection and bus stop improvements
  • Parking, loading and pick-up/drop-off area adjustments

We’re looking for your feedback on the proposed design.

How to get involved

There are several ways to get involved:

  • Fill out the online survey by October 6 (it will take approximately 5 to 10 minutes)
  • Email us your feedback at
  • Visit us at one of our two engagement sessions:
    1. Saturday, Sept. 21 1-4 pm: Open House, 480 Broughton Street (Coal Harbour Community Centre, Multipurpose Room)
    2. Wednesday, Sept. 25 4-6 pm: Go By Bike Week Celebration Station, 566 Richards Street (Cathedral Square)

Next steps

Once we have collected all stakeholder and public input, we will prepare an engagement summary sharing what we heard from the community. Construction is expected to begin in 2026.

繁體中文 | 简体中文 | 한국 | español | فارسی

The City of Vancouver is planning to make it easier and safer to walk, bike and roll along Dunsmuir and Melville Streets. This work will happen between Hornby Street and the Coal Harbour Seawall. It will help connect important routes, including Dunsmuir Street, Hornby Street, Bute Street and the Seaside Greenway.

This project is a key corridor listed in the 2023-2027 Active Mobility Plan. This project aims to boost sustainable travel options and support climate action.

Changes include:

  • A 0.9 km two-way protected bike lane using quick-build materials
  • Intersection and bus stop improvements
  • Parking, loading and pick-up/drop-off area adjustments

We’re looking for your feedback on the proposed design.

How to get involved

There are several ways to get involved:

  • Fill out the online survey by October 6 (it will take approximately 5 to 10 minutes)
  • Email us your feedback at
  • Visit us at one of our two engagement sessions:
    1. Saturday, Sept. 21 1-4 pm: Open House, 480 Broughton Street (Coal Harbour Community Centre, Multipurpose Room)
    2. Wednesday, Sept. 25 4-6 pm: Go By Bike Week Celebration Station, 566 Richards Street (Cathedral Square)

Next steps

Once we have collected all stakeholder and public input, we will prepare an engagement summary sharing what we heard from the community. Construction is expected to begin in 2026.

  • Share your feedback on the proposed design!

    Share Share your feedback on the proposed design! on Facebook Share Share your feedback on the proposed design! on Twitter Share Share your feedback on the proposed design! on Linkedin Email Share your feedback on the proposed design! link

    We’re planning to improve active transportation along Dunsmuir and Melville Streets. This project will introduce a 0.9-kilometre two-way protected bike lane along Dunsmuir/Melville Street from Hornby Street to the Coal Harbour Seawall. Additionally, it includes bus stop improvements and changes to parking, loading and pick-up/drop-off areas.

    Check out the draft design that:

    • Closes a gap in the downtown active transportation network
    • Creates direct and intuitive connections
    • Accommodates vehicle movement
    • Improves safety for all

    Get Involved

    Let us know what you think by:

    • Filling out our online survey
    • Emailing us your feedback at
    • Visiting us at one of our two engagement sessions:
      1. September 21, 2024, 1-4 pm: Open House, 480 Broughton Street (Coal Harbour Community Centre, Multipurpose Room)
      2. September 25, 2024, 4-6 pm: Go By Bike Week Celebration Station, 566 Richards Street (Cathedral Square)

    Your input will help us refine the final design and inform implementation.

    Share your feedback by Sunday, October 6, 2024.

  • 關於:Dunsmuir/Melville道路升級:市中心單車網絡擴展 (Traditional Chinese)

    Share 關於:Dunsmuir/Melville道路升級:市中心單車網絡擴展 (Traditional Chinese) on Facebook Share 關於:Dunsmuir/Melville道路升級:市中心單車網絡擴展 (Traditional Chinese) on Twitter Share 關於:Dunsmuir/Melville道路升級:市中心單車網絡擴展 (Traditional Chinese) on Linkedin Email 關於:Dunsmuir/Melville道路升級:市中心單車網絡擴展 (Traditional Chinese) link


    溫哥華市政府計劃通過道路升级,讓市民可以更輕鬆和安全地從Hornby Street沿Dunsmuir Street和Melville Street步行、踏單車或滑行至高豪港海堤 (Coal Harbour Seawall)。該項目包括Dunsmuir/Melville Street、Jervis Street、West Hastings Street和Broughton Street的道路及單車徑改造。

    這些改造將填補市中心內適合所有年齡和能力(All Ages and Abilities,簡稱AAA)單車網絡中的缺口,以惠及市民、旅客、企業和電動交通方式的使用者。


    我們希望聽取您對擬議設計的意見。 您可以通過以下幾種方式參與:

    • 瀏覽我們的Shape Your City網頁(並填寫網上問卷(截至2024年10月6日)
    • 將您的意見通過電子郵件發送給我們:
    • 參加以下其中一個公眾參與活動:
      1. 2024年9月21日,下午1-4時:開放日,480 Broughton Street(高豪港社區中心,多用途室, 即Coal Harbour Community Centre, Multipurpose Room)
      2. 2024年9月25日,下午4-6時:單車騎行周慶祝點 (Go By Bike Week Celebration Station),566 Richards Street(教堂廣場,即Cathedral Square)





  • 关于:Dunsmuir/Melville道路升级:市中心自行车网络扩展 (Simplified Chinese)

    Share 关于:Dunsmuir/Melville道路升级:市中心自行车网络扩展 (Simplified Chinese) on Facebook Share 关于:Dunsmuir/Melville道路升级:市中心自行车网络扩展 (Simplified Chinese) on Twitter Share 关于:Dunsmuir/Melville道路升级:市中心自行车网络扩展 (Simplified Chinese) on Linkedin Email 关于:Dunsmuir/Melville道路升级:市中心自行车网络扩展 (Simplified Chinese) link


    温哥华市政府计划通过道路升级,让市民可以更轻松和安全地从Hornby Street沿Dunsmuir Street和Melville Street步行、骑自行车或滑行到高豪港海堤 (Coal Harbour Seawall)。该项目包括Dunsmuir/Melville Street、Jervis Street、West Hastings Street和Broughton Street的道路及自行车道改造。

    这些改造将弥补市中心适合所有年龄和能力(All Ages and Abilities, 简称AAA)的自行车网络中的缺口,以惠及居民、游客、商家和电动交通方式的使用者。



    • 访问我们的Shape Your City网页(并填写我们的网上问卷(截至2024年10月6日)
    • 将您的反馈通过电子邮件发送给我们:
    • 参加以下其中一个公众参与活动:
      1. 2024年9月21日,下午1-4点:开放日,480 Broughton Street(高豪港社区中心,多用途室, 即Coal Harbour Community Centre, Multipurpose Room)
      2. 2024年9月25日,下午4-6点:自行车出行周庆祝点(即Go By Bike Week Celebration Station),566 Richards Street(教堂广场,即Cathedral Square)





  • 주제: Dunsmuir/Melville Street 도로 개선: 다운타운 자전거 네트워크 확장 (Korean)

    Share 주제: Dunsmuir/Melville Street 도로 개선: 다운타운 자전거 네트워크 확장 (Korean) on Facebook Share 주제: Dunsmuir/Melville Street 도로 개선: 다운타운 자전거 네트워크 확장 (Korean) on Twitter Share 주제: Dunsmuir/Melville Street 도로 개선: 다운타운 자전거 네트워크 확장 (Korean) on Linkedin Email 주제: Dunsmuir/Melville Street 도로 개선: 다운타운 자전거 네트워크 확장 (Korean) link

    지역사회 여러분께,

    밴쿠버시는 Hornby Street에서 Coal Harbour Seawall에 이르는 구역의 Dunsmuir Street 과 Melville Street을 따라서 걷기, 자전거 및 롤러 타기가 더 쉽고 안전하도록 도로를 개선할 계획입니다. 이 프로젝트는 Dunsmuir/Melville Street, Jervis Street, West Hastings Street 그리고 Broughton Street의 도로 및 자전거 차선 변경이 포함됩니다.

    이 개선 작업은 다운타운 내 모든 연령대와 능력(AAA)의 이용자를 위한 자전거 네트워크의 격차를 해소하여 주민, 방문객, 사업체들과 전기 이동 수단 이용자들을 지원할 것입니다.


    밴쿠버시의 설계안에 대한 여러분의 의견을 얻고자 하는데 참여 방법은 다음의 과 같습니다.

    • 저희 Shape Your City 웹페이지(를 방문하여 2024년 10월 6일까지 온라인 설문조사를 작성해 주세요
    • dunsmuir-melville-upgrades@vancouver.ca로 여러분의 의견을 이메일로 보내주세요.
    • 다음 두 차례 모임 중 하나에 참석해 주세요.
      1. 2024 9월 21일, 오후 1~4: 오픈 하우스, 480 Broughton Street (Coal Harbour 커뮤니티 센터, 다용도실)
      2. 2024 9 25, 오후 4~6: Go By Bike Week 이벤트 스테이션, 566 Richards Street (Cathedral 스퀘어)

    만일 한국어 통역 서비스가 필요하시면 3-1-1로 전화 하셔서 통역을 요청 바랍니다.


    Dunsmuir/Melville Street 도로 개선: 다운타운 자전거 네트워크 확장 프로젝트팀

    밴쿠버 시청

  • Asunto: Mejoras en las calles Dunsmuir / Melville: Ampliación de la Red de Bicicletas del Centro (Spanish)

    Share Asunto: Mejoras en las calles Dunsmuir / Melville: Ampliación de la Red de Bicicletas del Centro (Spanish) on Facebook Share Asunto: Mejoras en las calles Dunsmuir / Melville: Ampliación de la Red de Bicicletas del Centro (Spanish) on Twitter Share Asunto: Mejoras en las calles Dunsmuir / Melville: Ampliación de la Red de Bicicletas del Centro (Spanish) on Linkedin Email Asunto: Mejoras en las calles Dunsmuir / Melville: Ampliación de la Red de Bicicletas del Centro (Spanish) link

    Estimado miembro de la comunidad:

    La alcaldía de Vancouver está planificando hacer que sea más fácil y seguro caminar, ir en bicicleta y en patineta por las calles Dunsmuir y Melville desde la calle Hornby hasta el Coal Harbour Seawall. Este proyecto incluye cambios en la calzada y en los carriles de bicicletas de las calles Dunsmuir / Melville, Jervis, West Hastings y Broughton.

    Con estos cambios se cerrará una brecha en la red de ciclorutas para Todas las Edades y Habilidades en el centro de la ciudad con el fin de apoyar a los residentes, visitantes, empresas y usuarios de lamovilidad personal.


    Nos interesa su opinión sobre el diseño propuesto. Hay varias formas de participar:

    • Visite nuestra página web ( y responda nuestra encuesta en línea antes del 6 de Octubre de 2024
    • Envíenos sus comentarios por correo electrónico a
    • Participe en una de nuestras dos sesiones:
      1. 21 de septiembre de 2024, 1 a 4 p.m.: Jornada de Puertas Abiertas (Open House), 480 Broughton Street (Centro Comunitario de Coal Harbour, Sala polivalente)
      2. 25 de septiembre de 2024, de 4 a 6 p.m.: Estación de Celebración de la Semana Go By Bike, 566 Richards Street (Plaza de la Catedral)

    Si usted o alguien que conoce necesita servicios de interpretación de idiomas, llame al 3-1-1.

    Muchas gracias,

    Mejoras en las calles Dunsmuir / Melville: Equipo del proyecto de Ampliación de la Red de Bicicletas del Centro

    Alcaldía de Vancouver

  • Dunsmuir/Melville (Farsi)

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Page last updated: 20 Sep 2024, 03:37 PM