Imagine West End Waterfront
Consultation has concluded
Help create a 30-year vision for the West End waterfront!
Help the Vancouver Park Board and City of Vancouver imagine the future of the parks, beaches, and connections to and through the areas that make up the West End Waterfront, commonly known as English Bay, Sunset Beach Park and Beach Ave. This stretch of shoreline is part of the unceded, ancestral, and traditional territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam Indian Band), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish Nation) and sə̓lílwətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh Nation) and is a place of great cultural, spiritual and ecological significance. It is also a key amenity for the many urban Indigenous residents in Vancouver living far away from their homelands.
Where are we now?
We are in the final phase of planning for the next 30 years of the West End waterfront area, which includes English Bay, Sunset Beach Park, Morton Park, Alexandra Park, and Beach Avenue. Imagine West End Waterfront is a long-term vision for the area’s parks, beaches and places we move that will be implemented gradually.
Get Involved:
Engagement on the Imagine West End Waterfront Vision has now concluded. Thank you to the community members who participated and provided input. You can stay up to date on plan implementation and getting involved in the future:
- Learn about community feedback on the draft vision in the Round 3 What We Heard Report (PDF, 18.4MB)
- Read the report/final vision (PDF, 33.1 MB) to learn about the project
- Sign up for our mailing list to get updates directly to your inbox (see bottom-right of webpage)
- Visit the project webpage to learn more
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Help create a 30-year vision for the West End waterfront!
Help the Vancouver Park Board and City of Vancouver imagine the future of the parks, beaches, and connections to and through the areas that make up the West End Waterfront, commonly known as English Bay, Sunset Beach Park and Beach Ave. This stretch of shoreline is part of the unceded, ancestral, and traditional territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam Indian Band), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish Nation) and sə̓lílwətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh Nation) and is a place of great cultural, spiritual and ecological significance. It is also a key amenity for the many urban Indigenous residents in Vancouver living far away from their homelands.
Where are we now?
We are in the final phase of planning for the next 30 years of the West End waterfront area, which includes English Bay, Sunset Beach Park, Morton Park, Alexandra Park, and Beach Avenue. Imagine West End Waterfront is a long-term vision for the area’s parks, beaches and places we move that will be implemented gradually.
Get Involved:
Engagement on the Imagine West End Waterfront Vision has now concluded. Thank you to the community members who participated and provided input. You can stay up to date on plan implementation and getting involved in the future:
- Learn about community feedback on the draft vision in the Round 3 What We Heard Report (PDF, 18.4MB)
- Read the report/final vision (PDF, 33.1 MB) to learn about the project
- Sign up for our mailing list to get updates directly to your inbox (see bottom-right of webpage)
- Visit the project webpage to learn more
The automatic translation tool* is available for: Traditional Chinese [繁體中文] Simplified Chinese [简体中文] Punjabi [ਪੰਜਾਬੀ], Filipino [Tagalog], Vietnamese [Tiếng Việt], French [Français], Korean [한국어], Japanese [日本語] and Spanish [Español] – please see the tool at the top-right of this page.
*Note: the translation service on our website is hosted by Google Translate. As this is a third-party service, we cannot guarantee the quality or accuracy of any translated content.
Project Update
Share Project Update on Facebook Share Project Update on Twitter Share Project Update on Linkedin Email Project Update linkThe Imagine West End Waterfront Vision was approved by the Park Board on April 22, and the project team is exploring next steps based on the July 8 Board direction.
- Review the report and vision PDF file (33 MB)
- Review the April 22, 2024 Park Board meeting
- Review the May 8, 2024 Council meeting
- Review the draft vision in the Round 3 What We Heard Report PDF file (16.1 MB) to learn about community feedback
Project Background
Share Project Background on Facebook Share Project Background on Twitter Share Project Background on Linkedin Email Project Background linkThe West End waterfront (English Bay, Sunset Beach Park, Morton Park, Alexandra Park, and Beach Avenue) is a popular and beloved public space.
This area is experiencing the impact of climate change and sea level rise, increased demand on the park due to population rise, and facilities that are reaching the end of their life. We need a long-term plan so this place can respond to these pressures and ensure it's enjoyed and ecologically resilient for years to come.
It is important that we make these changes now to tackle ongoing environmental damage to the West End's coastal infrastructure. This plan aims to address some of the challenges facing Vancouver's shorelines, as shown by the recent damage to Stanley Park and English Bay Seawall, Kitsilano Pool, and Jericho Pier, and to improve the region's long-term climate resilience.
Imagine West End waterfront project area
This shoreline is the unceded, traditional and ancestral lands and waters of the xwməθkwəy’əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish) and səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh) Peoples, and a place of great cultural, spiritual and ecological significance to them. Consultation with the three Host Nations as rights and titleholders of these unceded lands and waters, and participation of urban Indigenous residents will guide how the future West End waterfront could be a great place for Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh community members and Indigenous Peoples.
The project planning process will uphold and build on the many Reconciliation commitments made by the Vancouver Park Board and City of Vancouver.
Round 3 - draft concept design
Share Round 3 - draft concept design on Facebook Share Round 3 - draft concept design on Twitter Share Round 3 - draft concept design on Linkedin Email Round 3 - draft concept design linkWe’re excited to share what we heard from the third round of community engagement on the draft concept design. Round 3 of engagement took place from October 30 to December 6, 2023.
Feedback gathered during Round 3 builds on community input from Round 2: Design approaches and ideas. Over 1,600 community members shared their thoughts on the draft concept design. Feedback collected helped the project team understand what is most important to refine as they move from the draft to final concept design.
Read our Round 3 What We Heard report to learn more about community feedback on the draft concept design for the project.
Round 3 What We Heard Report (PDF, 18.4MB)
(Reading time: 20-25min)
- More detail on what we heard can be found in the report appendix.
Round 2 - design approaches and ideas
Share Round 2 - design approaches and ideas on Facebook Share Round 2 - design approaches and ideas on Twitter Share Round 2 - design approaches and ideas on Linkedin Email Round 2 - design approaches and ideas linkThe Imagine West End Waterfront team is excited to share what we heard from the second round of community engagement on design approaches and ideas. Round 2 of engagement took place from April 21 to June 1 2023.
In this round of engagement we shared three initial design approaches (PDF, 14.6 MB) for the area (Weave, Carve, and Seed) and the vision, principles, and goals (PDF, 251 KB) for community input.
Community shared input on:
- draft Vision, Principles, and Goals
- public life, which included park programming and activities as well as facilities and amenities
- transportation needs
- environment including ecology, adapting to sea level rise and climate change, and;
- emerging big ideas for key areas of the waterfront.
We heard that you want the future West End waterfront to be a place that includes:
- A mix of active and passive uses throughout the site.
- Improved facilities like washrooms, changing areas, and water stations. Some would like better access to the water.
- Active and sustainable transportation prioritized, while ensuring that residents and visitors who drive continue to be able to access the area and park near their destinations.
- Deep appreciation for the quiet, peaceful and green qualities of the area today.
- Commitment to an environmentally resilient place
- A joyful place where people of all ages can gather
- A connected place that acknowledges the unique characteristics of the West End neighbourhood.
Feedback gathered during Round 2 builds on community input from Round 1: Listen and Learn in Summer-Fall 2021 that helped shaped the draft vision, principles and goals.
Read our Round 2 engagement report to learn more about community feedback on design approaches and ideas for the Imagine West End Waterfront Plan.
Round 2 What We Heard Report Summary (PDF, 13.4 MB)
(reading time: 20-25min)
This document summarizes community engagement through Round 2: design approaches and ideas, and includes key findings on feedback we heard about design approaches, public interests, and possible big ideas of West End waterfront.
Round 2 What We Heard Report Appendix (PDF, 23.3 MB)
(reading time: as long as you want to get into detail)
This report is an in-depth look at all engagement activities for Round 2: design approaches and ideas, such as: the online survey, stakeholder workshops, virtual workshops, and public pop-up events.
Round 1 - Listen and learn engagement
Share Round 1 - Listen and learn engagement on Facebook Share Round 1 - Listen and learn engagement on Twitter Share Round 1 - Listen and learn engagement on Linkedin Email Round 1 - Listen and learn engagement linkThe Imagine West End Waterfront team is excited to share what we heard from the first round of community engagement - Listen and Learn. Round 1 of engagement took place over two-and-half month period from late August to late-November 2021.
People shared what they love, what they would change, and what is important for the future of this special place.
We heard that you want the future West End waterfront to be a place that is:
- Visibly acknowledging Host Nations’(Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Peoples) territory and living connection to lands and waters
- Safer, accessible, and inclusive
- Environmentally and ecologically healthy
- Multi-functional and flexible for a variety of uses and experiences
- Serviced with improved facilities
Phase 1 What We Heard Report Graphic Summary (PDF, 8.5 MB)
(reading time: 5-10min)
This short graphic summary is a visual snapshot of what we heard and learned in Round 1: Listen and Learn.
Phase 1 What We Heard Report Summary (PDF, 2.7 MB)
(reading time: 20-25min)
This document summarizes community engagement through Round1: Listen and Learn, and includes key findings on public engagements events, emerging vision themes and goal themes.
Phase 1 What We Heard Report Appendix (PDF, 35.9 MB)
(reading time: as long as you want to get into detail)
This report is an in-depth look at all engagement activities for Round1: Listen and Learn, such as: Community Conversations, Community Pop-ups, and the TalkVancouver Survey.
How and why we're shaping the future of the West End waterfront
Click here to play video Shaping the future of Vancouver's West End waterfront (Video - 2:28) Discover how the Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation is working with the residents, visitors and businesses on shaping a 30-year vision for the West End waterfront. From sea level rise to population growth, aging infrastructure to habitat enhancement, Imagine West End Waterfront will tackle these challenges and seize opportunities for the area. This is our opportunity to shape the future of some of Vancouver's most beloved public spaces together. We're asking for feedback on the draft concept design until November 26. Visit to complete the survey and find out more.
Project timeline
Gather information
Imagine West End Waterfront has finished this stageWinter to Summer 2021
Research and planning for engagement
Listen and learn
Imagine West End Waterfront has finished this stageFall to Winter 2021
Develop values to guide a 30-year vision by exploring experiences of the West End waterfront
Design approaches and ideas
Imagine West End Waterfront has finished this stageSpring 2023
Share preliminary design approaches and ideas for the West End waterfront based on public input and analyses, invite feedback and revise options
Draft concept design
Imagine West End Waterfront has finished this stageFall 2023
Invite feedback on a refined conceptual design based on community input and technical analyses
Final concept design and plan
Imagine West End Waterfront is currently at this stageSpring 2024
Presentation of final concept design and Imagine West End Waterfront Vision Plan to elected Park Board and City Council
Frequently asked questions
- What is Imagine West End Waterfront?
- Where is the project happening?
- What does Council’s decision mean to the project?
- Why is this work being done?
- What ideas are being explored?
- Will the bike lane be removed to accommodate two-way traffic on Beach Ave?
- What is happening with the Vancouver Aquatic Centre (VAC)?
- How will the plan be funded?
- How can I share my feedback?
Learning library
Report/final Vision (PDF, 33.1MB)
Round 3 - Draft Concept Design
Round 2 - Design approaches and ideas
Round 1 - Listen and learn
Round 1 - West End Waterfront 2021 Survey Summary Report-Phase 1 (PDF, 15.2 MB)
Round 1 - What We Heard Report Summary (PDF, 2.7 MB)
Round 1 - What We Heard Report Appendix (PDF, 35.9 MB)
Round 1 - What We Heard Report Graphic Summary (PDF, 8.5 MB)
Community Conversations Presentation (PDF, 12.0 MB)
Community Advisory Group - Terms of Reference (PDF, 1.3 MB)
Other key plans
Important links
Climate change and biodiversity videos
Click here to play video Urban meadows Since 2020, we've been trialing urban meadows across the city to increase biodiversity, create new habitat for plants and pollinators and support climate resilience. In 2022, we will be extending the pilot to roadside boulevards and medians. Learn more at
Click here to play video Conversations in canoes - Sea level rise "Conversations in Canoes” is a series that takes a deeper dive into False Creek. We explore the ecology, day to day routine and areas at risk to sea level rise and future flooding through conversations in, you guessed it, a canoe! Climate change poses many challenges for a coastal city like Vancouver, including rising sea levels and more frequent and intense flooding along our shoreline. False Creek is a vulnerable area, and current shoreline infrastructure is not designed to withstand future flooding, which is why we're working on a long-term plan to develop a Coastal Adaptation Plan (CAP) for the False Creek and build Vancouver’s climate resilience. Visit to learn more about False Creek and sign up for a webinar.
Click here to play video Vancouver’s Beaches Are Disappearing, How the City Is Fighting Back 'Coastal squeeze' will impact everything from fun-in-the-sun recreation to shoreline communities to essential biodiversity as the city works to implement a plan to address sea level rise. The Weather Network's Mia Gordon reports.
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Contact us
Imagine West End Waterfront Project Team