What is Imagine West End Waterfront?

    The Vancouver Park Board and the City of Vancouver are developing a 30-year plan for the West End Waterfront. It will establish a bold long-term vision and plan for the West End’s waterfront parks, beaches, facilities and the surrounding street network. The plan will help to address impacts from climate change and sea level rise, support ecological revitalization, plan for sustainable transportation and improved accessibility, and create a vibrant and welcoming waterfront that can be used by all for the next 30 years and beyond.

    Where is the project happening?

    The project is focused on the waterfront area of the West End, commonly known as English Bay, Sunset Beach Park, Alexandra Park, Morton Park, and Beach Ave. The project area stretches from the Burrard Street Bridge up to, but not including, Stanley Park. It includes the surrounding street network, as well as Morton and Alexandra parks. It does not include private residential buildings.

    What does Council’s decision mean to the project?

    Staff are currently working to determine next steps for the project. Further information will be shared when staff report back to the Park Board on Phase 1 in June.

    View the report and Vision, or watch the meetings online via the links below:

    Why is this work being done?

    The waterfront park system fronts onto the West End community, one of the densest neighbourhoods in all of BC. The area is only expected to intensify with increased population growth and tourism. This increased demand, along with climate change and an aging infrastructure, will put pressure on the parks’ amenities and the seawall along the water. We need to plan for the future of this area now so it can handle these pressures and can continue to be a place that people love for generations to come.  

    What changes can I expect in the waterfront area?

    We are developing a 30-year vision for the area with input from the public. This next round of engagement focuses on design approaches that will help the area withstand impacts of climate change, move people efficiently to and through the area, and enhance the experiences of this unique public space. Some of the concepts are bold and different, but all encourage us to dream and imagine what the West End Waterfront can be. We want to know how these approaches could work for you and what we might need to consider to refine them.

    What ideas are being explored?

    We are currently in engagement Round 3: Draft Concept Design. This design includes elements from the design approaches and ideas (PDF,14.6 MB) shared in Round 2 engagement, and is based on community input, technical studies and larger trends in the city, such as population growth, climate change and sea level rise, and facilities that are reaching the end of their service life. 

    We are asking feedback from October 31 to November 26 and will be presenting a final version of the design to the Park Board and City Council in Spring 2024.

    What is the plan for parking?

    Specific location for parking spaces, including on- and off-street and accessible stalls, will be determined through future phases of planning.

    Will the bike lane be removed to accommodate two-way traffic on Beach Ave?

    There will continue to be a bike lane along Beach Ave that will meet the City’s AAA guidelines. The bike lane will include separation from motor vehicle traffic and pedestrians, and accommodate the high volume of people cycling and rolling in the area.

    In the walking and cycling map, the bike lane is indicated by the yellow “Seaside Greenway Walking and Cycling Route”. The final design for the separate walking and cycling paths along Beach Ave will take place with further technical analysis and public engagement after the approval of the West End Waterfront Plan.

    What is happening with the Vancouver Aquatic Centre (VAC)?

    The VAC is a landmark facility within the West End waterfront area. It is currently undergoing renewal in a separate project process, which will include targeted engagement. To find out more about VAC.

    What is the timeline for the project?

    This will be a 30-year plan for the waterfront area. Once approved, the plan will be implemented in a measured way over time. Some aspects will need to be actioned in the nearer term, such as adaptations for climate change and sea level rise, while others will take longer.

    Who is leading the project?

    The project is being led by the Vancouver Park Board and City of Vancouver.

    How will the plan be funded?

    When the plan is finalized and approved by Council, detailed work will begin on capital planning and funding. The plan will be funded by West End Community Amenity Contributions (CACs) from development. It will not be taxpayer funded.

    How can I share my feedback?

    Your input is important and there are many ways you can get involved. You can:

    • Share your thoughts and experiences in the survey until November 26
    • Explore the Shape Your City page to stay informed about engagement opportunities
    • Visit the project webpage to learn more