Round 2 - design approaches and ideas
The Imagine West End Waterfront team is excited to share what we heard from the second round of community engagement on design approaches and ideas. Round 2 of engagement took place from April 21 to June 1 2023.
In this round of engagement we shared three initial design approaches (PDF, 14.6 MB) for the area (Weave, Carve, and Seed) and the vision, principles, and goals (PDF, 251 KB) for community input.
Community shared input on:
- draft Vision, Principles, and Goals
- public life, which included park programming and activities as well as facilities and amenities
- transportation needs
- environment including ecology, adapting to sea level rise and climate change, and;
- emerging big ideas for key areas of the waterfront.
We heard that you want the future West End waterfront to be a place that includes:
- A mix of active and passive uses throughout the site.
- Improved facilities like washrooms, changing areas, and water stations. Some would like better access to the water.
- Active and sustainable transportation prioritized, while ensuring that residents and visitors who drive continue to be able to access the area and park near their destinations.
- Deep appreciation for the quiet, peaceful and green qualities of the area today.
- Commitment to an environmentally resilient place
- A joyful place where people of all ages can gather
- A connected place that acknowledges the unique characteristics of the West End neighbourhood.
Feedback gathered during Round 2 builds on community input from Round 1: Listen and Learn in Summer-Fall 2021 that helped shaped the draft vision, principles and goals.
Read our Round 2 engagement report to learn more about community feedback on design approaches and ideas for the Imagine West End Waterfront Plan.
Round 2 What We Heard Report Summary (PDF, 13.4 MB)
(reading time: 20-25min)
This document summarizes community engagement through Round 2: design approaches and ideas, and includes key findings on feedback we heard about design approaches, public interests, and possible big ideas of West End waterfront.
Round 2 What We Heard Report Appendix (PDF, 23.3 MB)
(reading time: as long as you want to get into detail)
This report is an in-depth look at all engagement activities for Round 2: design approaches and ideas, such as: the online survey, stakeholder workshops, virtual workshops, and public pop-up events.
Consultation has concluded