Vancouver Plan
Consultation has concluded

Work is currently underway to implement the Vancouver Plan. Vancouver Plan is the city’s unified land-use framework to create a more livable, affordable and sustainable city for everyone. Approved by City Council in July 2022, the Vancouver Plan guides the long-term growth of the city. It clarifies where growth and change will occur over the next 30 years and beyond.
The Vancouver Plan is the result of four phases of public engagement over two and a half years. Analysis was also done on planning topics such as land use, climate and transportation.
Engagement Highlights:
We had more than 52,480 in-person and online contact points with community members from November 2019 to April 2022. This includes more than 25,000 survey responses from 12 online surveys. The surveys were available in at least six languages. We hosted hundreds of workshops, including:
- 100 youth workshops
- 29 neighbourhood workshops
- More than 100 meetings with stakeholder organizations and community groups.
We also focused on including people who are often left out of planning conversations. This included using new methods to hear from equity-denied and underrepresented groups about the future of their city.
You can learn more about each phase of public engagement here.
Thank you to everyone who provided input and helped shape the Vancouver Plan. The extensive public engagement carried out through Vancouver Plan has shaped implementation priorities and projects. We look forward to hearing from you further as the City implements the Vancouver Plan over the coming years.
Sign up to the newsletter to stay up to date on Vancouver Plan implementation projects.
Work is currently underway to implement the Vancouver Plan. Vancouver Plan is the city’s unified land-use framework to create a more livable, affordable and sustainable city for everyone. Approved by City Council in July 2022, the Vancouver Plan guides the long-term growth of the city. It clarifies where growth and change will occur over the next 30 years and beyond.
The Vancouver Plan is the result of four phases of public engagement over two and a half years. Analysis was also done on planning topics such as land use, climate and transportation.
Engagement Highlights:
We had more than 52,480 in-person and online contact points with community members from November 2019 to April 2022. This includes more than 25,000 survey responses from 12 online surveys. The surveys were available in at least six languages. We hosted hundreds of workshops, including:
- 100 youth workshops
- 29 neighbourhood workshops
- More than 100 meetings with stakeholder organizations and community groups.
We also focused on including people who are often left out of planning conversations. This included using new methods to hear from equity-denied and underrepresented groups about the future of their city.
You can learn more about each phase of public engagement here.
Thank you to everyone who provided input and helped shape the Vancouver Plan. The extensive public engagement carried out through Vancouver Plan has shaped implementation priorities and projects. We look forward to hearing from you further as the City implements the Vancouver Plan over the coming years.
Sign up to the newsletter to stay up to date on Vancouver Plan implementation projects.
Our Process for Creating the Vancouver Plan
Share Our Process for Creating the Vancouver Plan on Facebook Share Our Process for Creating the Vancouver Plan on Twitter Share Our Process for Creating the Vancouver Plan on Linkedin Email Our Process for Creating the Vancouver Plan linkThe Vancouver Plan is the result of four phases of public engagement from Fall 2019 to June 2022. Staff also performed technical analysis on topics such as land use, climate and transportation.
Phase 1: Listen and Learn (Fall 2019 – September 2020)
Gathered details about community values and priorities. This informed a set of 10 provisional goals for the city's future. This phase was interrupted by the City’s response to COVID-19 pandemic.
- View the Phase 1 engagement summary (PDF, 5.8 MB)
- View the Phase 1 engagement summary appendices (PDF, 12.4 MB)
Phase 2: Identifying Key Directions (October 2020 – July 2021)
Explored how we could achieve the 10 Provisional Goals from Phase 1 and your ideas for The Future We Want. Three 'Big Ideas' emerged from this phase of engagement:
- More equitable housing and complete neighbourhoods
- An economy that works for all
- Climate protection and restored ecosystems
View the Phase 2 engagement summary here (PDF, 3.8 MB).
Phase 3: Policy and Land Use Ideas (August 2021 – November 2021)
Built on the three Big Ideas from earlier engagement and explored choices and priorities for how Vancouver could grow into the future. Community members also considered three Foundational Principles and three Areas of Change identified in earlier phases of engagement.
- View the Phase 3 engagement summary (PDF, 9 MB)
- View the Phase 3 engagement summary with a focus on equity-denied groups (PDF, 15 MB)
- View the Phase 3 youth engagement summary (PDF, 0.6 MB)
- View the Phase 3 Ipsos survey results summary (PDF, 3.4 MB)
Phase 4: Draft and Final Plan (December 2021 – June 2022)
The draft Vancouver Plan was finalized and shared. Community members were invited to provide feedback on the draft plan. Engagement findings revealed broad support for all areas of the draft Vancouver Plan.
Plan Implementation: On-going
City Council approved the Vancouver Plan on July 22, 2022. The plan is now being implemented and work has begun to realize the community's vision. Learn more about projects underway to implement the Vancouver Plan here.
The draft Vancouver Plan is here!
Share The draft Vancouver Plan is here! on Facebook Share The draft Vancouver Plan is here! on Twitter Share The draft Vancouver Plan is here! on Linkedin Email The draft Vancouver Plan is here! linkThe Vancouver Plan is a long-term strategy to support growth to 2050 and beyond. It is Vancouver’s first unified city-wide plan to create a more livable, affordable and sustainable city.
We are presenting the draft Vancouver Plan to hear your thoughts. Everyone who lives, works or plays in Vancouver is invited to participate.
What we heard in phase 3
Share What we heard in phase 3 on Facebook Share What we heard in phase 3 on Twitter Share What we heard in phase 3 on Linkedin Email What we heard in phase 3 linkDuring our phase 3 engagement last fall, we asked you how we should locate and prioritize growth to create a more livable, affordable and sustainable city. We had more than 6,500 points of contact with community members, local groups and organizations, and other stakeholders. Thank you to all who participated!
We reviewed all of the feedback and identified the public’s highest priorities within the three Big Ideas that emerged from prior engagement. Adding more housing choice in neighbourhoods across the city was identified as the top priority, with over 75% of respondents supporting more equitable housing choices in all neighbourhoods.
The other top-ranked priorities were:
• Protecting ecosystems and biodiversity
• Reducing Vancouver’s carbon footprint
• Protecting small, locally owned businesses
• Creating ‘people-friendly’ streets that prioritize walking, rolling, and cycling
Click here to read the full phase 3 engagement report here.
Participants also indicated a high level of support for all three Big Ideas of the Vancouver Plan that emerged through the first two phases of engagement:
• More equitable housing and complete neighbourhoods
• An economy that works for all
• Climate protection and restored ecosystems
Learn more at
Phase 2 Update: Envisioning the Future
Share Phase 2 Update: Envisioning the Future on Facebook Share Phase 2 Update: Envisioning the Future on Twitter Share Phase 2 Update: Envisioning the Future on Linkedin Email Phase 2 Update: Envisioning the Future linkBy the end of our first phase of engagement in spring 2020 and after a year of listening, we developed 10 Provisional Goals for the city we want to become.
For Phase 2, Developing Emerging Directions, we engaged over 10,000 community members and involved over 90 community organizations to gather 2,697 ideas on how we achieve the Provisional Goals and develop ideas for the Future We Want.
The report summarizes the engagement events and feedback we received. Click here to read the engagement summary report.
The Future We Want: The Change We Need
Share The Future We Want: The Change We Need on Facebook Share The Future We Want: The Change We Need on Twitter Share The Future We Want: The Change We Need on Linkedin Email The Future We Want: The Change We Need linkYou’ve helped shape our priorities and now it’s time to choose what you want for your future.
From November 2019 to August 2020 you helped us to understand your challenges and identify what matters most to you and your communities. We would like to thank you for all of your contributions to this first phase of Planning Vancouver Together, which we’ve summarized online and created a detailed Council report.
We have now launched Phase 2 of our public engagement to develop the Vancouver Plan.The Future We Want: The Change We Need offers everyone the opportunity to explore the 10 Provisional Goals for the Vancouver Plan. The Goals reflect the 12,000 community perspectives we heard during the intense Listen and Learn Phase 1 of public engagement, such as increasing unaffordability, greater inequity, eroding trust in government, and many becoming anxious for future generations in Vancouver.
Throughout this second phase of engagement we will be working with you towards the critical choices we collectively need to make to achieve these Goals in the future.
There will be many opportunities to participate in the coming months. Start by sharing your thoughts on the Provisional Goals. As a thank you for your participation, you may wish to enter the $100 value prize draw at the end of the survey!
Starting on November 24th, you will be able to facilitate a conversation about the future with your immediate household through our The Future We Want: Conversation Kits. Then on December 10th, join us as we host an on-line dialogue series in partnership with Simon Fraser University focusing on the big challenges we face as a city and fresh ideas to tackle them. Visit for more details.
Young Planners: Assemble!
Share Young Planners: Assemble! on Facebook Share Young Planners: Assemble! on Twitter Share Young Planners: Assemble! on Linkedin Email Young Planners: Assemble! linkThe Vancouver Plan team is continuing to work with local community partners and organizations to make sure that youth are playing an active role in our planning processes.
We also launched the Young Planners webpage to support youth digitally. The webpage features activities, games, and other learning materials to help youth learn more about city planning and how to get involved with Planning Vancouver Together. Stay up to date on all youth engagement activities and events by visiting the Young Planners page at
The webpage will soon feature highlights from the first online youth events that took place in mid-August 2020 where youth under 20 explored planning at the neighbourhood scale. Young planners shared their ideas for better neighbourhoods using Vancouver Plan sketchbooks and by engaging in youth facilitated discussions with support from architects who helped to bring ideas to life through digital drawings.
But there’s still lots to do and the team would love to hear from you! Share your ideas with us however you like. Show us your drawings, collages, photos, videos, you name it! You can build a sculpture, record a podcast – we’ll even watch your Tik Toks! Wherever your imagination takes you, we want to see it. Please share it with us by email at or tag us on social media with the hashtag #YoungPlannersVancouver
Staff are also here to talk with youth about the Vancouver Plan, whether that’s virtually to your class, to a group or organization you are part of, or even one-on-one.
Email or call 604-786-2078 to book a time!
Initial Vancouver Plan Survey Results
Share Initial Vancouver Plan Survey Results on Facebook Share Initial Vancouver Plan Survey Results on Twitter Share Initial Vancouver Plan Survey Results on Linkedin Email Initial Vancouver Plan Survey Results linkThe Vancouver Plan survey was active from November 2019 until mid-March 2020. The survey was designed to capture a picture of the current challenges and hopes of those who live, work and play in Vancouver; as well as those who want to do so.
In total, there were nearly 9,800 responses with close to 50,000 open ended questions answered – this was an incredible response! Your contributions have greatly helped to inform our understanding of major priorities areas and concerns for the residents, businesses and community partners. We thank each of you for taking the time to share your voices and opinions with us.
The survey was made available online in five languages: English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Punjabi, and Tagalog. A diverse multi-lingual team made up of experienced community organizers used the survey to engage with communities around the City such as Chinatown, South Vancouver, Downtown Eastside, Strathcona and Kitsilano.
Key findings highlighted peoples hopes and fears for future generations and what they felt are the city's most urgent issues to address.
A full report of will be made available on this website soon – please stay tuned for updates! In the meantime, we thank you for your patience and a high level summary of the survey findings can be found here.
Phase 1: Listen & Learn - Council Update
Share Phase 1: Listen & Learn - Council Update on Facebook Share Phase 1: Listen & Learn - Council Update on Twitter Share Phase 1: Listen & Learn - Council Update on Linkedin Email Phase 1: Listen & Learn - Council Update linkOn March 13, 2020 the Vancouver Plan team reported back to Vancouver City Council with it's first update on their early listening phase, Phase 1: Listen & Learn of the engagement process.
The update provided an overview of major themes drawn from approximately 9,800 survey responses, 1,000 interviews, and over 80 community meetings. The initial survey was available in English, in addition to translations in traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, Punjabi and Tagalog.
The survey asked what were the hopes and fears for people living and working in Vancouver and what they felt are the city's most urgent issues to address are, as well as future priorities. Some of the major themes that emerged were:
- Over half of respondents felt their life in Vancouver was getting worse (this survey was pre-COVID-19).
- Some of the most urgent priorities for people were housing affordability, the visibility of people struggling, homelessness, climate change and transportation.
- The greatest fears for future generations emerged as climate change, housing affordability and cost of living.
- The things that brought the most joy were nature and beauty, accessible amenities, and social connections.
Staff also presented on the planned future engagement, including the host-your-own Conversation Kits (release currently postponed), the Future We Want May summit (currently postponed), and the reference documents: Vancouver Today: Reference Guide, and Vancouver Today: The City At A Glance.
The presentation can be found here, and is also listed under the Documents section on our homepage.
Joint Council Committee Meeting
Share Joint Council Committee Meeting on Facebook Share Joint Council Committee Meeting on Twitter Share Joint Council Committee Meeting on Linkedin Email Joint Council Committee Meeting linkOn November 28, 2019 the Vancouver Plan team and the Broadway Plan team hosted a Joint Council Advisory Session. All the Council Advisory Committees were invited to attend and many sent representatives. The intent of the session was to provide an update on the two projects and to seek input from the committees on the engagement process for both plans.
Participants worked together to discuss ideas and opportunities for inclusive and representative engagement across Vancouver’s diverse communities and the potential for continued involvement in these concurrent planning processes.
The following themes were developed based on the feedback provided, which largely applied to both projects:
- Local-based engagement - go to where people are
- Respect - compensation for time given
- Diverse engagement techniques and tactics
- Inclusive - ensure other voices included
- Transparency – show your work
Vancouver Plan Launch + Survey
Share Vancouver Plan Launch + Survey on Facebook Share Vancouver Plan Launch + Survey on Twitter Share Vancouver Plan Launch + Survey on Linkedin Email Vancouver Plan Launch + Survey linkOn November 14 2019, we started our planning process by asking questions to understand the challenges and priorities of our residents. As part of the consultation, the Vancouver Plan team launched a website which provides updates on planning processes, insight on how to get involved, and the opportunity to stay connected to what we're doing by signing up for the Vancouver Plan newsletter.
During initial meetings that took place, Vancouver City Councillors were paired with different social and demographic groups, such as the youth environmental group Sustainabiliteens, business association presidents and other community leaders, and Chinese-Canadian elders and Indigenous youth in Strathcona.
Conversations with local First Nation governments Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh began in order to discuss how engagement and communication could move forward in a good way with respect to each communities' distinct protocols and ways of working.
Sign up for the Vancouver Plan mailing list
Project timeline
Phase 1: Listen and Learn
Vancouver Plan has finished this stageFall 2019 to Sept 2020
Phase 2: Identifying Key Directions
Vancouver Plan has finished this stage -
Phase 3: Policy and Land Use Ideas
Vancouver Plan has finished this stageAug 2021 to Nov 2021
Phase 4: Draft and Final Plan
Vancouver Plan has finished this stageDec 2021 to July 2022
Phase 5: Implementation
Vancouver Plan is currently at this stage2022 and beyond
Key Documents
Vancouver Plan
Engagement Summaries
Phase 1: Listen & Learn - Engagement Summary (5.75 MB) (pdf)
Phase 1: Listen & Learn - Sub-Appendix (12.4 MB) (pdf)
Phase 2: Envisioning the Future - Engagement Summary (3.79 MB) (pdf)
Phase 3: Policy and Land Use Ideas - Engagement Summary (8.95 MB) (pdf)
Phase 3: Policy and Land Use Ideas - Engagement Summary (Equity-Denied-Groups) (15 MB) (pdf)
Phase 3: Policy and Land Use Ideas - Engagement Summary (Youth) (675 KB) (pdf)
Phase 3: Policy and Land Use Ideas - Ipsos Survey Results (3.42 MB) (pdf)
Phase 4: Draft & Final Plan - Engagement Summary (33.4 MB) (pdf)
Vancouver Plan Draft Document
Supporting Documents
Click here to play video Why does the Vancouver Plan matter to you? On July 22, 2022, Vancouver City Council approved the Vancouver Plan, a citywide land use strategy to create a more livable, affordable and sustainable city for everyone. The Vancouver Plan is now the strategic framework for the city, proposing to add more housing options in complete and connected neighbourhoods, address the climate crisis, and support businesses of all sizes. What does this all mean for you? With the help of Uytae Lee from About Here, we break it all down.
Contact us
Engagement Manager of Vancouver Plan