Young Planners: Assemble!
The Vancouver Plan team is continuing to work with local community partners and organizations to make sure that youth are playing an active role in our planning processes.
We also launched the Young Planners webpage to support youth digitally. The webpage features activities, games, and other learning materials to help youth learn more about city planning and how to get involved with Planning Vancouver Together. Stay up to date on all youth engagement activities and events by visiting the Young Planners page at
The webpage will soon feature highlights from the first online youth events that took place in mid-August 2020 where youth under 20 explored planning at the neighbourhood scale. Young planners shared their ideas for better neighbourhoods using Vancouver Plan sketchbooks and by engaging in youth facilitated discussions with support from architects who helped to bring ideas to life through digital drawings.
But there’s still lots to do and the team would love to hear from you! Share your ideas with us however you like. Show us your drawings, collages, photos, videos, you name it! You can build a sculpture, record a podcast – we’ll even watch your Tik Toks! Wherever your imagination takes you, we want to see it. Please share it with us by email at or tag us on social media with the hashtag #YoungPlannersVancouver
Staff are also here to talk with youth about the Vancouver Plan, whether that’s virtually to your class, to a group or organization you are part of, or even one-on-one.
Email or call 604-786-2078 to book a time!
Consultation has concluded