What we heard in phase 3

During our phase 3 engagement last fall, we asked you how we should locate and prioritize growth to create a more livable, affordable and sustainable city. We had more than 6,500 points of contact with community members, local groups and organizations, and other stakeholders. Thank you to all who participated!
We reviewed all of the feedback and identified the public’s highest priorities within the three Big Ideas that emerged from prior engagement. Adding more housing choice in neighbourhoods across the city was identified as the top priority, with over 75% of respondents supporting more equitable housing choices in all neighbourhoods.
The other top-ranked priorities were:
• Protecting ecosystems and biodiversity
• Reducing Vancouver’s carbon footprint
• Protecting small, locally owned businesses
• Creating ‘people-friendly’ streets that prioritize walking, rolling, and cycling
Click here to read the full phase 3 engagement report here.
Participants also indicated a high level of support for all three Big Ideas of the Vancouver Plan that emerged through the first two phases of engagement:
• More equitable housing and complete neighbourhoods
• An economy that works for all
• Climate protection and restored ecosystems
Learn more at vancouverplan.ca/phase3.
Consultation has concluded