Smithe Street upgrades
Consultation has concluded

We're planning to improve active transportation along Smithe Street (Richards Street to Thurlow Street).
The proposed upgrades will:
- Close major gaps in the existing bike network by providing an east-west connection between the West End and Cambie Bridge.
- Create safer intersections for everybody through protected intersections.
- Be delivered using a quick-build approach to minimize impacts.
- Maintain sufficient vehicle capacity for pre-COVID volumes.
Engagement Feedback
- In spring 2021, we engaged with stakeholders and public to gather feedback on a proposed design for Smithe Street upgrades.
- Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. We have refined the design based on what we heard to improve safety and comfort for all road users.
- View the detailed stakeholder and public engagement summary.
We're planning to improve active transportation along Smithe Street (Richards Street to Thurlow Street).
The proposed upgrades will:
- Close major gaps in the existing bike network by providing an east-west connection between the West End and Cambie Bridge.
- Create safer intersections for everybody through protected intersections.
- Be delivered using a quick-build approach to minimize impacts.
- Maintain sufficient vehicle capacity for pre-COVID volumes.
Engagement Feedback
- In spring 2021, we engaged with stakeholders and public to gather feedback on a proposed design for Smithe Street upgrades.
- Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. We have refined the design based on what we heard to improve safety and comfort for all road users.
- View the detailed stakeholder and public engagement summary.
Construction of Smithe Street upgrades
Share Construction of Smithe Street upgrades on Facebook Share Construction of Smithe Street upgrades on Twitter Share Construction of Smithe Street upgrades on Linkedin Email Construction of Smithe Street upgrades linkAs a quick-build project, we are adjusting the proposed design to incorporate stakeholder and the public feedback to the final design and preparing for construction.
Timing: We expect to begin with preparatory work for traffic signals and paving as soon as July 2021, follow with more significant construction such as concrete medians and full paving through August and September, and to open the cycling connection following sign, paint, and traffic signal work in fall 2021.
Work Hours: Construction will generally take place, Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm, with extended hours up to 8:00 pm and weekends as needed.
Property Access: Access to residences and businesses will be maintained at all times.
Traffic Impact: Lane closures are needed to facilitate construction, with access maintained for residents and businesses. Detours may also be in effect during construction for walking and cycling. Please watch for any detour signage to ensure safety for all users.
Smithe/Richards Park: Construction activity will be coordinated with ongoing work at Smithe/Richards Park to minimize disruption.
Parking: Parking restrictions will be in effect to accommodate construction and will be lifted as soon as they are no longer needed. Please be sure to watch for No Parking signs as work progresses.
Noise & Vibration: Efforts will be made to minimize noise, particularly during early hours, however, some noise and dust are expected due to the nature of this work.
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you in advance for your understanding and patience as we undertake these infrastructure upgrades. During construction, please feel free to discuss any immediate concerns you may have with the crew on-site, as they will be happy to assist you.
If you have any questions or comments related to the Smithe Street Upgrades, please contact our team:
- By e-mailing
- Through online services in the VanConnect app
- By calling 3-1-1
Public & Stakeholder Engagement Feedback
Share Public & Stakeholder Engagement Feedback on Facebook Share Public & Stakeholder Engagement Feedback on Twitter Share Public & Stakeholder Engagement Feedback on Linkedin Email Public & Stakeholder Engagement Feedback linkThrough spring 2021 staff have been meeting with stakeholders and gathering public feedback.
Staff met virtually with stakeholders such as the Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services, the Provincial Court of British Columbia, the Orpheum and Commodore theatres and the area BIA to present the design and receive initial feedback. The stakeholder discussions focused on walking/cycling on the corridor, general motor vehicle circulation in the neighbourhood, access for emergency vehicles to parkades/driveways, loading/passenger zones and overall safety for all road users.
Later in spring 2021, we also gathered public feedback on the proposed design for Smithe Street upgrades through an online survey. About 570 people participated in the survey. More than 70% of participants reported the project objectives to be very important or important to improving their experience along Smithe Street. Some shared concerns and some shared suggestions on how we can improve the design for people walking, rolling, and cycling as well as reduce conflicts between people cycling and driving.
We have used public and stakeholder feedback to refine the final design for Smithe Street. Staff plan to begin with preparatory work for traffic signals and paving as soon as July 2021, with more substantial work later in the summer.
Project launch
Share Project launch on Facebook Share Project launch on Twitter Share Project launch on Linkedin Email Project launch linkIn response to the COVID-19 pandemic and Council’s ‘Reallocation of Road Space to Support Shared Use During Pandemic’ Motion in May 2020, staff have been re-shaping how we use our streets and public spaces to help residents physically distance and provide opportunities to exercise and travel more comfortably. Some of the key projects include Beach Avenue Room-to-Move, a 40km network of Slow Streets, hundreds of new patio spaces, and dozens of plazas and social service parklets.
As we’ve seen more people cycling and walking in Vancouver with the continuation of the pandemic, staff have identified another project that can be delivered quickly to provide more space for travel, both during the pandemic and the recovery.
Smithe Street Upgrades
By upgrading active transportation on Smithe Street (Richards Street to Thurlow Street) using a low-cost approach, we will fill a key gap in the downtown cycling network. Recognizing that many people may still not want to take transit in the COVID recovery phase, the project will provide a direct comfortable east-west cycling route between the West End and the Cambie Bridge.
We’d like to hear your feedback about the proposed design.
You can share your feedback through our online survey by June 7th, 2021. You can also reach out to our project inbox at:
Your input will help us refine the final design and inform implementation.
Frequently asked questions
Project timeline
Identified in previous plans
Smithe Street upgrades has finished this stage1999-2015
Previous improvements
Smithe Street upgrades has finished this stage2016 to 2018
View a detailed timeline in the Smithe Street Informational Booklet under Appendix - A.
Early stakeholder meetings
Smithe Street upgrades has finished this stageSpring 2021
Gather public feedback
Smithe Street upgrades has finished this stageSpring/Summer 2021
Smithe Street upgrades is currently at this stageSummer/Late 2021
Downtown bike network map
Important links
Contact us