Construction of Smithe Street upgrades
As a quick-build project, we are adjusting the proposed design to incorporate stakeholder and the public feedback to the final design and preparing for construction.
Timing: We expect to begin with preparatory work for traffic signals and paving as soon as July 2021, follow with more significant construction such as concrete medians and full paving through August and September, and to open the cycling connection following sign, paint, and traffic signal work in fall 2021.
Work Hours: Construction will generally take place, Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm, with extended hours up to 8:00 pm and weekends as needed.
Property Access: Access to residences and businesses will be maintained at all times.
Traffic Impact: Lane closures are needed to facilitate construction, with access maintained for residents and businesses. Detours may also be in effect during construction for walking and cycling. Please watch for any detour signage to ensure safety for all users.
Smithe/Richards Park: Construction activity will be coordinated with ongoing work at Smithe/Richards Park to minimize disruption.
Parking: Parking restrictions will be in effect to accommodate construction and will be lifted as soon as they are no longer needed. Please be sure to watch for No Parking signs as work progresses.
Noise & Vibration: Efforts will be made to minimize noise, particularly during early hours, however, some noise and dust are expected due to the nature of this work.
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you in advance for your understanding and patience as we undertake these infrastructure upgrades. During construction, please feel free to discuss any immediate concerns you may have with the crew on-site, as they will be happy to assist you.
If you have any questions or comments related to the Smithe Street Upgrades, please contact our team:
- By e-mailing
- Through online services in the VanConnect app
- By calling 3-1-1
Consultation has concluded