What is City-initiated rezoning?

    The City of Vancouver can proactively change zoning rules for certain areas of the city to align with City Council’s approved policies and priorities. This allows future projects in those areas to submit a development permit application, if they follow the new rules, without needing a lengthier rezoning process. 

    What is Vancouver Plan (2022)?

    Approved by City Council in July 2022, the Vancouver Plan is the City’s long-term land use strategy. It guides the long-term growth of the city in an intentional way, clarifying where growthand change will occur over the next 30 years and beyond. It was developed through an extensive planning process and broad-based engagement. Learn more about Vancouver Plan here.

    What is the Broadway Plan (2022)?

    The Broadway Plan, approved by City Council in June 2022 and amended in December 2024, is a comprehensive area plan for the area within Vine Street to Clark Drive and 1st Avenue to 16th Avenue. The 30-year plan focuses on opportunities to integrate new housing, jobs, and amenities around the new Broadway Subway in parts of Kitsilano, Fairview, and Mount Pleasant. Learn more about Broadway Plan here.

    What is the Cambie Corridor Plan (2018)?

    The Cambie Corridor Plan, approved by City Council in 2018, is a framework to guide growth and change over the next 30 years along the Canada Line. The plan builds on the distinct character and context of the corridor’s neighbourhoods to create complete communities with places for current and future residents to live, work, shop, play, and feel part of a community. Learn more about the Cambie Corridor Plan here.