City-initiated zoning changes (rezoning) in areas of Broadway and Cambie Corridor Plans

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The City of Vancouver is proposing zoning changes to implement Council-approved policy. The proposal is for a City-initiated rezoning of certain areas of Broadway and Cambie Corridor to new low-rise and tower district schedules. These district schedules will standardize regulations across the applicable plan areas and simplify the development approvals process.

If approved, this initiative would eliminate the need for owners to apply for a rezoning on each individual site. Instead, applicants could proceed directly to a development permit application.

The new zoning would allow for multi-family buildings from approximately four to 22 storeys, depending on site conditions, in areas close to transit and commercial centres. Consistent with approved plan policies, the highest density buildings under this zone would be required to include affordable housing and/or childcare, and may choose to provide local-serving retail or service spaces. Lower-density development options that currently exist on these parcels would remain (such as under R1-1 zoning). The new district schedules will be accompanied by guidelines that will provide additional guidance on urban design aspects.

This project is one of the implementation initiatives under the Vancouver Plan, which includes direction to simplify, clarify and consolidate plans, policies and regulations to improve the development process. These proposed changes would allow housing projects to be built faster with less cost, giving priority to providing homes for people who need them and working toward maintaining diversity in the city.

Learn more about the proposed zoning changes [PDF - 4 MB].

简体中文 | 繁體中文

The City of Vancouver is proposing zoning changes to implement Council-approved policy. The proposal is for a City-initiated rezoning of certain areas of Broadway and Cambie Corridor to new low-rise and tower district schedules. These district schedules will standardize regulations across the applicable plan areas and simplify the development approvals process.

If approved, this initiative would eliminate the need for owners to apply for a rezoning on each individual site. Instead, applicants could proceed directly to a development permit application.

The new zoning would allow for multi-family buildings from approximately four to 22 storeys, depending on site conditions, in areas close to transit and commercial centres. Consistent with approved plan policies, the highest density buildings under this zone would be required to include affordable housing and/or childcare, and may choose to provide local-serving retail or service spaces. Lower-density development options that currently exist on these parcels would remain (such as under R1-1 zoning). The new district schedules will be accompanied by guidelines that will provide additional guidance on urban design aspects.

This project is one of the implementation initiatives under the Vancouver Plan, which includes direction to simplify, clarify and consolidate plans, policies and regulations to improve the development process. These proposed changes would allow housing projects to be built faster with less cost, giving priority to providing homes for people who need them and working toward maintaining diversity in the city.

Learn more about the proposed zoning changes [PDF - 4 MB].

  • Now that you've reviewed the proposed zoning changes it's time to submit your feedback. What are your initial thoughts on the proposal? Pleasindicate whether your comments are related to the Cambie or Broadway areas (or both).  

    You may want to consider:

    • How the proposal affects the immediate surroundings
    • The proposal’s fit with the City’s goals and priorities
    • Any changes you feel are needed to address your concerns

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Page published: 04 Mar 2025, 10:12 AM