Britannia Renewal

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Britannia Renewal Logo against a blue background and artwork of a heart and eagle by Wade Davis

The City of Vancouver, Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation, Vancouver Public Library and Britannia Community Services Centre have been working with the community on the renewal of the Britannia Community Services Centre Society (BCSCS) and the 17.04 acre site.

Like most redevelopment projects, planning for the Britannia Renewal has been undertaken through a phased approach, moving forward as funding was secured.

What's happening?

The project had dedicated funding for some building design and early rezoning planning for the renewal.

Funding is required to move forward with future phases of the plan, including construction, and unfortunately, this funding is not in place.

It has become apparent that maintenance and repairs for existing facilities at Britannia have become even more urgent. Directing existing funding to invest in those critical maintenance and repairs will help ensure the centre continues to provide services that meet community needs.

Next Steps

Partners are shifting from planning for the renewal to assessing those critical maintenance needs and prioritizing that work.

Project partners recognize Britannia offers important programs and services to the Grandview-Woodland and Strathcona communities. Work to date on the renewal, done alongside the community, are necessary tools that will serve as a foundation for any future planning. We thank the community for your support and participation in this project.


In 2018, the City of Vancouver, Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation, Vancouver Public Library and Britannia Community Services Centre Society adopted a master plan that was co-created with the community and set out the vision for the renewal of the Britannia Services Centre site. The renewal involved project partners developing site-wide options that look at the overall placement of building relationships, heights, outdoor spaces and opportunities for non-market housing.

The City of Vancouver, Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation, Vancouver Public Library and Britannia Community Services Centre have been working with the community on the renewal of the Britannia Community Services Centre Society (BCSCS) and the 17.04 acre site.

Like most redevelopment projects, planning for the Britannia Renewal has been undertaken through a phased approach, moving forward as funding was secured.

What's happening?

The project had dedicated funding for some building design and early rezoning planning for the renewal.

Funding is required to move forward with future phases of the plan, including construction, and unfortunately, this funding is not in place.

It has become apparent that maintenance and repairs for existing facilities at Britannia have become even more urgent. Directing existing funding to invest in those critical maintenance and repairs will help ensure the centre continues to provide services that meet community needs.

Next Steps

Partners are shifting from planning for the renewal to assessing those critical maintenance needs and prioritizing that work.

Project partners recognize Britannia offers important programs and services to the Grandview-Woodland and Strathcona communities. Work to date on the renewal, done alongside the community, are necessary tools that will serve as a foundation for any future planning. We thank the community for your support and participation in this project.


In 2018, the City of Vancouver, Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation, Vancouver Public Library and Britannia Community Services Centre Society adopted a master plan that was co-created with the community and set out the vision for the renewal of the Britannia Services Centre site. The renewal involved project partners developing site-wide options that look at the overall placement of building relationships, heights, outdoor spaces and opportunities for non-market housing.

  • May 2022 Open House: Building 1

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    Engagement for Building 1 Spaces and Services is now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated. Check back here for upcoming engagement opportunities.

  • Learn about the diverse opinions on the Renewal

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    Since February, project partners have been meeting with community members to learn about the diverse perspectives regarding the renewal and the future of Britannia. Learn about what your friends and neighbours are saying here.

    The purpose of engagement to date has been to:

    ● Build relationships with organizations connected to Britannia

    ● Inform and educate community members on the project history and what we’ve learned from previous Britannia engagement

    ● Increase understanding of the diversity of interests and needs of various community members

    ● Understand community concerns and aspirations related to the renewal process, specifically related to opportunities identified in the master planning phase

    With the engagement principle of inclusion and equity guiding our work, we took care to ensure that the engagement summary report does more than reflect what the majority of respondents shared, and instead deliberately highlights the full range of perspectives on the topics discussed during this engagement process, including the perspectives of equity-seeking groups.

    Still want to engage?

    There is still time! Check back here for more details about how to get involved in the following conversations:

    • Community Conversations: Site-wide Programming (September 16)

    Presentation and discussion on what programming spaces are being proposed throughout the renewal

    • Community Conversations: Non-Market Housing 2 (September 20-21)

    Community discussion on specific considerations relating to height, density and the potential number of units of non-market housing

    • Community Conversations: What We’re Hearing 2 (October 6)

    Reporting back diverse perspectives on the Britannia Renewal

    Feedback received during all engagement activities to date and in September will help project partners develop detailed design options for the site. We’ll be presenting these design options to the community for additional conversation and feedback . With community support, project partners will then submit a preferred site option as a formal rezoning application to the City of Vancouver for approval. See a full list of ways to get engaged throughout the project here.

  • What are your thoughts on non-market housing at Britannia?

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    The Britannia Renewal Master Plan identifies opportunities to locate non-market housing at the renewed Britannia site. Help project partners understand opportunities and concerns related to this by joining us at one of our online events.

    When and Where?

    Saturday, June 19, 2021 10 am-noon on Zoom (join here)
    Tuesday, June 22, 2021 2-4 pm on Zoom (join here)
    or Thursday, June 24, 2021 6:30-8:30 pm on Zoom (join here)

    There is no longer a requirement to pre-register. To join, simply click on the Zoom link above for the discussion time that is most convenient for you!

    (To ensure the diverse voices and perspectives of the Britannia community can be heard, we are holding the same event on three dates.)

    Project partners understand that there is not consensus in the community regarding the addition of non-market housing through the Britannia Renewal. Many have expressed their support for non-market housing and the opportunities this could provide for community members who currently face housing affordability challenges to remain in their neighbourhoods, including seniors, artists, and Indigenous families and youth. We also recognize that some community members have expressed concerns about the addition of non-market housing, and the potential this could have for creating privacy concerns for users of the community centre, limiting views from the site, and creating increased pressure on public green space.

    Click here for answers to frequently asked questions regarding non-market housing at Britannia.

    Community Conversations on non-market housing will take place in two rounds of engagement:

    • The first round (June 2021) will focus on listening to community members to understand opportunities and concerns around the addition of non-market housing on site. These events will also provide information about what has been proposed through the Master Plan.
    • The second round (fall 2021) will focus on discussing specific considerations relating to height, density and the potential number of units of non-market housing.


  • Britannia Renewal - What are we hearing during the rezoning phase?

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    Thank you to all who joined us at this event. A live recording of the presentation is now available to view in the YouTube window above.

    You can also watch the Britannia Renewal Youth Engagement video that was presented at the event.

    Join us on June 1 to listen and learn about the diverse perspectives we’re hearing during the rezoning phase of the Britannia Renewal. Then, take part in a small group discussion where you can share your thoughts too!

    This virtual event will also feature a creative break with a performance from a Britannia artist, and presentations from the project team on Britannia Renewal’s background and progress to date.

    When? Tuesday June 1, 6:30-9pm

    Where? Online on Zoom – Click here to join the event
    (or go to in your browser, click "Join a Meeting" and enter Meeting ID: 894 0048 0304)

    No registration required! Simply join us via the Zoom link above at 6:30pm on Tuesday, June 1.

    TIP: Why not save the link to your browser, so you can access it easily on the day?

    The event will also be livestreamed on the City of Vancouver Facebook page.

    Stay tuned for future Community Conversations on topics such as on-site programming, non-marketing housing and more!

    Know someone who wants to attend but is unable to get online? Help is available! Contact Britannia Information Centre at 604-718-5800 for more details.

    Participation Guidelines for this online event

    We strive to ensure the safety of our guests and speakers. There will be zero tolerance for those who promote violence against others on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, or different ability. Anyone who incites harm towards others will be removed at the discretion of our technical team and moderator.

    Respect the opinions of others. Every participant brings information, points of view and ideas to contribute.

    Share opportunities for airtime equally. If you’ve asked a question or shared a comment, ensure that new voices are heard before you contribute again

    Practice self-care: if you need to get up or take a break, please feel free.

    Feedback received during all engagement activities that have been conducted during the rezoning phase will help project partners develop detailed design options for the site. We’ll be presenting these design options to the community for additional feedback in the fall. With community support, project partners will then submit a preferred site option as a formal rezoning application to the City of Vancouver for approval.

  • Join us at the Showcase!

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    This event has been postponed to allow partners to hold additional conversations with community members. A revised date for this will be confirmed and shared here shortly.

    Project Partners have been actively listening to diverse perspectives about future indoor and outdoor spaces, programming and non-market housing at Britannia. All of this feedback is included in the documents section.

    Join us at live Showcase event on March 30 from 6:30-9pm. All are welcome! This will be an opportunity to:

    • Learn more about the project process
    • Learn about diverse community perspective on the renewal
    • Share your thoughts and feedback

    All feedback received will be summarized and posted here. This feedback will help the project team in developing site design options, which will be shared with the community in June and July for additional comments. With community support, project partners will then submit a preferred site option as a formal rezoning application to the City of Vancouver for approval.

  • Host a listening session today

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    Listening sessions are designed as small group guided activities to help organizations and community groups connected to Britannia to discuss specific topics of the Britannia Renewal. Your input will help the project partners decide on key features of the rezoning application, including the public realm, the connection between buildings, indoor and outdoor spaces, and non-market housing. Groups are invited to self-facilitate or co-facilitate sessions with a project team member.

    Listening Sessions will be organized between February 15 – March 12, 2021. If you or your group would like to participate in a Listening Session, please contact to discuss steps for hosting a session.

    Larger public open houses and a survey will be available in March to share additional feedback. Check-back here for other engagement opportunities starting in March.

  • Introducing the Community Input Group

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    Starting in February 2021, we’ll be launching several opportunities for community members to participate and provide feedback on the rezoning application for the Britannia Renewal. All opportunities will be in compliance with COVID-19 safety precautions, and will be listed on this page.

    Community Input Group

    Project Partners will be forming a Community Input Group in February 2021, where community members will be invited by community organizations with connections to Britannia to participate and share their feedback on the rezoning application in an inclusive, safe environment. Recognizing the impacts of racism and discrimination on public spaces and community wellbeing in Vancouver, membership of this group will be reserved for community members who consider themselves underrepresented in local government processes. It’s intended that this group will meet approximately six times over the course of the rezoning process, and each meeting will be organized around a specific topic for discussion, which may include reconciliation, community legacy, housing, public green space and non-profit spaces.

    Project Partners are currently working with local organizations and community groups to nominate community members for participation in this group, who meet the following demographics:

    • Gender diversity, including representation from transgender and non-binary community members;

    • A range of members from the following age cohorts: 16-29 years, 30-44 years, 45-64 years, 65+ years;

    • A range of household living situations, including single parents;

    • Individuals with a variety of cultural backgrounds, including members who self-identify as racialized and/or Indigenous;

    • At least one person who identifies as having a disability or using mobility aids;

    • A range of incomes, including representation from individuals who are low-income;

    • A range of individuals with diverse living situations, with an emphasis on individuals who rent and/or who may be precariously housed or under housed;

    • A combination of individuals who are already engaged at Britannia and individuals who do not currently access programming on site.

    View the Community Input Group Terms of Reference (in the documents section) for more details.

    This Community Input Group will be one of many ways to participate and provide feedback into the Britannia rezoning application. If you are not approached for membership, a number of other community engagement activities will be available throughout the rezoning process for you to get involved in and share your feedback. Check back here soon for updates on these activities starting in February!

Page last updated: 12 Jul 2023, 09:23 AM