Learn about the diverse opinions on the Renewal

Since February, project partners have been meeting with community members to learn about the diverse perspectives regarding the renewal and the future of Britannia. Learn about what your friends and neighbours are saying here.

The purpose of engagement to date has been to:

● Build relationships with organizations connected to Britannia

● Inform and educate community members on the project history and what we’ve learned from previous Britannia engagement

● Increase understanding of the diversity of interests and needs of various community members

● Understand community concerns and aspirations related to the renewal process, specifically related to opportunities identified in the master planning phase

With the engagement principle of inclusion and equity guiding our work, we took care to ensure that the engagement summary report does more than reflect what the majority of respondents shared, and instead deliberately highlights the full range of perspectives on the topics discussed during this engagement process, including the perspectives of equity-seeking groups.

Still want to engage?

There is still time! Check back here for more details about how to get involved in the following conversations:

  • Community Conversations: Site-wide Programming (September 16)

Presentation and discussion on what programming spaces are being proposed throughout the renewal

  • Community Conversations: Non-Market Housing 2 (September 20-21)

Community discussion on specific considerations relating to height, density and the potential number of units of non-market housing

  • Community Conversations: What We’re Hearing 2 (October 6)

Reporting back diverse perspectives on the Britannia Renewal

Feedback received during all engagement activities to date and in September will help project partners develop detailed design options for the site. We’ll be presenting these design options to the community for additional conversation and feedback . With community support, project partners will then submit a preferred site option as a formal rezoning application to the City of Vancouver for approval. See a full list of ways to get engaged throughout the project here.

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