Hastings-Sunrise (Adanac Overpass) traffic calming
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What’s happening?
We’re working to implement quick-build traffic calming measures in the Hastings-Sunrise (Adanac Overpass) neighbourhood as part of the Neighbourhood Traffic Management Program.
These quick-build traffic calming measures will help address higher than desirable vehicle volumes and speeds in the neighbourhood. We are also planning an upgrade to Adanac St. to make it safer for people walking, cycling and driving.
This project engaged the community in assessing and implementing on-street changes to help address neighbourhood traffic and improve safety for all.
Next steps
Thank you to everyone who participated in our final phase of engagement. Staff have reviewed community feedback and have refined the neighbourhood traffic calming implementation plan (PDF, 7.2 MB). Traffic calming measures will begin implementation in fall 2024.
Neighbourhood map
This map was available from Friday March 17 - Friday April 28, 2023. Feedback collected helped inform emerging traffic calming options.
Are there areas in the neighbourhood where you are noticing high vehicle volumes or speeds?
- If so, please drag and drop a pin on the map in the areas where you have noticed these incidents occurring.
Username and questions will be public. If you would like to participate without adding to the map, please email your feedback to the project team at: adanac-overpass@vancouver.ca