Support for more Space to Stroll in the proposed design

Today, 65% of people access Davie Village by walking, and a further 21% take transit to get there.

For people walking, the proposed design includes:

  • wider and more accessible sidewalks on Davie Street;
  • safer, more predictable, and shorter ways to cross the street; and

Half of survey respondents commented on the additional walking space provided, and the majority of these were supportive. Space to Stroll was often mentioned alongside support for other design elements, such as greenery and public seating.

Communities had mixed views on consolidation of transit stops

For transit riders, the design proposes removing some bus stops between Jervis and Thurlow streets, to support bus stop balancing work by TransLink.

Overall, 38-42% support this approach, 24-31% disagree with it, with views varying depending on the bus stop. Opposition to the removal of the Thurlow Street stops is stronger than the Jervis Street stops.

Respondents over the age of 70, who did not identify as having a disability, were most likely to oppose this proposed change.

Read what we heard about Space to Stroll in the proposed design (PDF, 22MB).

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