Strong overall support for the Davie Village: Space for People proposed design

A total of 1,093 people responded to the Davie Village: Space for People public survey. Most either fully supported the design or liked most elements.

We heard from a representative sample of local residents*. Respondents who identified as Indigenous made up 2.5% of public survey responses, which is proportionate to the West End population. Additionally, 40% of public survey respondents identified as part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community.

Support varied across different groups

  • Young people were more likely to support the proposed design than older respondents.
  • 77% of respondents who identified as 2SLGBTQ+ supported the proposed design.
  • Visitors** to Davie Village expressed the highest levels of support for the design (75%) followed by local residents (65%).
  • Among indigenous respondents, the level of support was slightly lower, at 63%.
  • For respondents who had a disability, overall support dropped to 53%.

Read a short summary of what we heard about the proposed design (PDF, 5MB).

*With 825 respondents self-identifying as residents living in Davie Village or within a 5-minute walk, we are confident that the results reflect the views of those living in or near Davie Village.

**Visitors are defined as survey respondents who don’t live or work [in Davie Village], but they were interested in the proposed design (254 respondents, 23%)

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