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Consultation has concluded

Shift to the new VanMap

VanMap is a platform for people who live and work in Vancouver to access City information on interactive apps and maps like VanMap Viewer.

We have updated the VanMap platform and now Legacy VanMap is being replaced with new apps that are faster and mobile friendly. If you have used Legacy VanMap in the past we're asking you to shift to the new VanMap and let us know how it works for you. Legacy VanMap will be decommissioned and no longer available as of October 31, 2021.

We offered four virtual workshops (Nov 2020

Shift to the new VanMap

VanMap is a platform for people who live and work in Vancouver to access City information on interactive apps and maps like VanMap Viewer.

We have updated the VanMap platform and now Legacy VanMap is being replaced with new apps that are faster and mobile friendly. If you have used Legacy VanMap in the past we're asking you to shift to the new VanMap and let us know how it works for you. Legacy VanMap will be decommissioned and no longer available as of October 31, 2021.

We offered four virtual workshops (Nov 2020 - Feb 2021) as opportunities for learning and providing feedback. Now that our workshop series is complete, please share your questions and feedback below.

Consultation has concluded

Do you have a question about the shift from Legacy VanMap to new VanMap that isn't covered in our frequently asked questions? Ask your question here and we will respond.

Please note that others will be able to see your question and our response. 

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    Jim Hsu asked almost 4 years ago

    1.  请点击这个网址打开温哥华市地图。


    2.  在左上角的搜索输入处,写下你要查找的地址,比如:453 W 12th av , 按下输入键,你查找的地址地块,会以蓝色边界显示在图中心。

    Search for your address – once your home is located your property lines will be selected with property information displaying in the panel

    3. 击右上角第二个图层按钮,展开并找到名为地块边界尺寸的图层-property dimensions, 打勾选择它,并且放大图至能看清楚沿地界线显示的,以米为单位的界线长度,即为你查找地块的地界大小信息

    Zoom in and turn on the layer “Property Dimensions” in the layer list to see the length and width of your property in feet.

  • Share Regarding using Vanmaps, Can I pick a property address, and see if any and all of City's land use plans or policies that would apply to (cover) that property location? on Facebook Share Regarding using Vanmaps, Can I pick a property address, and see if any and all of City's land use plans or policies that would apply to (cover) that property location? on Twitter Share Regarding using Vanmaps, Can I pick a property address, and see if any and all of City's land use plans or policies that would apply to (cover) that property location? on Linkedin Email Regarding using Vanmaps, Can I pick a property address, and see if any and all of City's land use plans or policies that would apply to (cover) that property location? link

    Regarding using Vanmaps, Can I pick a property address, and see if any and all of City's land use plans or policies that would apply to (cover) that property location?

    Cofa Tsui asked about 4 years ago

    To better understand the policy context around an address, start by searching (or click on) the address in VanMap Property Viewer. From the property report you can see the local area and zoning information. Click on the zone name (hyperlink) which takes you to the zoning and land use library on From there you can explore the policies within the library to determine what applies to the address, neighborhood/area and building type/purpose.

    If you are looking for future land use plans check out

  • Share Hello. Will all the layers on legacy VanMap be available on the new apps? Layers such as contours, well locations, streams, etc? on Facebook Share Hello. Will all the layers on legacy VanMap be available on the new apps? Layers such as contours, well locations, streams, etc? on Twitter Share Hello. Will all the layers on legacy VanMap be available on the new apps? Layers such as contours, well locations, streams, etc? on Linkedin Email Hello. Will all the layers on legacy VanMap be available on the new apps? Layers such as contours, well locations, streams, etc? link

    Hello. Will all the layers on legacy VanMap be available on the new apps? Layers such as contours, well locations, streams, etc?

    Xavier Sandoval asked about 4 years ago

    Thanks for your question! Layers that were frequently accessed in legacy VanMap are being migrated to the new VanMap. Most already have been migrated. Please refer to this list for more details including when the title of the layer has changed and whether you can find the layer in Property Viewer, Infrastructure Viewer or the "Add Data" tool.

    If there's any layers missing that you depend on, please fill out this form to let us know which layers you need.