Strathcona Traffic Calming Update - Implementation

From summer 2023 to winter 2024, we have been installing traffic calming measures in Strathcona. Here’s an update on their progress:

1. 30km/h speed zone for the neighbourhood – implemented in 2023

2. One-way southbound on Campbell Avenue – implemented in 2023

3. Painted crosswalk at E Pender Street and Dunlevy Avenue – upgraded to raised intersection with curb bulges, to be implemented by spring 2025

4. Chicane on Campbell Avenue between E Georgia and Keefer Street – alternate speed reduction measures to be implemented in 2025

5. Roadway narrowing on Glen Drive at E Georgia Street – on hold due to construction at 1120 E Georgia

Two additional measures have also been provided next to the elementary schools:

6. Speed humps installed on 600 Glen Drive next to Admiral Seymour Elementary

7. Strathcona Elementary participated in the School Street program in spring 2023 and 2024

Map of proposed traffic calming measures in the Strathcona neighbourhood.

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