Frequently asked questions
- Closed Parking lots include Brockton Point, Stanley Park Drive N, Third Beach, Second Beach, Ceperly Park Playground, Second Beach, Bowling Club
- Prospect Point parking lot is partially open
- Parking for Second Beach Pool is available along Stanley Park Drive and North Lagoon Drive
- Parking lot at the TeaHouse is reserved for patrons only
Why were cyclists brought onto Stanley Park Drive?
The seawall is currently closed to cyclists and moved to Stanley Park Drive to provide more room to move to maintain physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
How long will the seawall be closed to cyclists?
The seawall will remain closed to cyclists to enable proper physical distancing and more room for pedestrians and runners. This is especially important during the summer months as peak cycling volumes are observed during this time.
What is the current temporary traffic management plan in the park?
Currently, Stanley Park Drive is dedicated to one lane for vehicles and one lane for bikes.
Is the current configuration of Stanley Park Drive going to be a permanent change?
No, the current configuration is temporary and was put in place as a result of closing the seawall to cyclists and the Park Board Motion passed on June 18th to allow vehicles back into Stanley Park. Any future permanent changes will require extensive engagement with stakeholders and the public.
What parking lots are open and closed?
How many accessible stalls are in the park?
There are 45 accessible stalls available in the park in the current temporary transportation plan with 5 more to be added.
Can you access Stanley Park from the Causeway entrances?
Access to Stanley Park from the Causeway remains closed for the duration of the summer to at least September 21st.
Can vehicles exit the park onto the Causeway?
Access to the Causeway is closed and for emergency vehicle access only.