Opportunity for youth voices to be heard in the design
The Rainway will be an amenity and resource for the entire community, including youth. The City of Vancouver is interested in collaborating with all site users, young and old, to share ideas for the design of the Rainway. To help reach youth voices, we have designed a crafting activity that asks similar questions as the survey, but in a format that is more accessible to children.
The activity is designed to:
- Teach youth about Green Rainwater Infrastructure, city planning, and civic engagement
- Provide youth with chance to select their favourite design concept and add their creative ideas for consideration in the final design of the St. George Rainway.
The self-guided activity can be completed by groups or individuals, and is designed for children aged 6 to 13. It involves making a collage and filling out a worksheet.
Download the activity sheets to participate!
For parents and educators, we have also produced an activity guide that provides additional information on the activity and includes resources for optional lessons on green rainwater infrastructure, city planning, and civic engagement, as well as a feedback form to let us know how the activity worked for you and your young people.
Download the activity guide here
Be sure to share your results!
This activity is designed as a way for youth to share their preferences for the St. George Rainway with the City. Please submit the finished work back to the City by November 28, 2021 in one of the following ways:
- Photograph or scan the collages and worksheets, and share the images with raincity@vancouver.ca or
- Mail the final collages and worksheets to the City:
St. George Rainway Engagement Team
Engineering Services, City of Vancouver
450 SW Marine Drive, 11th floor
Vancouver, BC, V5X 0C3