What is social housing?

    Social housing, also known as non-market housing, is for low and moderate income households. It includes types like supportive and co-operative housing. It is owned and operated by non-profit societies, co-operative associations or the government, and often gets government subsidies to keep rents below market rates.

    What is the Vancouver Plan?

    Approved by City Council in July 2022, the Vancouver Plan is the City’s long-term land-use strategy. It guides the long-term growth of the city in an intentional way, clarifying where growth and change will occur over the next 30 years and beyond. It was developed through an extensive planning process and broad-based engagement.

    What is City-initiated rezoning / pre-zoning?

    The City of Vancouver can proactively change zoning rules for certain areas to align with City Council’s approved policies and priorities. This allows future projects in those areas apply for development permits directly, as long as they follow the new rules, without needing a more lengthy rezoning process.