Step One Engagement Summary

The Step One Engagement Summary is out!

Since we began implementing Slow Streets in Spring 2020 as COVID-19 response initiative, we have been gathering feedback through email, 311 and the VanConnect app.

Additionally, between August and October 2020, we heard your thoughts about this initiative through an online feedback survey. We have received a over 1,900 responses and overall, Slow Streets have a high level of support with more than 70% of survey participants ‘Liking or Really Liking the initiative. Reviewing your feedback has given us a broad understanding of who is using Slow Streets, how often, and the modes of travel people are taking along Slow Streets.

A number of suggestions were made to improve the program including additional traffic calming measures to lower motor vehicle volumes (70% of participants supported), and lowering motor vehicle speeds (75% of participants supported). The main concerns that survey participants reported while using Slow Streets were non-local traffic using the street (41% of participants), higher motor vehicle speeds (30% of participants) and damaged/missing signs and barriers (26% of participants).

Thank you to everyone that provided feedback.

Click here(External link) to view the Step One Engagement Summary (PDF).

You can also review the Supplemental Design Guide (PDF)(External link) to learn more about each traffic calming measure.

We continue to gather feedback about the temporary traffic calming upgrades. Please fill out the Slow Streets – Traffic Calming Upgrades online survey and share your feedback about how these changes are working. We are monitoring these traffic calming measures by reviewing public feedback, collecting data and making adjustments as needed.

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