Seniors Housing Strategy

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Illustration of senior residents smiling and waving through the windows of a residential building.


Engagement for the draft Seniors Housing Strategy closed on Thursday May 16. The Strategy is expected to go to Vancouver City Council for consideration in July 2024. Your feedback will be considered as staff finalize the Strategy and will be summarized as part of the report to Council.


Seniors are the fastest growing age demographic in Vancouver. Many older adults live on fixed incomes and will need to consider changing health, accessibility and housing needs as they age. Some older adults will choose to stay in their existing home or community as long as they can, while others may seek out or require seniors’ buildings with supports or will downsize to a more manageable or accessible home.

The draft Strategy outlines policies, partnerships, and advocacy to work towards the overarching goal of ensuring elders and older adults have the housing and supports needed to allow for aging in appropriate and affordable housing in their community. Learn about the Strategy in a brief summary (PDF, 1.6 MB) or read the full strategy document (PDF, 2.8 MB) and have someone translate it for you if needed. The draft Strategy is shaped by the feedback we heard from older adults, community organizations serving seniors, and caregivers during the first round of engagement held last year. Please find the summary report of what we heard throughout the engagement here (PDF, 2.8 MB).


Engagement for the draft Seniors Housing Strategy closed on Thursday May 16. The Strategy is expected to go to Vancouver City Council for consideration in July 2024. Your feedback will be considered as staff finalize the Strategy and will be summarized as part of the report to Council.


Seniors are the fastest growing age demographic in Vancouver. Many older adults live on fixed incomes and will need to consider changing health, accessibility and housing needs as they age. Some older adults will choose to stay in their existing home or community as long as they can, while others may seek out or require seniors’ buildings with supports or will downsize to a more manageable or accessible home.

The draft Strategy outlines policies, partnerships, and advocacy to work towards the overarching goal of ensuring elders and older adults have the housing and supports needed to allow for aging in appropriate and affordable housing in their community. Learn about the Strategy in a brief summary (PDF, 1.6 MB) or read the full strategy document (PDF, 2.8 MB) and have someone translate it for you if needed. The draft Strategy is shaped by the feedback we heard from older adults, community organizations serving seniors, and caregivers during the first round of engagement held last year. Please find the summary report of what we heard throughout the engagement here (PDF, 2.8 MB).

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We would like to hear your thoughts on the draft Seniors Housing Strategy. You can read the full report (PDF, 2.8 MB) or read the draft key strategies summary(PDF, 1.6 MB) .  This survey will be open until Thursday, May 16 and should take about 5 minutes to complete. 

    If you would like to submit feedback via other means, please email us at 

    Take our survey
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    • 策略一:增加供應和翻新可負擔又適合長者的房屋
    • 策略二:加強支援年長人士對房屋及建築的需要
    • 策略三:為正在露宿或有露宿風險的年長人士增加供應長者資助房屋、租金補貼及其他服務
    • 策略四:改善年長人士獲得資訊的渠道,將他們與房屋及所需的服務聯繫起來
    • 策略五:繼續推動其他工作,讓溫哥華發展成長者友善城市


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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We’re developing a Seniors Housing Strategy and want to hear from you!

    Seniors are the fastest growing age demographic in Vancouver. Many seniors live on fixed incomes and will need to consider changing health, accessibility and housing needs as they age. Your feedback will help us understand the housing needs of seniors and older adults aged 55+ living in Vancouver and will help shape policies, partnerships and advocacy actions being developed this year. 

    Please take the survey below, or if you would like to take the survey in Traditional Chinese, please click here.

    If you are a caregiver or service organization that supports seniors or older adults, please click here to share your perspective with our companion survey. This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. 

    The surveys are open from March 23 until April 23, 2023. 

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.


    溫哥華人口增長最快的年齡,就是長者層。 很多長者靠固定收入生活。隨著年齡漸長,他們需要考慮不斷變化的健康、便利及住屋需要。您的意見將有助我們瞭解居於溫哥華年滿55歲之長者的住屋需求,並將有助於塑造今年制定的政策、合作夥伴關係及倡議行動。 



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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We would like to hear about housing challenges and anticipated future housing needs for seniors that you care for or serve. Your feedback will shape Vancouver's first Seniors Housing Strategy. There will be broad public engagement over the next several months, with a final strategy expected to be presented to Council in mid-2024.

    The survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete and will close on Sunday April 23, 2023. 

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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Page last updated: 22 May 2024, 09:52 AM