November 2024 — Phase 3 Public Engagement: What We Heard
Since the start of the planning process for the Rupert and Renfrew Station Area Plan in 2022, the City has engaged the public on what kind of change and development should happen in this area. Most recently, over the summer of 2024 the City asked for feedback on the Draft Plan, which builds on public input from engagement in 2022 and 2023.
The City engaged a wide range of people through a variety of methods, including:
- Community Survey (760 survey responses)
- 12,900 postcards sent in the mail
- 55,500 accounts reached on social media
- 4 in-person open house events
- 19 targeted engagement sessions
For more details about what we heard from this phase of public engagement, including detailed breakdowns of how people responded to survey questions and summaries of written comments, please click here to read the full engagement report or click here to read the summary report.
We would like to thank everyone who has been part of the planning process so far by attending an event and/or sharing your thoughts through our Community Survey. Feedback from this phase of engagement will be summarized and combined with further technical and economic analysis to refine the final Rupert and Renfrew Station Area Plan.
Continue visiting this website for updates or sign-up to our email list to receive project updates. If you have any questions about the Rupert and Renfrew Station Area planning process, please email