June 2024 - Draft Plan Engagement Update
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We want to thank the over 1,100 people to who attended our Launch Event and one of the three Open Houses to learn about the Draft Rupert and Renfrew Station Area Plan!
There is still the opportunity to share your thoughts on the Draft Plan by completing the Community Survey, which will be open until July 31, 2024.
We also want to take a moment to remind the community that this is a Draft Plan, which means it is subject to change. There are still a number of technical and environmental analysis required to develop a Final Plan and these findings may result in:
- Changes to the land use map and to heights proposed specifically in the Station Areas;
- Changes to proposed height increases for sites with below market rental housing and childcare, and sites within areas of high groundwater;
- Additional conditions or requirements that must be met in order for development to occur.
The environmental conditions in this area are particularly complex and we want to make sure the community understands the Draft Plan does not create certainty or development entitlements.
The feedback and input received during this engagement period may also lead to additional changes or clarifications for the Final Plan, so please consider sharing your input via the Community Survey if you have not yet completed it.
Continue visiting our website for updates and information.
If you have any questions about the Draft Plan, please email rupertrenfrewplan@vancouver.ca