Previous reports to Council on proposed C-2 and Rental Housing Stock Official Development Plan changes
April 2021
Previous report back on C-2 changes and Council direction
In June 2020, staff brought a report to Council on proposed amendments to the C-2 commercial zoning districts (including C-2, C-2B, C-2C and C-2C1) to enable secured rental housing to be developed without rezoning. Following the July 2020 public hearing, Council referred the proposed changes back to staff until Council has considered the forthcoming report regarding amendments to the Rental Housing Stock Official Development Plan to include the C-2 zones, and following further public consultation through the Vancouver Plan in the fall of 2020, including at the neighbourhood level.
Read more information on Council’s decision on the C-2 changes in July 2020 in the public hearing minutes.
Report back on Council direction regarding extension of the Rental Housing Stock Official Development Plan to C-2 zones
In February 2021, staff brought a report to Council with proposed amendments to the Rental Housing Stock Official Development Plan (RHS ODP) to further protect existing rental stock in Vancouver by extending the RHS ODP to areas zoned C-2, C-2B, C-2C and C-2C1. Council approved the proposed changes following completion of the public hearing in April 2021.
Read more information on Council’s decision on the RHS ODP in the public hearing minutes.
Consultation has concluded