Online Public Hearing Reconvening Tuesday December 14, 2021 @ 3:00pm
The Streamlining Rental Public Hearing will reconvene on Tuesday December 14, 2021 at 3 pm following the two meetings held on November 2, 4, and 9. These Public Hearings are to be convened by electronic means, with in-person attendance also available. You may continue to participate in the Public Hearing either by speaking by phone or in person, or submitting comments that will be distributed to the Mayor and Councillors.
Due to COVID-19, a Public Health Order currently limits the number of members of the public that can attend the City’s Public Hearings in person. Members of the public are strongly encouraged to attend remotely.
Members of the public can listen and watch the proceedings via the City’s website or follow Twitter @VanCityClerk. If attending in person, members of the public must comply with the Public Health Order.
Consultation has concluded