Regulation Redesign: Simplifying rules for city building

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Consultation has concluded

Drawing of organized zoning document and buildings with height measurements.Image: Drawing of organized zoning document.Amendments to simplify height regulations approved by Council at Public Hearing on July 6, 2021.

Based on ideas and comments we heard at our June 2019 workshop on floor area and height regulations, we worked on amendments to simplify, clarify, and make our height regulations easier to understand. The proposed amendments include:

  • creating new definitions new definitions for building height and decorative roof
  • updating base surface definitions
  • updating section 10.18 height regulations to modernize language, provide more flexibility for roof access and roof-top amenity features and to clarify decorative roof regulations

To learn what the City is doing to modernize the zoning by-law format and language, visit Regulation Redesign: Modernizing the Zoning and Development By-law page on Shape Your City.

Drawing of organized zoning document and buildings with height measurements.Image: Drawing of organized zoning document.Amendments to simplify height regulations approved by Council at Public Hearing on July 6, 2021.

Based on ideas and comments we heard at our June 2019 workshop on floor area and height regulations, we worked on amendments to simplify, clarify, and make our height regulations easier to understand. The proposed amendments include:

  • creating new definitions new definitions for building height and decorative roof
  • updating base surface definitions
  • updating section 10.18 height regulations to modernize language, provide more flexibility for roof access and roof-top amenity features and to clarify decorative roof regulations

To learn what the City is doing to modernize the zoning by-law format and language, visit Regulation Redesign: Modernizing the Zoning and Development By-law page on Shape Your City.

Consultation has concluded

Q&A will be open from March 1 to March 31, 2021.

If you have any questions, we're happy to answer them. We will do our best to respond within 3 business days.

If we think others would be interested in your questions, we may post it here along with our response. Your email and personal information will remain private. Only your questions and username might be shared publicly.