Upcoming engagement opportunity: April 22 - May 6, 2022
We will be presenting a draft updated Zoning and Development By-law, with proposed reformatted administrative sections, general regulations sections and district schedules for a user-friendly
By-law. The changes involve improvements to the format, organization, and wording to make the regulations clearer and easier to administer. Modifications to the By-law for clarity do not affect what you can build or renovate on your property.
Mark your calendars and please check back April 22 for new materials and ways you can engage.
Information session - April 27, 2020 I 10:00am - 11:00am (Complete)
Join us online to learn about the proposed improvements to make the City of Vancouver's Zoning and Development By-law more clear and more accessible.
- Missed the session? Watch the video presentation or view the slides. The video contains the same content as presented in the information session.