Draft updated Zoning and Development By-law engagement is now closed
From April 22 to May 6, 2022, we presented the draft updated Zoning and Development By-law for public review and input. The proposed improvements to the By-law would apply to the administrative sections, general regulations sections and general district schedules. The improvements include user-friendly format, organization and wording to make regulations clearer and easier to find. Our work to clarify the By-law will not affect what you can build or renovate.
New formatting features include:
- Enhanced document navigation and accessibility
- Clear rules with explanatory diagrams
- Consolidated rules
- Document standards
Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. Your feedback, combined with other input, will be made public and included in the engagement summary report to Council in June 2022. Please monitor this page and the Regulation Redesign project page for updates.
- View the draft By-law presented for public engagement
- Read the Reference Guide and Amendment Summary
- View the video presentation (16 mins) or presentation slides