Portside Greenway

We are upgrading the Portside Greenway, a 7 km route following the city’s northern edge, spanning between Gastown and the city’s eastern boundary. The goal is to create a high quality, continuous route that prioritizes safe, comfortable walking, biking and rolling with great spaces along the way.
Portside has been identified in many plans over the years, including the Greenways Plan (1995) (PDF, 7.6 MB), Transportation 2040 (2012) and the Vancouver Plan (2022). It also supports key civic priorities including equity and climate action.
How to get involved:
Public engagement on the Wall Street Segment is now closed. We want to thank every one who participated in this phase of engagement by attending an open house or taking our survey. You can learn more about the options proposed during this phase of engagement here: Wall Street Segment Information Boards (PDF, 35.3 MB).
If you have questions or additional comments email portsidegreenway@vancouver.ca
Next steps:
We are currently reviewing community feedback and developing an engagement summary that will be ready for everyone to view in the coming months. This feedback will help us develop a preferred design for the Wall Street segment that will be presented to the community for refinement in 2025. Construction is anticipated in 2026/27. Sign up for the mailing list to be notified when the engagement summary is released and engagement begins on the preferred design!
We are upgrading the Portside Greenway, a 7 km route following the city’s northern edge, spanning between Gastown and the city’s eastern boundary. The goal is to create a high quality, continuous route that prioritizes safe, comfortable walking, biking and rolling with great spaces along the way.
Portside has been identified in many plans over the years, including the Greenways Plan (1995) (PDF, 7.6 MB), Transportation 2040 (2012) and the Vancouver Plan (2022). It also supports key civic priorities including equity and climate action.
How to get involved:
Public engagement on the Wall Street Segment is now closed. We want to thank every one who participated in this phase of engagement by attending an open house or taking our survey. You can learn more about the options proposed during this phase of engagement here: Wall Street Segment Information Boards (PDF, 35.3 MB).
If you have questions or additional comments email portsidegreenway@vancouver.ca
Next steps:
We are currently reviewing community feedback and developing an engagement summary that will be ready for everyone to view in the coming months. This feedback will help us develop a preferred design for the Wall Street segment that will be presented to the community for refinement in 2025. Construction is anticipated in 2026/27. Sign up for the mailing list to be notified when the engagement summary is released and engagement begins on the preferred design!
Wall Street Segment: Public Engagement Launch
Share Wall Street Segment: Public Engagement Launch on Facebook Share Wall Street Segment: Public Engagement Launch on Twitter Share Wall Street Segment: Public Engagement Launch on Linkedin Email Wall Street Segment: Public Engagement Launch linkWe want to hear from you about the Wall Street Segment of the Portside Greenway
This fall we are launching engagement on the Wall Street segment of the Portside Greenway. The City is planning to upgrade the Portside Greenway, a 7-km route that follows the city’s northern edge and connects Gastown to the City’s eastern boundary, Burnaby and the North Shore.
In spring of 2023 we gathered ideas and opportunities on the full length of the greenway, this fall we’re focusing on the Wall Street segment and how we can make it easier, more comfortable and safer for people who walk, bike, or roll to get around.
We invite you to share your feedback on two proposed design options and how they support greenway users, area residents, businesses and organizations. Information about the two options, Car-Light Street or Protected Bike Lane are available here: Wall Street Segment Information Boards
Open Houses:
We are hosting two open houses where you can learn more and provide feedback:
Saturday, October 26, 2024: 2-3:30 pm Cambridge Park (2099 Wall Street)
Tuesday, October 29, 2024: 6-7:30 pm Community Room at the Cottage Hospice (650 N Penticton St)
Take the Survey:
You can share your feedback through our online survey open until Friday November 22, 2024. (Take the Survey button)
We want to hear your thoughts on both options. Your feedback will help us develop a preferred option for this section of the Portside Greenway that will be shared with the community for refinement in 2025. We anticipate construction of this segment of the greenway in 2026/2027 to align with upcoming sewer pipe renewal and road improvements along Wall Street.
If you have questions or comments related to the Portside Greenway, please:
Email our team at portsidegreenway@vancouver.ca
If you need language interpretation services, please call 3-1-1.
TCH 港畔綠道(Portside Greenway)第2階段公眾參與活動: Wall Street路段
Share TCH 港畔綠道(Portside Greenway)第2階段公眾參與活動: Wall Street路段 on Facebook Share TCH 港畔綠道(Portside Greenway)第2階段公眾參與活動: Wall Street路段 on Twitter Share TCH 港畔綠道(Portside Greenway)第2階段公眾參與活動: Wall Street路段 on Linkedin Email TCH 港畔綠道(Portside Greenway)第2階段公眾參與活動: Wall Street路段 link港畔綠道(Portside Greenway)第2階段公眾參與活動: Wall Street路段
今年秋季,我們將啟動第二階段的公眾參與活動,重點關注從Commissioner Street天橋到Semlin Street的Wall Street綠道路段,以及如何讓步行、騎單車和滑行的人士出行更輕鬆、舒適和安全。地圖見下方。
我們誠邀您分享對兩個擬議設計選項的意見。您的意見將幫助我們為港畔綠道(Portside Greenway)這一路段制定詳細設計。
這是一種共享街道的方式,騎單車的人士和車輛可以在這裡共同使用道路。它採用道路封閉和交通改道的方式(包括一段單向車輛通行的路段)來減少車流量並降低車速。這些變化——連同更寬闊的人行道、新的街道樹木和綠色雨水設施,將使道路更加安全,並營造出公園般的出行體驗。Wall Street的一側或兩側仍將提供停車位。
將在幾乎整條Wall Street沿線設置雙向受保護的單車道。車輛通行將保持不變,Wall Street的交通流量和車速將繼續保持較高水平。為了確保單車騎行人士的安全,該選項擬建設一條受保護的單車道,將單車騎行人群與車輛分隔開。
為單車道提供專門的道路空間意味著減少更寬闊的人行道、新街道樹木和建設綠色雨水基礎設施的機會。Wall Street大部分街區的一側都將提供停車位。
Wall Street Segment Information Boards.
- 2024年10月26日(星期六):下午2點至3點半,地點:劍橋公園(Cambridge Park,2099 Wall Street)
- 2024年10月29日(星期二):下午6點至7點半,地點:Cottage臨終關懷中心社區活動室(Cottage Hospice,650 N Penticton Street)
2024年10月26日(星期六):下午2點至3點半,地點:劍橋公園(Cambridge Park,2099 Wall Street)
2024年10月29日(星期二):下午6點至7點半,地點:Cottage臨終關懷中心社區活動室(Cottage Hospice,650 N Penticton Street)
SCH 港畔绿道(Portside Greenway) 第2阶段公众参与活动: Wall Street路段
Share SCH 港畔绿道(Portside Greenway) 第2阶段公众参与活动: Wall Street路段 on Facebook Share SCH 港畔绿道(Portside Greenway) 第2阶段公众参与活动: Wall Street路段 on Twitter Share SCH 港畔绿道(Portside Greenway) 第2阶段公众参与活动: Wall Street路段 on Linkedin Email SCH 港畔绿道(Portside Greenway) 第2阶段公众参与活动: Wall Street路段 link港畔绿道(Portside Greenway) 第2阶段公众参与活动: Wall Street路段
今年秋季,我们将启动第二阶段的公众参与活动,重点关注从Commissioner Street天桥到Semlin Street的Wall Street绿道路段,以及如何让步行、骑自行车和滑行的人们出行更加轻松、舒适且和安全。地图见下方。
我们现敬邀您分享针对两个拟议设计选项的反馈意见。您的反馈将帮助我们为港畔绿道(Portside Greenway)这一路段制定详细设计。
这是一种共享街道的方式,骑自行车的人和车辆在这里共享道路。它采用道路封闭和交通改道方式(包括一个单向车辆交通路段)来减少交通流量并降低车速。这些变化——连同更宽阔的人行道、新的街道树木和绿色雨水设施,将使道路更加安全,并营造出公园般的出行体验。Wall Street的一侧或两侧仍将提供停车位。
将在几乎整条Wall Street沿线设置双向受保护的自行车道。车辆通行将保持不变,Wall Street的交通流量和车速将继续保持在较高水平。为了保证自行车骑行人士的安全,该选项拟建设一条受保护的自行车道,将自行车骑行人群与车辆分隔开。
为自行车道提供专门的道路空间意味着减少更宽阔的人行道、新街道树木和建设绿色雨水基础设施的机会。Wall Street大部分街区的一侧都将提供停车位。
Wall Street Segment Information Boards.
2024年10月26日(星期六):下午2点至3点半,地点:剑桥公园(Cambridge Park,2099 Wall Street)
2024年10月29日(星期二):下午6点至7点半,地点:Cottage临终关怀中心社区活动室(Cottage Hospice,650 N Penticton Street)
您也可以发送电子邮件至: portsidegreenway@vancouver.ca,用中文提供反馈。
Phase 1 Engagement Summary now available
Share Phase 1 Engagement Summary now available on Facebook Share Phase 1 Engagement Summary now available on Twitter Share Phase 1 Engagement Summary now available on Linkedin Email Phase 1 Engagement Summary now available linkThank you for participating in Phase 1 of engagement on the Portside Greenway project. From April through August 2023, we heard from over 1,300 people through workshops, open houses, and a public survey. The Phase 1 Engagement Summary Report summarizes what we heard from residents, project partners, and community organizations. Phase 1 engagement was a listening phase to gather ideas and opportunities for the future of the Portside Greenway.
Read the Portside Greenway Phase 1 Engagement Summary Report [PDF, 3.5MB] (external link) to learn more about what we heard.
How to get involved
Sign up for our mailing list to stay informed about key dates and opportunities to participate in activities in Phase 2.
Next steps
Phase 2 engagement will launch in Fall 2024. We will be seeking feedback on proposed design concepts developed using input from the community in Phase 1.
Phase 1 engagement concluded
Share Phase 1 engagement concluded on Facebook Share Phase 1 engagement concluded on Twitter Share Phase 1 engagement concluded on Linkedin Email Phase 1 engagement concluded linkPhase 1 of public engagement is now closed. Thank you to all who participated.
The input we received will be used to help develop design concepts for the greenway. There will be a chance to review the concepts in our next round of public engagement later this year.
A phase 1 engagement summary will be published and shared with community members.
Phase 1 engagement
Share Phase 1 engagement on Facebook Share Phase 1 engagement on Twitter Share Phase 1 engagement on Linkedin Email Phase 1 engagement linkWe want to hear from you!
Phase 1 public engagement is now live. We want to learn more about how you use the greenway today, along with any ideas or concerns you have.
- View the information boards (PDF, 20.6 MB) to learn more about the project:
- Take our survey by May 25, 2023.
- Visit one of our open houses at the following dates and locations:
- Thursday, April 27 (4-7 pm) at Maritime Labour Centre, 1880 Triumph St
- Saturday, April 29 (11-2 pm) at Burrard View Cottage Hospice, 650 N Penticton St
- Monday, May 1 (4-7 pm) at Japanese Hall, 487 Alexander St
Next steps
Your input will help us develop design concepts that we'll share later this year. An engagement summary will be published and shared with community members this summer.
繁體中文 - TCH
Share 繁體中文 - TCH on Facebook Share 繁體中文 - TCH on Twitter Share 繁體中文 - TCH on Linkedin Email 繁體中文 - TCH link我們正在提升港畔綠色通道,目的在於創建一個高質素而連貫的路線,並且優先關注提供安全舒適的地方,供步行、騎單車和滑動工具使用,沿途會設有美好的公共空間。我們想知道您目前如何使用這條綠色通道,並且有沒有任何想法和關注事項。
請參加以下其中一個開放日,分享您對這個項目的想法,並提出反饋 (只提供英語):
- 4月27日(星期四) (下午4時至7時) 地址:Maritime Labour Centre, 1880 Triumph St
- 4月29日(星期六) (上午11時至下午2時) 地址: Burrard View Cottage Hospice, 650 N Penticton St
- 5月1日(星期一) (下午4時至7時) 地址: Japanese Hall, 487 Alexander St
我們會設有一項意見調查,以收集您目前如何使用該綠色通道的反饋,並且您對該地區有沒有任何想法和關注事項。 只提供英語 可使用在頁面頂部提供的自動翻譯。
Join the Portside Greenway mailing list
Project timeline
Phase 1 engagement
Portside Greenway has finished this stageApril - May 2023
Discuss goals, share ideas and concerns.
Read the engagement summary (PDF, 3.5MB)
Phase 2 engagement
Portside Greenway is currently at this stageOctober - November 2024
Wall Street Segment: Provide input on 2 options
Report back on Phase 1 results (segments are now advancing independently)
Phase 3 engagement
this is an upcoming stage for Portside Greenway2025
Wall Street Segment: Share preferred option for refinement
Construction begins
this is an upcoming stage for Portside Greenway2026+
Begin construction of Wall Street Segment.Continue to advance other segments.
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Contact us
Engagement Lead
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