What is next
In March 2022, we engaged with you about the plazas at 18th Ave and Cambie St and at 13th Ave and Granville Street.
In June we are engaging about the plazas at 5th Ave and Ontario St and at Kamloops and Hastings St.
What happens after this public engagement?
For the 5th Ave and Ontario St Plaza, staff will be developing a draft design concept based on input received through the June 2022 public engagement process (online survey and in person meetings). The draft design concept will be presented to the public for further feedback in fall 2022.
For the Kamloops and Hastings St Plaza, a final design concept will be developed based on community feedback and input received through the June 2022 public engagement process (online survey and in person meetings). Construction of the design concept is expected to complete in spring 2023.