Noise Control By-Law review

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City noise and sounds collection icons such as rattle of train wheels, city traffic, drill and jackhammer, plane and truck.

頁面頂部提供自動翻譯服務。| 页面顶部提供自动翻译服务。| ਸਵੈ-ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਪੰਨੇ ਦੇ ਸਿਖਰ 'ਤੇ ਉਪਲਬਧ ਹਨ। Có nút dịch tự động ở đầu trang. | May makukuhang mga awtomatikong pagsasaling-wika sa tuktok ng pahina.

We thank everyone for your input! The feedback has now been gathered into an engagement summary [PDF, 1MB]. Staff will bring forward a Council Report and an updated Noise Control By-law for City Council’s approval in late April 2024 (exact date TBD). In addition, staff will continue work on additional areas identified through this review to align with Council strategic priorities and direction, including:

  • collaborating with partners who are implementing the City of Vancouver’s UNDRIP Strategy [PDF, 1.4MB], Arts Culture and Community Services, the Park Board, special event organizers, the music industry and other City departments to review current noise-related regulations for special events on public and private property, including current regulations for sound/noise levels in and from commercial premises and the impact on music, art and culture opportunities in Vancouver
  • exploring possible options to address street noise through approaches including enforcement, street use planning and the Motor Vehicle Noise and Emission Abatement By-law. [PDF, 0.2MB]


The City of Vancouver is reviewing the Noise Control By-law [PDF, 2.8MB]. This is a complex, multi-year project aimed at updating the language and structure of the By-law, as well as reviewing and updating regulations.

City staff received public feedback on the noise-related issues in Vancouver to better understand residents’ areas of concern and also to determine residents’ understanding of the current regulations. The City supports the balance of protecting the public’s right to enjoy public spaces without unreasonable noise nuisances, while also supporting economic and cultural activity and growth.

The review of the Noise Control By-law focused on:

  • Updating the By-law to make it easier to understand and reference
  • Reviewing and improving internal processes for addressing noise-related complaints
  • Providing easily accessible public and industry education resources to foster better understanding of noise regulations

Average decibel ratings for common noises such as: ticking watch 20 decibel, Rusting leaves 30 decibel, Quiet library 40 decibel, Normal conversation 55-65 decibel, Vacuum 60-85 decibel, Lawn mower 90 decibel, Headphones 100-110 decibel, Jet engine taking off 140 dB where Instant hearing damage occurs

頁面頂部提供自動翻譯服務。| 页面顶部提供自动翻译服务。| ਸਵੈ-ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਪੰਨੇ ਦੇ ਸਿਖਰ 'ਤੇ ਉਪਲਬਧ ਹਨ। Có nút dịch tự động ở đầu trang. | May makukuhang mga awtomatikong pagsasaling-wika sa tuktok ng pahina.

We thank everyone for your input! The feedback has now been gathered into an engagement summary [PDF, 1MB]. Staff will bring forward a Council Report and an updated Noise Control By-law for City Council’s approval in late April 2024 (exact date TBD). In addition, staff will continue work on additional areas identified through this review to align with Council strategic priorities and direction, including:

  • collaborating with partners who are implementing the City of Vancouver’s UNDRIP Strategy [PDF, 1.4MB], Arts Culture and Community Services, the Park Board, special event organizers, the music industry and other City departments to review current noise-related regulations for special events on public and private property, including current regulations for sound/noise levels in and from commercial premises and the impact on music, art and culture opportunities in Vancouver
  • exploring possible options to address street noise through approaches including enforcement, street use planning and the Motor Vehicle Noise and Emission Abatement By-law. [PDF, 0.2MB]


The City of Vancouver is reviewing the Noise Control By-law [PDF, 2.8MB]. This is a complex, multi-year project aimed at updating the language and structure of the By-law, as well as reviewing and updating regulations.

City staff received public feedback on the noise-related issues in Vancouver to better understand residents’ areas of concern and also to determine residents’ understanding of the current regulations. The City supports the balance of protecting the public’s right to enjoy public spaces without unreasonable noise nuisances, while also supporting economic and cultural activity and growth.

The review of the Noise Control By-law focused on:

  • Updating the By-law to make it easier to understand and reference
  • Reviewing and improving internal processes for addressing noise-related complaints
  • Providing easily accessible public and industry education resources to foster better understanding of noise regulations

Average decibel ratings for common noises such as: ticking watch 20 decibel, Rusting leaves 30 decibel, Quiet library 40 decibel, Normal conversation 55-65 decibel, Vacuum 60-85 decibel, Lawn mower 90 decibel, Headphones 100-110 decibel, Jet engine taking off 140 dB where Instant hearing damage occurs

Page last updated: 05 Feb 2025, 01:28 PM