Sept 2023 - Council Approves Zoning Changes

At the Public Hearing on September 14th, Council approved changes to add multiplexes as a new option and to simplify regulations for all new housing in low density areas.

To review the agenda and materials, view the staff presentation, watch the video or read the minutes from the Public Hearing, click here. For convenience, key documents include:

Thank you to everyone who participated in the process to date, including by engaging with the online materials and survey, attending an in-person session, submitting comments and questions to staff or taking part in the public hearing.

Next Steps

Before applications can be submitted to build a multiplex or other options under the new regulations, Council must enact the new by-laws, including the new R1-1 District Schedule. Enactment is scheduled for October 17, 2023. The enactment date will also be the deadline for applications made under the old RS regulations; complete applications received by that date will continue to be processed under those previous regulations following enactment.

In the interim, we will be making internal preparations and offering opportunities for those interested in building a multiplex under the new regulations to book a 30 minute 1:1 meeting (enquiry session) with staff. Details on available times and how to book will posted on this page in the near future. It is strongly recommended that those intending to submit a multiplex application take advantage of a meeting opportunity with staff before proceeding.

Questions about the regulations can continue to be sent to Please note that while training and other preparations to begin accepting applications are underway, staff do not have capacity to answer detailed questions about the eligibility of specific sites for the multiplex option. Those interested in eligibility are encouraged to review the Referral Report, including the description of eligibility requirements on page 7, the summary of multiplex regulations on page 1 of Appendix J, or sign up for an enquiry session meeting with staff. New and updated supporting materials and website content are being prepared, including a new R1-1- How-To Guide that will include a summary of eligibility requirements for the multiplex option.

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