Marine Landing Draft Guidelines
In 2020, Council approved revised land use policies to support more affordable housing and employment space in Marine Landing. These changes will result in more people living and working in the neighbourhood in the future. As a result, we completed an area analysis to re-visit the needs and priorities for Marine Landing. The draft guidelines are the outcome of that review, and build on the Marpole Community Plan and Cambie Corridor Plan. The guidelines provide direction for affordable housing and intensive employment sites seeking heights and densities beyond existing community plans in the area around Marine Drive Station.
Review the entire draft of the Marine Landing Guidelines to learn where they apply, and to view the principles, built form guidelines, public realm plan, archaeological and heritage management, area-wide transportation and utilities upgrades, and public benefits priorities for the neighbourhood:
Click here to view the Draft Marine Landing Guidelines (29 MB)
Alternatively, you can also review a summary of the guidelines for a quick overview of key topics:
Click here to view the Summary of Marine Landing Guidelines (4 MB)
Next steps
After public input, staff will analyze and summarize the findings for a report to Council. Staff anticipate presenting the draft guidelines and summary of public feedback for Council consideration in Winter 2021.
If approved, any new rezoning enquiries and applications in Marine Landing will need to reference and respond to the new guidelines. Plan amendments will be completed to the Marpole Community Plan and Cambie Corridor Plan, as well as any other applicable City policies, to reflect new Council directions.
If you have any feedback or questions about the project, please email the Marpole team. We will post any upcoming Council dates on this webpage in coming weeks once available
Consultation has concluded