About the proposed changes

To learn more about the current hours and proposed changes, we recommend reading our information boards (PDF, 1.5 MB, English only).

Summary of information boards

A summary of content from the information boards is included below.

The City is considering increasing some of the hours that bars, pubs, and nightclubs can be open for business. We are also considering updates to the hours that restaurants can serve alcohol. Operating and service hours have largely remained the same since 2004. The proposed changes aim to support businesses, local economies, and neighbourhood vibrancy while considering public health and safety. Another goal is to simplify and streamline regulations.

If the City moves forward with expanding hours, any business wanting to extend their hours will have to apply for the change with the Province and City.

Service hours of bars, pubs and nightclubs

In Vancouver, the latest time bars, pubs and nightclubs are allowed to close depends on where they are in the city and how close they are to residential areas.

  • Downtown, the latest closing hours currently allowed range from 1 am to 3 am. Businesses may choose to close earlier.
    • Currently:
      • 63% are in areas where closing at 3 am any night of the week is allowed (red areas of the map below).
      • 29% are in areas where closing at 2 am on weeknights (Sunday to Thursday) and 3 am on weekends (Friday and Saturday nights) is allowed (blue areas of the map below).
      • 8% are in areas where closing at 1 am on weeknights and 2 am on weekends is allowed (light green areas of the map below).
    • We are seeking feedback on the proposal to allow 3 am as the latest closing time all days of the week in all areas of Downtown.

Map of Downtown, which includes the downtown peninsula and Chinatown, Gastown, Victory Square, Thornton Park, and Industrial areas of the Downtown Eastside. To request detailed descriptions of the boundaries for the existing closing hours, please contact us using the email on the project page.

  • Outside Downtown, the latest closing hours also range from 1 am to 3 am. Businesses may choose to close earlier.
    • 93% of pubs, clubs and nightclubs located outside Downtown are in areas where they can stay open until 1 am on weeknights (Sunday to Thursday) and 2 am on weekends (Friday and Saturday nights). We are seeking feedback on several options we are considering for these areas:
      • Keep current hours (2 am on weekends, 1 am on weeknights)
      • Extend weekday hours only (2 am seven days a week)
      • Extend weekend hours only (3 am on weekends, 1 am on weeknights)
      • Extend all hours to same as latest closing hours in Downtown (3 am all days of the week)
    • 7% are in areas where closing hours are 3 am any night of the week and no changes are being considered in these areas (red areas on the map below).

Map of outside Downtown, depicting all areas not covered by Downtown regulations. To request detailed description of the boundaries for the existing closing hours, please contact us using the email on the project page.

Alcohol service hours at restaurants (city-wide)

  • Currently, restaurants across the city can serve alcohol until 1 am on weeknights (Sunday to Thursday) and until 2 am on weekends (Friday and Saturday nights).
  • We are seeking feedback on the proposal to allow restaurants to serve alcohol until 2 am all days of the week.

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