Project background
The Seaside Greenway in and adjacent to Kitsilano Beach Park is one of the most popular sections of the City's walking, rolling, and cycling network. It is also one of the only sections of the 28km‐long Seaside Greenway connecting the Vancouver Convention Centre to Spanish Banks that does not provide separate paths for cycling and walking/rolling, which has led to some access and safety concerns. Between 2013 and 2018, the Park Board conducted engagement around the cycling path route and heard from from local residents and cycling groups. We want to connect with broader community members and park users to hear what you think are key considerations for the separated cycle path.
Currently, there is a shared path within the park for people walking, rolling, and cycling, and a temporary protected bike path through the south parking lot of the park. A designated bikeway on the residential streets immediately east of the park, including Arbutus Street, serve the surrounding neighbourhood and people accessing Kitsilano Beach Park.
We are exploring options to develop a separated cycling path that connects Balsam Street to Ogden Avenue across the park. Our goal is to find a solution that creates a safer and more comfortable route for all users, including children, families, and people with reduced mobility while reducing conflicts between park users.
The Project is being led by the Park Board. City Engineering staff will be providing their active transportation design and construction expertise, including looking at possible reallocation of street space.
This separated cycling path will be used until a comprehensive Kitsilano Beach Park Master Plan can be developed and implemented. This future plan will serve as a long-term guiding document and will cover all aspects of park renewal, including transportation and movement through the park. This master plan may include changing this path and other paths in the park. This plan is anticipated for the City’s 2023-2026 Capital Plan.
Consultation has concluded