Phase 2 Engagement Summary
Phase 2 of the Jericho Lands planning program focused on sharing the Site Analysis, Emerging Site Planning Ideas, updating the draft Guiding Principles, and gathering the community’s feedback as we prepare to move into concept plan development.
Public engagement for Phase 2 took place from Summer 2020 through to Spring 2021. Our team has summarized the feedback we received during this time. This summary includes information on the process to date, a detailed summary of what we have heard so far, and the most up-to-date draft Guiding Principles and Site Planning Emerging Ideas.
Read the Phase 2 public engagement summary.
***Please Note***
A previous copy of the Phase 2 engagement summary was shared which included multiple copies of the same MIRO Boards from the Virtual Design Workshop. The document has since been updated to include the correct boards in the MIRO Boards appendix (updated August 19, 2021).