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Climate Emergency: Home Heating and Cooling Survey

Thank you for your feedback on the proposed regulation

By shifting how we heat and cool our buildings and hot water, we can fight climate change and improve home comfort and indoor air quality, making our homes more climate resilient.

The comments received between January 18 and March 6, 2022, will help fine-tune the Climate Emergency Home Heating and Cooling program. 

In this guided feedback form residents had the opportunity to: 

  • Learn about the causes of climate change, how the energy we use in our homes matters, and the role our buildings can play to reduce carbon emissions. 
  • Share their thoughts on the proposed regulation including size of house we should focus on to reach our climate goals.
  • Provide feedback on the programs, resources and supports we identified to address concerns we heard from homeowners in previous engagement when exploring home energy upgrades.

Comments were accepted between January 18 - March 6, 2022.

Visit the feedback form

Have a question? Email us directly: 

On top of helping to shape the program, everyone who completed the feedback form had a chance to win: 

For more details, see the contest rules.

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